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Featured China vs India Standoff Deepens as Pullback Hits Roadblock

Modi is a mild guy. If u can't get over him
i wonder what will happen when Yogi rises. LOL

Coming back to china, i would say these Chinese have been badly advised. World doesn't want to see an unhinged Modi because there is one and he got 200 nuke warheads. @Beast @beijingwalker @Feng Leng
I don't think anyone is afraid of each others nuclear weapon's ... unless Modi wants to turn South Asia into a pile of ashes nukes are out of consideration.

The problem with you that you don't read the whole story out of your hate for India.
The pullback happened by PLA in Galwan where clash happened on 15th june.
Yes... It was a clear victory.
Pongong TSo is a different story. Nobody said that China pulled back from that area.
The whole standoff is all about now for the grey area which is between finger 4 to finger 8. Learn to read or try to little search.
When will India use the Tejas, Arjun, and Brahmos on the Chinese in Ladakh?
Modi is a mild guy. If u can't get over him
i wonder what will happen when Yogi rises. LOL

Coming back to china, i would say these Chinese have been badly advised. World doesn't want to see an unhinged Modi because there is one and he got 200 nuke warheads. @Beast @beijingwalker @Feng Leng
India has atomic iron bombs 1940s style. A nuclear exchange will involve dropping a DF-5B with 8 x 600 kiloton weapons on Delhi.
America wants to fight the Chinese till the last Indian.
Hahahaha these Indians are being used as American pawns now.

India reaching bejing qill take time... has the resurrected soldiers from Galwan reached bejing yet? :lol::lol::lol: appearently chinese soldiers never die.... they only resurrect :lol::lol::lol:

negative rating and positive rating .... jindgi yehi ban jayegi pdf pe :omghaha::omghaha:

ahh the N word, your army and politicians are so silent since last year.... before Feb 26th you were N working each second... now no one says N word anymore.... all went in hiding...:omghaha::omghaha:

Indian media says so many things... we have a big media.... but but buttttt :lol::lol::lol:.... where is pakistani media? 70 years of nation cant produce one decent media? what a shame :omghaha::omghaha:
The last time we surrendered and retreated 20 Indians died and 60 captured and Doklam was occupied.
Hahahaha these Indians are being used as American pawns now.

The last time we surrendered and retreated 20 Indians died and 60 captured and Doklam was occupied.

last time you stepped a wrong foot forward casualty number was 43+ ... every pakistani and chinese here did their best to deny or play it down or simply ask for proof.... nothing seems to work...

chinese are so coward that they don't recognize their heroes ..... simply put because of this china has no heroes to look forward to .... only deng and zhou must be revered.....

and on American pawn.... you will soon see.... country like china is dependent on country like pakistan to do the first attack..... such a pity ...you were the aggressors and still cant do any damage than losing of own 43+ in the process??? :lol::lol::lol:
last time you stepped a wrong foot forward casualty number was 43+ ... every pakistani and chinese here did their best to deny or play it down or simply ask for proof.... nothing seems to work...

chinese are so coward that they don't recognize their heroes ..... simply put because of this china has no heroes to look forward to .... only deng and zhou must be revered.....

and on American pawn.... you will soon see.... country like china is dependent on country like pakistan to do the first attack..... such a pity ...you were the aggressors and still cant do any damage than losing of own 43+ in the process??? :lol::lol::lol:
43? Dude a week ago it was 100......so you killed 43 and we just released 60?lolollol
Don't you forget, the latest tea episode.
If PAF didn't show mercy, Bipin would have been roasted too, to go with the tea.

what tea episode? that was a simple drama played and Abhi was back before you can blink your eye and has heroes welcome..... did you washed up those tea cups? anyhow you will always get those kind of cups as trophies.... :lol:

paf showing mercy is a joke of century :lol::lol::lol:

43? Dude a week ago it was 100......so you killed 43 and we just released 60?lolollol

again propaganda.... we have know definitely that initial figure was 43.... if its rose to 100 later is nothing that we are aware of.....

but creating confusion is the only thing you can do.... wont be for too long though... your own war veterans are pushing for more recognition they may soon lay a siege or begin
Let me reiterate this:

India can't handle Pakistan, it will never be able to handle a superpower. Indian members should come out of their delusions, especially those of a nuclear exchange where Chinese cyber attacks will destroy Indian systems while Delhi is burning from a DF-5
India in itself is a panfora box of conflicts, any misadventure or foolish act based on uncle Sam's backing will be disastrous to whole of South Asia.
chinese are so coward
Pakistanis are so naive that they don't know how racist Chinese are. While you are blaming the "white man", Chinese worship them and look down on you people. Chinese believe in a racial hierarchy with the whites and them at the top and you people or us at the bottom.
bro, at least troll with some dank meme. not some lame joke. indians, you, us alike, Chinese racial hierarchy puts us all below whites and them. If you think they differentiate between South Asians, you are dumb.
LOL have you ever interacted with chinese? Unless you’re a good looking dude they look down on you for being brown. Read the posts of that clown Kai Liu what they think about brown people. Dont be a naive idiot.
firstly, a propagandist, when countered becomes an abusive so and so (favorite kind of PDF chief).

2ndly, if someone does not like you or is repulsed by you, it doesn't not always mean that it is because of your color. it is almost always because of your inner ugliness is displayed on your face coupled with indian type mentality.
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firstly a propagandist, when countered becomes an abusive so and so (favorite kind of PDF chief).

if someone does not like you or is repulsed by you, it doesn't not always mean that it is because of your color. it is almost always because of your inner ugliness is displayed on your face coupled with indian type mentality.
Why is everyone calling me an indian? But the general reaction from Chinese to me in real life is good but I think it's because of my height and most of them for some reason think I am good looking but if I am an average looking south asian dude, I would get absolutely ****ed and they would walk all over me.

I am not complaining about how I am treated but what they say about Indians/Pakistanis because I know quite a lot of them.

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