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China/Vietnam standoff at the Johnson South Reef

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Jan 27, 2010
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Is Vietnam looking for a war? If so, then go ahead.



China attacked on Vietnam and robbed our Gac Ma Reef from 1988. 70 VPA logistic soldire were killed by Chinese.


The Vietnamese deployed their Gepards? :)
Not yet, the Gepards FFG in pic was visiting their Vietnamese camp on Jonhnson South Reef. Hundred meters away, there's Chinese construction site on Jonhnson South Reef,a 053H2 FFG patrolling there.



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I think so, frontline of SCS.

If they deployed those, then I'm sure their Kilo class are not too far away.

I wonder what the PLAN South Sea Fleet sent there to counter that.
Any more news about this development or non-development?
If they deployed those, then I'm sure their Kilo class are not too far away.

I wonder what the PLAN South Sea Fleet sent there to counter that.
If 2x Gepards + 2x Kilo deployed there, i think right now South Sea Fleet can deploy 2x 052C + 1x 052D + 2x 052B + 8x 054A + 10x 056 + 2x 056A + 10x 053H + 4x Kilo + 10x 039 sub + >20 type022 + many anti-sub boats there. Don't forget Vietnam can send 40+ Su30mkv/mk2 and China can send 90+ Su30mkk/mk2 and unknown J-11BH + J-10A jets from HaiNan island.

Any more news about this development or non-development?
As far as i read, news said Gepards FFG left.
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If 2x Gepards + 2x Kilo deployed there, i think right now South Sea Fleet can deploy 2x 052C + 1x 052D + 2x 052B + 10x 056 + 2x 056A + 10x 053H + 4x Kilo + 10x 039 sub + >20 type022 + many anti-sub boats there. Don't forget Vietnam can send 40+ Su30mkv/mk2 and China can send 90+ Su30mkk/mk2 and unknown J-11BH + J-10A jets

Sobering news for our Vietnam friends. And this is the reason why I doubt a military conflict will happen in SCS for years to come. PLAN definitely has the qualitative and quantitative leverage here.

As far as i read, news said Gepards FFG left.

A good decision. Its their newest and largest surface vessel. It would be foolish to deploy that so close to hostile waters and so feebly protected by support vessels. I'm surprised they didn't send Molniya and Tarantul class ships to escort it.
A good decision. Its their newest and largest surface vessel. It would be foolish to deploy that so close to hostile waters and so feebly protected by support vessels. I'm surprised they didn't send Molniya and Tarantul class ships to escort it.
A new Gepards FFG coming to the frontline of SCS, it can encourage Vietnamese ppl inside Vietnam, a official publicity means used by most nations.:pop:
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