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China and U.S. not G2, but C2
2012-05-04 04:48:01 GMT2012-05-04 12:48:01 (Beijing Time) SINA.com
By Wang Qi, Sina English

“China is not seeking after G2, but is willing to build C2, or the two in coordination with the US,” said Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo, who is also special representative of President Hu Jintao co-chairing the unfolded fourth round of Sino-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED).

China and the US will not seek to co-dominate the world or cultivate only the bilateral ties, albeit the increasingly visible importance, but we can be the two in coordination bent on more communication, coordination and cooperation, Dai was quoted as saying on Wednesday, one day prior to the annual talks.

His remarks coincide with the call of the Sino-U.S. S&ED for both sides to explore new model of peaceful coexistence , close cooperation and common development.

Dai said under new circumstances, China and the United States should promote constructive interactions in Asian-Pacific region as both are of great influence over the region.

Since the Asian-Pacific region spells out China's very existence and acts as the geographical base for its peaceful development. Hence, China would never be able to achieve peace and development without peace, stability and prosperity in the entire region, he added.

Besides, the region has seen more intensive and frequent interactions between China and U.S. in recent days, making it a new horizon to reset China-U.S. relations.

Mr. Dai also proposed four principles to follow for the bilateral interactions:

To promote mutual respect and beef up mutual trust.

To seek equality and mutual benefit in harmonious relations for common development.

To keep open, inclusive and progressive in pushing for the development of regional cooperation mechanism.

To seek common ground while preserving differences and share responsibilities, so as to promote common security by cooperation and properly handling regional flashpoints.

China and U.S. not G2, but C2 - China News - SINA English
I have no idea what America was thinking, when they came up with the "G-2" idea.

Then they even tried to join the SCO, but their application was rejected.

If they want a bunch of big countries to join together, to order to bully the rest... they already have the UNSC for that.
Götterdämmerung;2911873 said:
I think the EU should co-operate more closely and in the long term allies with China. Both regions have a long and proud culture, history and huge markets. We are way more compatible than the US with China.

The Eu combined has a very large economy bigger then the USA and China.
Götterdämmerung;2911873 said:
I think the EU should co-operate more closely and in the long term allies with China. Both regions have a long and proud culture, history and huge markets. We are way more compatible than the US with China.

That is true. Frontier societies tend to have a culture of violence and aggression much like tribal societies do. On the other hand, the Eurasian continent from France to Russia to China is a "home" society with long and sophisticated traditions, where we value cooperation over ruthless competition.

China's president, Xi Jinping, has advocated the establishment of a new model for relations between China and the United States, with no conflict or confrontation the basis.

Some American and Chinese scholars have also called for the formation of a Group of Two (G2) partnership between China and the United States. We agree that China, as the world's most prominent rising power and the US as the strongest status-quo power, should work together towards addressing the major challenges facing the global community today.

Amid the trend of globalization, countries around the world have become increasingly interconnected and have shared interests. China has expressed a willingness to address its longstanding strategic distrust of the United States and both parties have pledged to respect each other's core values and build confidence in future ties.

US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a speech at Georgetown University in Washington DC in November that the United States is willing to forge Xi's so-called new model for major country relations, hinting that the United States would accept the G2 concept that calls for a US-China collaboration in dealing with the chief challenges facing the world.

While the United States and China are expected to continue their strategic competition, Rice's remarks indicate that Washington is willing to strengthen cooperation with Beijing on matters of common interest.

Against this backdrop, China would certainly become a responsible stakeholder as expected by the United States. Since 2003, the country has spent over US$1 trillion in Iraq and had 500,000 troops posted there at one point. Its operations, however, have so far failed to bring peace and stability to the Middle East and at least 50 suicide bomb attacks are reported in Iraq every month.

The United States' decade-old war in Afghanistan has not been successful either. Afghanistan's president, Hamid Karzai, recently ordered the release of 72 Taliban fighters and delayed the signing of a security agreement with the United States in protest against Washington's obstruction of his peace talks with the Taliban.

Unrest and armed conflict in other Middle Eastern countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Egypt have continued unabated and even worsened. All these developments point towards the failure of the United States' Middle East policy.

In contrast, China has become increasingly active in getting involved in Middle Eastern affairs. Since Xi took office, China has expanded its influence in the region. After inviting Israeli and Palestinian leaders to visit Beijing last May, China sent foreign minister Wang Yi to Israel and Palestine late last year to make evident its sincerity in promoting regional peace.

Israel's president, Shimon Peres, has consequently praised China as "representing opportunity and hope for the world."

All these developments signify that major international issues need the participation and involvement of China in seeking viable resolutions. They also signal the arrival of the G2 era in the international political arena.
China and US formulate can coexist as a G2 grouping, 2 economic powerhouse and 2 military powerhouse allies with each other will definitely manage less confrontation and benefit with one another. China not foolish want to butt head with US in military confrontation, US rather China cooperate with US on military because of China military in the future will eventually match US military capacity. 2 biggest economy and 2 biggest military won't be match or rival by any nations.
I think that China should support the idea of G3 to include Russia.
well, how about french? They are always the black horse...hh
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