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China-US Vie for World Approval


Nov 4, 2011
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China-US Vie for World Approval
Global citizens view China’s rising economic power over the US as inevitable
Bruce Stokes
YaleGlobal, 22 August 2013

WASHINGTON: The US-China rivalry is today’s defining geostrategic competition. Washington is currently the biggest kid on the block, and Beijing is the strapping new boy who just moved into the neighborhood. A rivalry was almost inevitable. And there’s growing evidence that the other kids on the street expect that one day there will be a new king of the hill.

Publics around the world see the global balance of power shifting, according to the latest Pew Research Center survey. Most recognize China’s rising economic power. Many think Beijing will eventually supplant Washington as the world’s dominant superpower.

However, public appreciation of China’s centrality on the world stage has not translated into great affection. China’s favorability is dropping in many nations. Globally, people are more likely to consider the US a partner to their country than see China in this way. America is also seen as somewhat more willing than China to consider other countries’ interests when making US foreign policy. And US respect for individual liberty is a defining, positive element of America’s image, while Beijing’s abuse of human rights hurts China’s brand.

The survey was conducted in March.

As its influence grows, China is learning that being a superpower also alienates people. Beijing’s growing military strength is viewed with trepidation in the Asian region.

Since the 2008 financial crisis, perceptions about the economic balance of power in the world have been shifting. The median percentage naming the US as the world’s leading economic power has declined from 47 to 41 percent, comparing results in the 20 nations surveyed by the Pew Research Center in 2008 and 2013. At the same time, the median percentage placing China in the top spot has risen from 20 to 34 percent, although the US economy is still larger than that of China and per capita income is higher.

This trend has been especially apparent among some of America’s closest allies in Western Europe: 53 percent in Britain say China is already the leading economy, while 33 percent name the US; 59 percent of Germans also say China occupies the top position, while 19 percent think the US is the global economic leader and14 percent say it’s the EU.

In contrast, the US is still generally seen as the world’s leading economy in Latin America, Africa and in much of China’s Asian backyard: 67 percent in Japan and the Philippines, and 61 percent in South Korea, name the US as the economic powerhouse, while small minorities name China.

However, even in many countries where America is still seen as the top dog, most believe China will someday supplant Uncle Sam. In 23 of 39 nations, majorities or pluralities say China either already has replaced or eventually will replace the US as the world’s superpower. This view is more common now than it was in 2008, when Pew Research first asked this question.

In the eyes of many, America’s time on top is fading. Today, majorities or pluralities in only six countries state that China will never replace the US. But in Europe the prevailing view is that China will ultimately eclipse the US. The same expectation is held by the majority or plurality in five of seven Latin American nations polled.

Globally, people are more likely to consider the US a partner to their country than see China in this way.

Two-thirds of the Chinese state that their country either already has or someday will replace the US. Meanwhile, Americans are losing faith in their own supremacy: 47 percent say China has or will replace the US, and the same number say this will never happen. American opinion has shifted significantly since 2008, when 36 percent said China would become the top global power and 54 percent said it would never replace the US.

Not clear from the survey data is whether people are pleased or displeased with China’s emergence as a leading power. A median of 50 percent currently have a favorable view of China in the 38 nations surveyed outside China.

Overall, the US enjoys a stronger global image than China. Across the nations surveyed, a median of 63 percent express a favorable opinion of the US, compared with 50 percent for China. Young people around the world are much more likely than their elders to hold positive views of both countries.

In many countries, even where the US is seen as top dog, most expect China to supplant Uncle Sam.

In 28 of 38 nations surveyed, half or more of those questioned express a favorable opinion of the US. Europeans generally give the US high ratings, especially in Italy, where 76 percent have a positive view, up from 53 percent in 2007. In both France and Germany, ratings for the US have declined somewhat since 2009, the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency. In comparison, Chinese attitudes toward the United States have declined over the past three years: 40 percent expressed a favorable opinion of the US compared with 58 percent in 2010.

The US is seen more favorably than China in every region of the world except the Middle East. Moreover, favorability toward China has fallen in 10 of 19 countries since 2011, including by 14 percentage points in the United States, 11 points in Britain and 9 in France. This is likely the result of unease about China as a commercial competitor, European frustration with Chinese unilateralism in foreign affairs, and American concern about the US trade deficit with China and Beijing’s holding of American debt. Over that same period, favorability of China is also down 15 points in the Palestinian territories, 12 points in Egypt and 11 in Israel, where frustration with Chinese unilateralism in international affairs may have a particularly corrosive effect.

The strongest anti-China sentiment is found in Japan, where 93 percent see the People’s Republic in a negative light. Large majorities in Italy (62 percent) and Israel (60 percent) also hold negative views of China. The rise in anti-China sentiment in Germany is striking, now 64 percent compared with 33 percent in 2006. And such unfavorable views exist despite Germany’s success exporting to China.

Perception of how Beijing and Washington treat the personal freedoms of their own people appears to be a strong driver of global attitudes toward the two countries.

A global-attitude driver? Perception of how the US and China treat personal freedoms of their own people.

A median of 70 percent of the publics surveyed say that the United States respects the personal freedoms of its people. Just 36 percent think the government of China safeguards the rights of its people. The correlation between national favorability and respect for freedom is strong in Europe and helps explain Beijing’s declining reputation there. The contribution America’s human rights reputation makes to its global image only underscores how much the US may lose from recent revelations of US surveillance of phone and email traffic.

China’s image problem is compounded by its rising military might and territorial disputes with its neighbors in northeast Asia: 96 percent of Japanese and 91 percent of South Koreans state that Beijing’s military power is a bad thing.

In the years ahead, global publics see a change coming in the world balance of power: China is on the upswing and the United States is waning. Yet various measures suggest that people still look more favorably on the United States, are more likely to see it as a partner, prefer its soft power and applaud safeguarding of human rights. All of which suggests that what publics see as inevitable may not necessarily be seen as preferable.

Bruce Stokes is director of global economic attitudes at the Pew Research Center.
China-US Vie For World Approval
This article has the audacity to talk about our unilateralism in foreign policy? What country have we invaded and destroyed?

That mass murdering despotic fascist American regime has COMPLETELY destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and dozens of peaceful countries and killed MILLIONS.

American human rights?
You mean like how those murderers used depleted uranium and white phosphorous on the population of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya? Causing the birth of deformed babies as a result in places like Fallujah in Iraq.

Or how repulsive waste of sperm American soldiers rape and kill women and young girls and then burn their bodies to hide the evidence in every country they invade. American soldiers are total f*lth, they should all be killed.

Or how the dirty Yanks use drones to kill innocent children and destroy their lives.

Or how they like Nazi Germany operate concentration camps in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Grahib.

Nazis had a better human rights record than this human shredding machine known as the US.

Nazis were evil, America is pure evil.

America represents the worst kind evil you will ever see. I for one cannot wait to see the day this barbaric empire economically collapsed and goes into the dustbin of history!
This article has the audacity to talk about our unilateralism in foreign policy? What country have we invaded and destroyed?

That mass murdering despotic fascist American regime has COMPLETELY destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and dozens of peaceful countries and killed MILLIONS.

American human rights?
You mean like how those murderers used depleted uranium and white phosphorous on the population of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya? Causing the birth of deformed babies as a result in places like Fallujah in Iraq.

Or how repulsive waste of sperm American soldiers rape and kill women and young girls and then burn their bodies to hide the evidence in every country they invade. American soldiers are total f*lth, they should all be killed.

Or how the dirty Yanks use drones to kill innocent children and destroy their lives.

Or how they like Nazi Germany operate concentration camps in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Grahib.

Nazis had a better human rights record than this human shredding machine known as the US.

Nazis were evil, America is pure evil.

America represents the worst kind evil you will ever see. I for one cannot wait to see the day this barbaric empire economically collapsed and goes into the dustbin of history!
You might want to direct this to all the Chinese working and living the good life in the US, many of them doing it for decades. They know America and Americans better than your 50-cent army shift stupor-visors does. :lol:
You might want to direct this to all the Chinese working and living the good life in the US, many of them doing it for decades. They know America and Americans better than your 50-cent army shift stupor-visors does. :lol:

There are millions of Chinese everywhere in the world. And more of these worthless Yanks are coming to our country too. Hopefully they stay on their own collapsing economy and not come here and ruin our country.

The CPC have been too lenient on these Yankee trash staying in China. Worst kind of 'humans' I've ever dealt with. Stupid constipated accents.
There are millions of Chinese everywhere in the world.
Sure. And many, if not most, of them wish they could be in America. Especially the Chinese who toiled for slave like wages in Africa, South America, and the ME.

And more of these worthless Yanks are coming to our country too.
If they are 'worthless', then why is your government busy trying to get them into China?

Hopefully they stay on their own collapsing economy and not come here and ruin our country.
Without them, China would still be in the Mao age. :lol:

The CPC have been too lenient on these Yankee trash staying in China. Worst kind of 'humans' I've ever dealt with. Stupid constipated accents.
Please...I doubt you even know what a woman look like in your no females village, let alone an American.
Sure. And many, if not most, of them wish they could be in America. Especially the Chinese who toiled for slave like wages in Africa, South America, and the ME.

If they are 'worthless', then why is your government busy trying to get them into China?

Without them, China would still be in the Mao age. :lol:

Please...I doubt you even know what a woman look like in your no females village, let alone an American.

They are worthless burger flipping bums that enter China because they know we are the future.

Yank contribution to our growth is minimal. In fact it's a liability.

I doubt you've even kissed a girl let alone slept with one.

I just hope our authorities are monitoring all those worthless Yankee bums, hopefully they ban waste of sperm Yankee soldiers from ever entering China. Those animals are just rapists. In fact American soldiers are pure f*lth.
More of those goddam animals die in war, the better place this world will be.
Rot in hell I say to those maggots!!!
They are worthless burger flipping bums that enter China because they know we are the future.
I and many Americans went to China to help Chinese raised themselves out of the Mao age. You are welcome. :lol:

Yank contribution to our growth is minimal. In fact it's a liability.
See all those factories pumping out cell phones and cars? You are welcome. :lol:

I doubt you've even kissed a girl let alone slept with one.
Am not living in a country that have a gender imbalance. I bet your girlfriend's name is 'Jackie'. Get it? :lol:

I just hope our authorities are monitoring all those worthless Yankee bums, hopefully they ban waste of sperm Yankee soldiers from ever entering China. Those animals are just rapists. In fact American soldiers are pure f*lth.
More of those goddam animals die in war, the better place this world will be.
Rot in hell I say to those maggots!!!
That script generator must be broken. Better get a new one, 50-cent army private. :lol:
I and many Americans went to China to help Chinese raised themselves out of the Mao age. You are welcome. :lol:

See all those factories pumping out cell phones and cars? You are welcome. :lol:

Am not living in a country that have a gender imbalance. I bet your girlfriend's name is 'Jackie'. Get it? :lol:

That script generator must be broken. Better get a new one, 50-cent army private. :lol:

You? The only thing worthless Yanks got in Chairman Mao's time was the most humiliating military defeat the Yanks have ever gotten. You know where and when :lol:

When you want someone to destroy the Yanks, you give China a call. We are experts at making a complete and utter mockery of the Yanks.

Most of the factories are Chinese and most foreign owned ones are Asian especially Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean. Yank factories make contribute less than 11% to our manufacturing.

Have you even touched a girl? No, your mother's womb doesn't count kiddo.

Come up with some new material little Viet.

I and many Americans went to China to help Chinese raised themselves out of the Mao age. You are welcome. :lol:

See all those factories pumping out cell phones and cars? You are welcome. :lol:

Am not living in a country that have a gender imbalance. I bet your girlfriend's name is 'Jackie'. Get it? :lol:

That script generator must be broken. Better get a new one, 50-cent army private. :lol:

You? The only thing worthless Yanks got in Chairman Mao's time was the most humiliating military defeat the Yanks have ever gotten. You know where and when :lol:

When you want someone to destroy the Yanks, you give China a call. We are experts at making a complete and utter mockery of the Yanks.

Most of the factories are Chinese and most foreign owned ones are Asian especially Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean. Yank factories make contribute less than 11% to our manufacturing.

Have you even touched a girl? No, your mother's womb doesn't count kiddo.

Come up with some new material little Viet.
I and many Americans went to China to help Chinese raised themselves out of the Mao age. You are welcome.
History indicates that wherever Americans have gone to help, they have created more chaos. Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, Libya, etc etc etc.

Its good that Chinese were resilient to Mao's philosophy so could not be destroyed like other countries, at least not within short period of time. The day Chinese allow people to deviate from culture of their country, it will be their dooms day.

It is said lesson should be learnt from history, but unfortunately history repeats itself, for imprudent.
What's funny is this little inferior Viet thinking those white goons actually like Asians like him. This guy probably got brutally beaten by his white goon squad masters while he was a janitor in the fascist Yankee military.

A slave of the highest order.
You? The only thing worthless Yanks got in Chairman Mao's time was the most humiliating military defeat the Yanks have ever gotten. You know where and when :lol:

When you want someone to destroy the Yanks, you give China a call. We are experts at making a complete and utter mockery of the Yanks.

Most of the factories are Chinese and most foreign owned ones are Asian especially Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean. Yank factories make contribute less than 11% to our manufacturing.

Have you even touched a girl? No, your mother's womb doesn't count kiddo.

Come up with some new material little Viet.
We did more than just raised China out of the Mao age, we put China into the American age...

Harley Davidson National Rally in China - In Focus - The Atlantic


History indicates that wherever Americans have gone to help, they have created more chaos. Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, Libya, etc etc etc.

Its good that Chinese were resilient to Mao's philosophy so could not be destroyed like other countries, at least not within short period of time. The day Chinese allow people to deviate from culture of their country, it will be their dooms day.

It is said lesson should be learnt from history, but unfortunately history repeats itself, for imprudent.
You mean your warped history.

This is a moment for all Americans to be proud of the best thing George W. Bush did as president: launching an initiative to combat AIDS in Africa that has saved millions of lives.

All week, more than 20,000 delegates from around the world have been attending the 19th International AIDS Conference here in Washington. They look like any other group of conventioneers, laden with satchels and garlanded with name tags. But some of these men and women would be dead if not for Bush’s foresight and compassion.
Let me know when your Pakistan can do something similar.
We did more than just raised China out of the Mao age, we put China into the American age...

Harley Davidson National Rally in China - In Focus - The Atlantic


American Age?
We are in the Chinese Age kid.

Every product Yankee bums consume is made by China. They now even buy our brands.

This is China's world, you just live in it!
It's our damn birthright to rule this planet, and that's exactly what we are going to do.

You are not a Yankee, you are just a low class Vietnamese bum that happened to work as a janitor in the Yankee military. Probably a bum that got captured during the Vietnam war and taken back to Yankee land as a slave like Africans were.

Yank goon squad loves raping Viet girls and beating up little Viet boys like you.
Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt - have one more things in common other than their appreciation of China over USA.

No, I'm not talking about their love of China's backing of Assad :)
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