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China urges Pakistani leaders to resolve issues over CPEC project

Why is tikka khan, ZA Bhutto or yahya khan in this thread? This is seriously going off topic and tbh foolish.

The APC has been called up. The federal needs toake sure their doubts end while the provinces have to show flexibility and not riggidness. The interest of Pakistan must be kept up. A lot of onus lies on the ability of the federal and the maturity of provincial govts and parties..
Those who criticize route of CPEC and demand western route are Indian Agents: Saad Rafique


لاہور : پاک چین اقتصادی راہداری منصوبے پر تنقید بڑھی تو وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب کے ساتھ ساتھ خواجہ سعد رفیق کو وضاحتیں دینا پڑگئیں، ان کا کہنا تھا کہ سب سے زیادہ منصوبے سندھ کے بعد کے پی کے میں ہیں، راہدری منصوبے کو کالا باغ نہیں بننے دیں گے۔

لاہور میں تقریب سے خطاب میں وفاقی وزیر ریلوے خواجہ سعد رفیق کا کہنا تھا کہ اقتصادی راہداری منصوبے میں بجلی کے دو منصوبے پنجاب میں ہیں، پنجاب کے منصوبوں کی لاگت ڈھائی ارب ڈالر ہے، سندھ میں 9 ارب ڈالر کے منصوبے ہیں، راہدری منصوبے کو کالا باغ نہیں بننے دیں گے۔

سعد رفیق کا مزید کہنا تھا کہ لودھراں سے رائیونڈ تک ڈبل ریلوے ٹریک کو ڈبل کرنے کا کام دو ہزار تین میں شروع کیا گیا، اگر ہم جنگی بنیادوں پر کام نہ کرتے تو یہ اگلے کئی سال بھی مکمل نہ ہو پاتا۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ وزیراعلیٰ شہباز شریف نئے پنجاب کی تعمیر کے معمار ہیں، وزیر ریلویز کا کہنا تھا کہ جب تک اداروں کو آزاد نہیں کریں گے، کام نہیں چلے گا۔ ریلوے کا ساڑھے تین ارب روپے سالانہ خسارہ کم کیا جا رہا ہے۔ ٹریڈ یونین لیڈروں نے پچیس سال میں کام کو ہاتھ نہیں لگایا تھا۔ محنت کشوں نے مطالبات کے بجائے کام کرنا شروع کر دیا ہے۔

انہوں نے اقتصادی راہداری منصوبے پر مغربی روٹ کی بات کرنے والوں کو بھی شدید تنقید کا نشانہ بنایا اور انہیں انڈیا کا ایجنٹ قرار دے ڈالا۔ سماء



راہدری منصوبے کو کالا باغ نہیں بننے دیں گے،سعد رفیق | Samaa Urdu News

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my indian friend its better u look somewhere else for ur problems ....it is Pakistan's internal matter and we Pakistanis will sort it out

General Tikka Khan was from the Hazara community u dumb
Is that the best you can come up with?, because you can't justify the eastern route so you have to accuse me of being an Indian, regardless what you say I am proud Pakistani who just wants equal rights for my people.

You need to self reflect and you might see that the only it is your kind that made speeches such as that we are one we people, our food and eating habits are the same and we believe in one God and are just seperated by a boundary.

Now who is an Indian agent?.
And how we will not let it become a kala bagh dam? By branding everyone who questions the route an Indian agent! :yahoo:

I really hope the guys in APC are doing a better job than this clown in convincing provinces in co operating.
Khwaja Saad Rafique was invited many times to come to KPK but KHUSHBOO LAGA KAY !!!!!:sarcastic:

The most important question is that why is cpec corridor going thru punjab-----why is it on the south side of indus river----.

It should stay in baluchistan and then to KPK and stay on the north of indus till KPK----.

Brininging it thru punjab and thru Lahore is reducing its military importance and making it feasible for future India trade thru that route---.

Nawaz is not stupid----he has counted his marbles already----.

Basically---any route of cpec coming south of river indus thru the length of pakistan is being dishonest with the project.

Strategically---the Quetta route is the best.
It maybe the investor decision if he want CPEC to run through safe areas where its trade passes unhindered. Dont forget burning of US oil tankers when it enters KPK. The time when route decision was being taken, pti people were blocking Isb and dancing on dharnas. Why suddenly they are now remembering KPK interests?
Though i support progress of PTI in KPK, but sadly, on national issues like CPEC they try to kill projects just bcz NS is taking the credit for it!
May I speculate. Is it possible that it is because of some safty concern?
At some level all corridors need security. Once an Eastern alternative is present, the Western option will be set aside under the same concerns of security by future governments. If Western route was the only option, government would have been forced to provide security improving general law and order in the region. Government would have been forced to improve LNG and railway infrastructure also of which there is none now. But the Punjabi lobby wants a second corridor even though it is clearly not the logical route to Gwadar.


You are wrong about punjab responsible for breakup of pakistan---it was a sindhi---Z A BHIUTTO-----.

As for your other rhetoric---you can address it to Nawaz Sharid---and that woul dbe better----because an average pujab has no say or idea what is happening---.

This drama was started by Nawaz to accomodate India---if pakistan gives land route for transit to india to go to afghanistan---then what would it stop them for giving them the way to go to china as well.

This is Nawaz Sharif's personal agenda---.
I don't think India will get any corridor from Pakistan. India is investing in Chabahar port for the same reason.
What anti CPEC elements? Any province other than Punjab asking for it's fair share becomes anti Pakistan? Bullshit.

Excellent job KPK. Unless 99% of benefits are extended to KPK + Baluchistan, and the corridor follows it's natural corridor, nothing should happen. Enough of eternal bullshit from self appointed thekedars of Pakistan!
It maybe the investor decision if he want CPEC to run through safe areas where its trade passes unhindered. Dont forget burning of US oil tankers when it enters KPK. The time when route decision was being taken, pti people were blocking Isb and dancing on dharnas. Why suddenly they are now remembering KPK interests?
Though i support progress of PTI in KPK, but sadly, on national issues like CPEC they try to kill projects just bcz NS is taking the credit for it!
Investments are typically encouraged in backward areas with tax incentives and infrastructure support by government. Here the opposite is happening. Government is saying: I am giving you a safer option through Punjab, effectively cutting down the potential of KPK and Balochistan. Instead a responsible government would say if an investor wants a corridor to China, they have to go through KPK and Balochistan taking up the issue of security head on. That is when KPK/Balochistan gets some business and employment.
Meri jan, good or bad, Khatak is the "Chief Minister" of KPK PROVINCE, next time you become the Chief Minister of Punjabitsan, you can go ahead and shut the fvck yourself up. How's that?

There are certain things these bastard politicians can protest on but there should be no compromise on CPEC. Khatak should STFU & let this mega project complete without any complications.

Punjabistan mein' Ganga ulti behti hai!

Investments are typically encouraged in backward areas with tax incentives and infrastructure support by government. Here the opposite is happening. Government is saying: I am giving you a safer option through Punjab, effectively cutting down the potential of KPK and Balochistan. Instead a responsible government would say if an investor wants a corridor to China, they have to go through KPK and Balochistan taking up the issue of security head on. That is when KPK/Balochistan gets some business and employment.
Your love for India and its culture is unquestionable, you are a cancer in the body of Pakistan the sooner you leave the federation the better for true patriotic Pakistanis
I hate india from my core...infact Punjabi is a misleading term...If you negate (work in progeress) Provincial movement of Bahawalpur Province and Southern Punjab also called as Seraiki belt + all other big chunks of Hazara, Potohari regions ..I think real punjab starts from Lahore and ends here in Rawalpindi...correct me if iam wrong??
And please do consider descendants of those tribe who settled here in Punjab in big numbers like Awans and others who by definition are called Punjabis but they've no association with India
I hate india from my core...infact Punjabi is a misleading term...If you negate (work in progeress) Provincial movement of Bahawalpur Province and Southern Punjab also called as Seraiki belt + all other big chunks of Hazara, Potohari regions ..I think real punjab starts from Lahore and ends here in Rawalpindi...correct me if iam wrong??
And please do consider descendants of those tribe who settled here in Punjab in big numbers like Awans and others who by definition are called Punjabis but they've no association with India
Real Punjab is the land irrigated by the five rivers, much larger than the current Pakistani Punjab.
Is that the best you can come up with?, because you can't justify the eastern route so you have to accuse me of being an Indian, regardless what you say I am proud Pakistani who just wants equal rights for my people.

You need to self reflect and you might see that the only it is your kind that made speeches such as that we are one we people, our food and eating habits are the same and we believe in one God and are just seperated by a boundary.

Now who is an Indian agent?.

hahahaha 1st of all u didnt read my posts .... i am supporting KPK claim and i m highly critical of eastern route
2nd ur criticism is not in line none of Punjabi, Balochi, Pashtoon, GB, Sindhi is against cpec but how it is being implemented

I hate india from my core...infact Punjabi is a misleading term...If you negate (work in progeress) Provincial movement of Bahawalpur Province and Southern Punjab also called as Seraiki belt + all other big chunks of Hazara, Potohari regions ..I think real punjab starts from Lahore and ends here in Rawalpindi...correct me if iam wrong??
And please do consider descendants of those tribe who settled here in Punjab in big numbers like Awans and others who by definition are called Punjabis but they've no association with India

territories keep changing with time u cannot say this is this or that is that ....before Afghanistan was having Punjab, Sindh , Baluchistan basically present day Pakistan with it and called it Afghanistan but now u know how big is Afghanistan ... territories changing all the time
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