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China voices strong indignation over new U.S. arms sales to Taiwan


I'm sure you have eyes and half a brain. take a look yourself
Talking about per capita income..China is a poor country..i never said India was better..ofc China is better but obviously Chinese are in no position to mock at India,Idiot!
yes you are free to beg, starve, and live in slums. We all know how precious that is to you. And we are fond of the fact that migs don't crash into our houses on a daily basis.

As for what India does with democracy has yet to be seen. Honestly it doesn't matter if India has democracy or dictatorship its still going to be crap.

it wont be as crap as the communism that you escaped from to enjoy american democracy
Yes, so we are going as back as British India to support your statement. May I remind you that we are free for begging and protesting. We won't worry about tanks rolling over us. And we own our lands for ever. We have court system to file a case for our grievances. Thank you.

PS: Like I said before what China achieved through dictatorship we'll achieve it through democracy.

That remains to be seen. For now, India has a weak understanding of the rule of law and a firmly estabilished rule of law is needed to have a good functioning Democracy. And many Chinese realize this as well that the rule of law must be firmly established in advance of a Democratic government in order that peace and stability be maintained.
You guys do know nothing is actually sold to ROC, the upgrade of old plane was a compromise needed to keep the island safe from crashing planes! half a dozen people lost their lives to ROCAF fighters falling on them in recent years. the upgrade would still be vastly inferior to J11B/J10B.

all the talk about democracy in this thread is just funny, one may proud of his methods, but the world is determine by capabiities; capabiities determine what you can or cannot do. when US boast itself against USSR, it is because they ARE technically superior, they have the result to prove it as the only nation to set foot on the moon. it is the capability of US that makes it great, if US were backward compared to USSR, would they had been able to win the cold war? it time to talk capabilities and less talk on pride, what good is pride in a system that has trouble reducing poverty and infant mortality?
Why are there more Indians and Vietnamese concerned about Taiwan arms sales than China...?
Why are there more Indians and Vietnamese concerned about Taiwan arms sales than China...?

Oh, they are just butthurt of China's rising economic and military might.
You guys do know nothing is actually sold to ROC, the upgrade of old plane was a compromise needed to keep the island safe from crashing planes! half a dozen people lost their lives to ROCAF fighters falling on them in recent years. the upgrade would still be vastly inferior to J11B/J10B.

all the talk about democracy in this thread is just funny, one may proud of his methods, but the world is determine by capabiities; capabiities determine what you can or cannot do. when US boast itself against USSR, it is because they ARE technically superior, they have the result to prove it as the only nation to set foot on the moon. it is the capability of US that makes it great, if US were backward compared to USSR, would they had been able to win the cold war? it time to talk capabilities and less talk on pride, what good is pride in a system that has trouble reducing poverty and infant mortality?

are you serious, that Taiwanese fighters crash into peoples houses?
What about the situation in your country?You know you still have very low per capita income and quite some poor people.Oh yeah you hide them behind walls in your cities! :lol:

but our per capita income buys food and schooling for all. 96% literacy rate, vs. 70% in India. 74 year lifespan, vs. 67 in India.

in the larger cities like Shanghai and Beijing our per capita income is similar to that of South Korea. More Chinese enjoy a South Korean income at Chinese prices, than there are south Koreans.

Our poorest 20 million, live similar to the average in India. But even then, they're being helped with government subsidies. No one starves in China.
That remains to be seen. For now, India has a weak understanding of the rule of law and a firmly estabilished rule of law is needed to have a good functioning Democracy. And many Chinese realize this as well that the rule of law must be firmly established in advance of a Democratic government in order that peace and stability be maintained.

they just took whatever left over by the brits, it makes very sense`:laugh:

it wont be as crap as the communism that you escaped from to enjoy american democracy

and you escape india for?
i am a green card holder just changed lines went from one democracy to another.

i guess then Vietnamese that go from Vietnam to China is just going from one socialist country to another, same as Mexicans going to the US is just going from 1 democracy to another.

of course, they won't find the illegal immigrants and deport them, because they're democratic!
i am a green card holder just changed lines went from one democracy to another.

From a country that is in poverty but trying to come out of poverty going to a country on decline on its way to poverty. Bit like marxist use to talk about religion. democracy is an opiate for the masses lol
From a country that is in poverty but trying to come out of poverty going to a country on decline on its way to poverty. Bit like marxist use to talk about religion. democracy is an opiate for the masses lol

i find that very funny do they teach you all that in darul uloom in birmingham??yes america isnt in good shape right give them 3-4 more years they'll be all right.

and let me tell you another thing about the americans when they are no1 in the world in something they see to it they remain at that position,so china is going to have a very very tough time reaching upto america's level.you cant take away america's superpower,military and economic power tag from them ever,it is the amazing spirit of the american people whom you and your friends underestimate.
i am a green card holder just changed lines went from one democracy to another.

i guess you finally find out what is real democracy and what is bollywood fake democracy like millions of your country men pouring in here will never go back to the sllumm`
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