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China vows to advance relations with Pakistan


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China vows to advance relations with Pakistan

English_Xinhua 2009-02-22 00:45:03 Print

WUHAN, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- China on Saturday said it would work with Pakistan to enhance the all-weather friendship and multi-tier cooperation to benefit the two peoples and contribute to regional peace and development.

State Councilor Dai Bingguo made the remarks when meeting with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in Wuhan, capital city of central China's Hubei Province.


Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo (R) meets with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari (L) in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 21, 2009. (Xinhua/Hao Tongqian)

"To promote the development of Sino-Pakistani friendship is our unswerving policy," Dai said, noting that the country always treated relations with Pakistan from a strategic height and a long-term perspective.

Dai hoped the two countries would upgrade the bilateral relations into a new level.

Zardari spoke highly of the Pakistan-China diplomatic relations, saying that the two nations had increasingly cemented traditional friendship and expanded cooperation in various areas in the past 50-odd years.


Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo (L4) meets with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari (R5) in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 21, 2009.

The president said Pakistan was grateful for China's support to its economic and social progress.

The Pakistani government would continue its friendly policy towards China, and make joint efforts with the country to deepen the mutually-beneficial cooperation in economy, trade, energy, agriculture and finance, Zardari told Dai.

Zardari and Dai also attended the signing ceremony of an agreement on trade between the two governments.

Zardari accepted a joint interview with local press before meeting with Dai. He said his country and China enjoyed comprehensive relationship, not only between political parties but also between the two peoples. He expected more efforts by the two sides to lift the existing profound friendship to a new high.

The president welcomed more Chinese businesses to invest in Pakistan, saying that his country had geographic advantage and its ports could help Chinese products enter south Asia.

"We wish a success for the business exchanges with China," he noted.

Zardari and his delegation arrived in Wuhan Friday evening, kicking off his second China visit.

This Hubei tour was mainly aimed to expand cooperation between the two sides in agriculture and water conservancy. The president witnessed the signing of four cooperation memorandums concerning agriculture, water conservancy and exchanges between Hubei and Pakistan's Sindh Province.

Zardari will also visit the Three Gorges Project in Yichang, another city of Hubei, to study its management and technology. He is scheduled to leave Hubei for Shanghai Sunday afternoon to continue his China tour.

He paid a four-day state visit to China in October last year, during which the two countries signed 12 deals ranging from trade and minerals to agriculture and satellites.
Thank you China.

China is definately Pakistan's best friend and we Pakistanis are very thankful to China. We will never forget all the great things China has done for Pakistan.

‘China willing to improve strategic ties with Pakistan’

* Chinese president says Zardari’s visit will promote mutual ties
* Shanghai mayor invites Zardari for 2010 World Expo

BEIJING: Chinese President Hu Jintao told Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in a telephone conversation on Tuesday that his visit to the Chinese cities of Wuhan and Shanghai was conducive to promoting pragmatic cooperation between the two countries.

According to Xinhua news agency, the Chinese president said Beijing pays great attention to its ties with Islamabad and is willing to make joint efforts with Pakistan to push the strategic partnership between the two countries to a new high.

President Zardari – who left for Pakistan in the afternoon wrapping up his five-day visit to China – thanked the Chinese president for the warm welcome he had received and said Pakistan was ready to reinforce mutually beneficial cooperation. Zardari told Hu Pakistan wanted to improve its ties with India and the Chinese president assured him of Beijing’s support for Islamabad’s efforts to resolve all differences with New Delhi through dialogue and peaceful means.

Earlier, Mayor of Shanghai Han Zheng and President Zardari oversaw the signing of four memorandums of cooperation on agriculture and water conservation between Hubei and Sindh provinces.

Han invited Zardari to the Shanghai World Expo in 2010.

The president said he was ‘impressed with’ and ‘proud of’ the rapid progress in Shanghai and said he would visit the city more frequently.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ma Zhao said Zardari had made the visit following an invitation by the Chinese government, and had met agriculture and irrigation officials and financial leaders, and inspected various projects. agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I believe President Zardari's visit to Wuhan is to have inspection on the Song class submarine which is being built in the Wuhan Shipyard. I have never heard any other foreign leader to visit Wuhan to just see the Three Gorges Project which is regarded as problematic in China.

Thank you China.

China is definately Pakistan's best friend and we Pakistanis are very thankful to China. We will never forget all the great things China has done for Pakistan.

We will never forget it was Pakistan who donated ALL its tent reserve to China after the deadly earthquake last year.

i wish Pakistan and China become one single country united against the west and the indians!
love u chinese brothers


I Think there are too much difference in the two nations
but we can try our best to be good friends and neighbours

I Think there are too much difference in the two nations
but we can try our best to be good friends and neighbours

Please do not misunderstand Hasham. He has a vision and by that he can see things which are far away from us. Actually he is talking about the remote future when perhaps the nation states which have been created in the 19th century will not exist any more. Look, empires do not exist now, colonies do not exist now, at least in the sense of formal existence. And Hasham is quite right in saying that many nations in that remote future might merge with one another. And there the possibility of those two nations merging with each other is high, if the friend ship will continue. A friendship does mean give and take. Such give and take does not mean business dealing, it means cultural exchanges and civilizational assimilation. For example, if Pakistanis teach the Chinese Urdu language, and if Chinese teach the Pakistanis Chinese language in return, it may give birth to a new language, which is different from Chinese and Urdu, but contains similarities with both of the two. Not only in language, but also in social customs and norms and other social dynamics. And believe me, I am a researcher, I tell you, hybrid mixed cultures are highly superior to any monolithic culture. The evolution of culture is something that you cannot control, even not by means of politics.

Pakistan is such a country that is culturally rich because she has preserved some rich central Asian/Middle eastern elegant cultural values and forms. China on the other hand has preserved some exquisite Ancient cultures that can surpass many ancient cultures. My point is that, you do not need to be a single nation, but have a cultural assimilation and interchange to enrich your own respective cultures as well as give birth to a new culture.
Please do not misunderstand Hasham. He has a vision and by that he can see things which are far away from us. Actually he is talking about the remote future when perhaps the nation states which have been created in the 19th century will not exist any more. Look, empires do not exist now, colonies do not exist now, at least in the sense of formal existence. And Hasham is quite right in saying that many nations in that remote future might merge with one another. And there the possibility of those two nations merging with each other is high, if the friend ship will continue. A friendship does mean give and take. Such give and take does not mean business dealing, it means cultural exchanges and civilizational assimilation. For example, if Pakistanis teach the Chinese Urdu language, and if Chinese teach the Pakistanis Chinese language in return, it may give birth to a new language, which is different from Chinese and Urdu, but contains similarities with both of the two. Not only in language, but also in social customs and norms and other social dynamics. And believe me, I am a researcher, I tell you, hybrid mixed cultures are highly superior to any monolithic culture. The evolution of culture is something that you cannot control, even not by means of politics.

Pakistan is such a country that is culturally rich because she has preserved some rich central Asian/Middle eastern elegant cultural values and forms. China on the other hand has preserved some exquisite Ancient cultures that can surpass many ancient cultures. My point is that, you do not need to be a single nation, but have a cultural assimilation and interchange to enrich your own respective cultures as well as give birth to a new culture.

Well said 'Communist'..
Here's a bit more co op announced

The Chinese are sharing intelligence and equipment with the Pakistanis as the Pakistani Army prepares a final assault on the Taliban’s stronghold along the border with Afghanistan. Pakistan and China are teaming up to fight what government officials call a “syndicate” formed between the Taliban and Chinese Muslim separatists. Uighur separatists operate under Taliban protection maintaining training camps along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. In order to enhance Pakistan’s ability to police the border region, China offered to sell Pakistan $280 million in equipment. The only specifics divulged by Chinese officials are that the equipment will include vehicle and mobile scanners which will most likely be deployed to detect car bombs. The security equipment is bound for the Pakistani police as the government announced a plan to recruit 20,000 new officers in the capital.

The increase in Chinese support could be related to an American House request made two weeks ago that China assist Pakistan in equipping and training their counter-terrorism forces. The Chinese military has formidable counterinsurgency experience and recently trained the Sri Lankan army, before that nation’s final confrontation with Tamil rebels.

Counter-Terrorism: China Wants To Help
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