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CHINA VS USA in Africa

meanwhile China cannot even check mate US through Russia and this is fan boy wet dream if you think China will stand up to USA through Africa

not even tiny Taiwan is scared of China and Australia is sailing close to Chinese waters too
meanwhile China cannot even check mate US through Russia and this is fan boy wet dream if you think China will stand up to USA through Africa

not even tiny Taiwan is scared of China and Australia is sailing close to Chinese waters too

Your statement further proves the point that China builds and US destroys for what you called “checkmate “ is but to create and inflame conflicts.
Your statement further proves the point that China builds and US destroys for what you called “checkmate “ is but to create and inflame conflicts.

No that’s called being a coward
No that’s called being a coward
Lol brave man over here keeps barking mad like a darn chihuahua. Dude, put this to your thick skull, China will not attack or use force, especially to expense, expend the lives of our people from some quixotic desire to prove Chinese bravery (to some angry keyboard warriors on the internet like this ) and military prowess by forcing a long-term issue through the use of force that's decided based on our strategic enemies timeline, as well as strategic calculus.

If and when China does use force, it'll have to be on our timetable and strategic calculus. Taiwan ain't going anywhere, and unless they are foolish enough to declare Independence push by the desperate and disparate American attempts, then it doesn't matter for us whether Taiwan will be reincorporated back in 10 years time or longer. China will keep getting stronger, bigger both economically and militarily which increases the power gap between China and Taiwan. So long the CPC does not elect someone with a napoleon syndrome then our utmost desire of peaceful reunification is the best way to pursue for all of us Chinese in Taiwan and China.

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