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China, Vietnam back new Thai military government after West's disavowal

It seems Vietnam didn't get the memo. When you become a US puppet state, you have to support US foreign policy in lockstep, otherwise you get burned. Pakistan learned this the hard way. Now Vietnam risks getting a dressing-down.
People can understand that VN support Thai military Govt. coz there is a strong pro-VN group in Thai military. Its time for VN to unite sub-Mekong region again after 1979.

An united sub-Mekong region is scared of No one. US may not happy to see the raise of VN's influent in Thai, but China will cry a river when VN becoming stronger and more powerful .:coffee:

Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless
19:18 | 18/06/2014
VGP - China’s nine-dash line is legally groundless, Major General Surasit Thanadtang from Thailand’s National Defense Studies Institute told the Viet Nam News Agency in a recent interview.

VGP News | Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless - Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless
Unite Sub-mekong region? VN influent in Thai? How? Military? If your answer is militarily, then you are on high.
Pls read the link above. Thai genneral show his support to VN in SCS(east sea) issue. He dare not say that if he doesnt have any backup from VN :coffee:

Btw: united sub-Mekong region will make us become stronger ! do u agree ?
Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless
19:18 | 18/06/2014
VGP - China’s nine-dash line is legally groundless, Major General Surasit Thanadtang from Thailand’s National Defense Studies Institute told the Viet Nam News Agency in a recent interview.

He went on to say that China’s installation of the oil rigHaiyang Shiyou-981 and its aggressive actions in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf have only undermined the stability in the region.

VGP News | Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless - Thai General: China’s nine-dash line groundless
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Viet is a typical Viet imperialist who hates Thailand and want to imperialize all of Indochina. See his past comments:

hahaha,what an epic records. look how crazy those viets are. I thought viets hate us most, but now it seems it is Thailand to which they attribute their most part of suffering, really hilarious.
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lool two communist government supporting a military Junta who illegally toppled a legitimate government. Nothing surprising about this.
Remains to see how our governments in the Wes/U.S will react to this.
However im disapointed to see Vietnam give verbal support to this Military Junta. Afterall Vietnam needs U.S support against China, so i dont think its wise for it to go against the U.S at this point in time. Vietnam should have simply remained silent than making such statements. It just goes to show that despite all the U.S goodwill towards Vietnam, Vietnam is still reluctant to join any American alliance in Asia. Anyway its up to Vietnam to know where its main interests lie, which i think is better served by allying with the U.S not Authoritarian countries like Russia and China.
Vietnam should know that in geo politics, you cant eat your cake and have it. There are times you have to make decisive choices , else you will be looked at with suspicion as no country will be willing to take a firm stand by yourside when you are facing a crisis.
Anyway, Thailand's political landscape is always full of coups and counter coups, coupled with protests/riots etc. Its a real mess. Sometimes it seems as if not all countries needs our western style of democracy.:disagree:
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lool two communist government supporting a miliatry Junta who illegally toppled a legitimate government. Nothing surprising about htis.
Remains to see how our governments in the Wes/U.S will react to this.
However im disapointed to see Vietnam give verbal support to this Military Junta. Afterall Vietnam needs U.S support against China, so i dont think its wise for it to go against the U.S at this pint in time. Vietnam should have simply remained silent than making such statements. It just goes to show that despite all the U.S goodwill towards Vietnam, Vietnam is still reluctant to join any American alliance in Asia. Anyway its up to Vietnam to know where its main interests lie, which i think is better served by allying with the U.S not Authoritarian countries like Russia and China.
Vietnam should know that in geo politics, you cant eat your cake and have it. you have to make decisive choices at times, else you will be loom at with suspicion as no country will be willing to take a firm stand by yourside when you are facing a crisis.
Anyway, Thailand's political landscape is always full of coups and counter coups, coupled with protests/riots etc. Its a real mess. Sometimes it seems as if not all countries needs our western style of democracy.:disagree:
that is what we have been saying to the Viets, but they tell us it's none of Chinese business until of course they need your country's help in SCS. Now you realize how two face Viet government is? Playing thief and victim role at once. Deserves an academy award.
According to the news, you could say -a- Thai general is influenced by -one- Vietnam's idea. However, you need to prove that it was Vietnam side that pressure/or reward this Thai general to say that. If what he say is his own view, you can't claim that what he said was by Vietnamese influence. Am I correct? Also there is a large large gap between "one Thai general say" and "Thailand say". In later case, normally it must be issued by Department of Foreign Affair, spoken by Prime Minister, (and perhaps)with King's signature, and (perhaps) might need to declare in our sacred law book. Only after that it can be called Thailand say.

That is far far different from "unit Maekong sub region", "Strong pro-VN group in Thailand" "in 1979".
Its very risky for him to show his support to VN in this time coz it surely harm the relationship between Thailand and China, he may lose his job and he also puts his family is in dangerous too.

So why must he risk his career, his life, his family to support a country like VN against China if he doesn have any backup from us ??

Even a best friend of VN like Russia also have No Russia general showing their support to VN now coz its so risky and it will harm the relationship of Russia with China in this time.
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According to the news, you could say -a- Thai general is influenced by -one- Vietnam's idea. However, you need to prove that it was Vietnam side that pressure/or reward this Thai general to say that. If what he say is his own view, you can't claim that what he said was by Vietnamese influence. Am I correct? Also there is a large large gap between "one Thai general say" and "Thailand say". In later case, normally it must be issued by Department of Foreign Affair, spoken by Prime Minister, (and perhaps)with King's signature, and (perhaps) might need to declare in our sacred law book. Only after that it can be called Thailand say.

That is far far different from "unit Maekong sub region", "Strong pro-VN group in Thailand" "in 1979".

In those year 1979, Vietnam has plan to take our North East from Thailand, invade Bangkok. Despite that, we are peace loving country that solve the problem through negotiations. We never forget that China helped us by declare war with Vietnam. Your elite troop get back to station at the North. Bangkok was then save. With China & Thailand backing Khmer rouge, your control of Cambodia became unsustainable. Finally, we end our hostility through negotiation. Vietnam withdrew its army from Cambodia and enter ASEAN. It was Chartchai Chunhawan government's idea to "change the battle field into market place".

I admire Vietnamese ability in those day warfare. Vietnam won her country back by war. Thailand won our country by peace.

I do not agree. Don't you see in the past how England of the land size 60% of Thailand now became world power? Don't you see in the past how Japan of the land size 60% of Thailand now became regional power? To be strong, one need to own military industrial complex. From Research, Design, to manufacturing and sales. You must sale your military equipments so that it can be tested in real fight while getting some return on your research&plants investment. You must have high technological prowess. Those are the thing you need to be militarily strong.

don't forget that Thailand was by side with US and China in Vietnam war. we can ask you to pay back this debt,if Thailand does not weak up. cunning kid. :smokin:
that is what we have been saying to the Viets, but they tell us it's none of Chinese business until of course they need your country's help in SCS. Now you realize how two face Viet government is? Playing thief and victim role at once. Deserves an academy award.
You're clueless. Vietnam foreign policy is driven by strategic interest and pragmatism.

We don't want Thailand to fall into Chinese camp, but keep it either being neutral or becoming our ally. That is much more important than doing America a favor.

To get America to become our ally by keeping our identity and interests is a much difficult task. That still takes time and effort. America wants Vietnam to improve human rights as precondition. That is what Vietnam is doing right now.
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You're clueless. Vietnam foreign policy is driven by strategic interest and pragmatism.

We don't want Thailand to fall into Chinese camp, but keep it either being neutral or becoming our ally. That is much more important than doing America a favor.

To get America to become our ally by keeping our identity and interests is a much difficult task. That still takes time and effort. America wants Vietnam to improve human rights as preconditions. That is what Vietnam is doing right now.
You're clueless. Vietnam foreign policy is driven by strategic interest and pragmatism.

We don't want Thailand to fall into Chinese camp, but keep it either being neutral or becoming our ally. That is much more important than doing America a favor.

To get America to become our ally by keeping our identity and interests is a much difficult task. That still takes time and effort. America wants Vietnam to improve human rights as precondition. That is what Vietnam is doing right now.
you viets have a dwarf's body yet lion's heart, no wonder get pounded again and again on a regular basis.
You're clueless. Vietnam foreign policy is driven by strategic interest and pragmatism.

We don't want Thailand to fall into Chinese camp, but keep it either being neutral or becoming our ally. That is much more important than doing America a favor.

To get America to become our ally by keeping our identity and interests is a much difficult task. That still takes time and effort. America wants Vietnam to improve human rights as precondition. That is what Vietnam is doing right now.

Not siding with America and expect their help when you have argument with China? Americans are not as stupid as your think.
Thailand being an ally of Vietnam is pure fantasy. Thai relies on the Chinese economy and side with China than Vietnam.
What if South Vietnam does still exist and prosper like South Korea today? Do you know South Korea has thanks us here and there written around her monuments to Thailand for supporting troops during Korean War? Do you know that We, Thai, do not need Visa to get to South Korea because of that fact?
What if South Vietnam united Vietnam? Then today we, Thai, would get free Visa to Vietnam as a thank also. This hypothesis is only true if Vietnamese is as good people as South korean. Do you Vietnamese beleif in Bhudda?

If Thailand would like interfere in to our affair, we would do the same to answer, do you agree ?

Debt? Who is indebted to Who?

Do you know that we hosted Ho Chi Min in our North East?

If the roamer that Vietnam did want to conquer our North East is true, what kind of payment Thai people get for our hospitality?
If somebody do good things to you, you should do good thing back to repay the debt. Is this how Vietnamese --in general-- repay their debt?

What Thailand did in the past ? you let USA used your airbase and US air-force attacked us from your land. It is your debt, kid.
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