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China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

I confesse, if not because of Indian threads, I wouldn't be here in PDF, so please keep us entertain, you will certainly get our feet back :rofl:
..good for the start..
..in due time U will ALSO confess that U r frustrated and depressed ...:azn:
Actually it was yours who got dominated and buckled, thats why you are, who you are today.

The indian is a wretched meek creature, born of an effeminate civilization - long dominated and enslaved by foreigners, but all indians should be thankful that they were given the tools by their imperial masters to become human.
..good for the start..
..in due time U will ALSO confess that U r frustrated and depressed ...:azn:

You're probably right that I'm fustrated and depressed :lol: but I got my therapy from Indian threads..I may be bad but I just...:rofl:

You're probably right that I'm fustrated and depressed :lol: but I got my therapy from Indian threads..I may be bad but I just...:rofl:
..good, u seek therapy in Indian threads..and we seek feed backs from chinese..( but wished ..the feedbacks were from sane mind..not the guy who is in depression and is on therapy):o:
..Warning :- loitering too much at Indian threads can aggravate your frustration and depression. Reason - there is a changed govt in India.
We will keep a watch on your frustration, desperation and depression...which is bound to increase ..
..anyway..get well soon...:azn: and keep on giving us feed backs
The indian is a wretched meek creature, born of an effeminate civilization - long dominated and enslaved by foreigners, but all indians should be thankful that they were given the tools by their imperial masters to become human.
..the present day pakistan is the land where most of the rapes were done by Mongols, Afgans and Arabs...this resulted in a breed called pakistani..(the pure people migrated to India in 1947 ..but some are still left there).
..the mothers and grand mothers of present day pakistanis were treated like Yezdid women by ISIS ...are treated today...
..unfortunately , the product of those rape..feel honoured ..and thank rapists for 'enlightenment'. (sic)
..wonder.. how do they face their mothers and grand mothers..???
We are supporting our friend and ally, what's it to ya.

It is your own admission that you will support your friend and ally -- no matter who is right.

So your views WILL be bigoted and not helping the debate at all!
China will reply to India with appropriate respond, China fought India over the same dispute territory in the past, they will fight India in the near future if no border agreement in the future.
India can't military intimidate China to accept India declaration of the ownership of the disputed land.
India can't military intimidate China to accept India declaration of the ownership of the disputed land.

We should just wait for the war then :cheers:, by winning one will enjoy the beautiful lands of Tibet<Lord Shiva's abode> and if one attains martyrdom in battle one will enjoy the hospitality of celestial maidens in Highest of Heavens :smitten:
..the present day pakistan is the land where most of the rapes were done by Mongols, Afgans and Arabs...this resulted in a breed called pakistani..(the pure people migrated to India in 1947 ..but some are still left there).
..the mothers and grand mothers of present day pakistanis were treated like Yezdid women by ISIS ...are treated today...
..unfortunately , the product of those rape..feel honoured ..and thank rapists for 'enlightenment'. (sic)
..wonder.. how do they face their mothers and grand mothers..???

Talking about your family in this manner is not right, your mother and grandmother must have suffered so much, brings a tear to ones eye.
The indian is a wretched meek creature, born of an effeminate civilization - long dominated and enslaved by foreigners, but all indians should be thankful that they were given the tools by their imperial masters to become human.

Well if thats true, then thats even worse for you lot, regardless of your pretense of being pure bred camel riding arabs, descendants of those Indians, who were enslaved, raped and converted by foreigners, now call themselves Pakistanis.
The indian is a wretched meek creature, born of an effeminate civilization - long dominated and enslaved by foreigners, but all indians should be thankful that they were given the tools by their imperial masters to become human.
Dang! Right Man! Pakistan has a great history.... Oops! No Results Found Error 786!
China will reply to India with appropriate respond, China fought India over the same dispute territory in the past, they will fight India in the near future if no border agreement in the future.

And then so be it. If India doesnt agree to the terms, then it will have to react to any attacks. The world will look down on China.
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