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China to win space race unless NASA funding changes, US told

China to win space race unless NASA funding changes, US told

China has the opportunity in coming years to surpass the US in space programs, forcing the US government to step up NASA funding to retain a leadership position, enter partnerships with the Chinese or risk falling behind, space policy experts say.

China launched its first astronaut, Yang Liwei, into space a decade ago. Since then, it has made steady progress, from conducting space walks to launching a small laboratory. By 2020, China plans to complete construction of its own space station.

While that may seem modest compared with NASA's overall accomplishments, they signal an ambitious program that is advancing rather than regressing, space experts say.

In a widely read article in Foreign Policy magazine earlier this year, Berry College international studies professor John Hickman argued that today's achievements are setting the stage for China to be the dominant force in space exploration a decade from now.

Leroy Chiao, a former NASA astronaut who commanded the International Space Station, says critics who dismiss China's advancements as ''been there, done that'' are missing the point.

''It really makes me cringe when you have people dismiss what they're doing by saying they're only doing what we did 50 years ago,'' Dr Chiao said. ''We can't go to the moon right now. We can't even launch our own astronauts right now. We do have plans but everyone knows the budgets we have in this country don't support those space flight plans.''

In 2011 and last year, China conducted four launches of commercial satellites into space, whereas the US performed just two.

Two of the most critical questions about China's space program concern the extent to which NASA will be allowed, in coming years, to have partnerships with China and whether future Chinese gains in space will prod the US to invest more in its own program.

Under US law, NASA is prohibited from working with China's space program and other US regulations prevent any satellite that includes US-made components launching on Chinese rockets.

The chief obstacle to NASA collaboration with China is Virginia Republican congressman Frank Wolf, who chairs the House subcommittee overseeing NASA's budget. Mr Wolf's opposition is linked to China's human rights violations.

But other countries, including Russia and NASA's European partners in the International Space Station, have expressed a willingness to work with China. And it appears likely that astronauts from Russia and Europe will fly to China's station in the 2020s.

Dr Chiao said he is concerned about a scenario in which the US stops flying its space station in 2020 and the international partners transfer their funds and support to the Chinese station. The US could then find itself locked out of space exploration while the world's other major powers are working and co-operating in space.

''If we can work with the Russians, who were our sworn enemies during the Cold War, why can't we work with the Chinese?'' Dr Chiao said.

There is also the question of whether Chinese ambitions in space might push US legislators to give NASA a budget that allows it to meet greater space flight challenges.

''China plans to put their men on the moon in 2025,'' said Michio Kaku, a City University of New York physicist. ''For America, that's going to be a shock.

''We're going to have another Sputnik moment when the Chinese put the flag on the moon.''

However, when NASA has played the China card in the past to drum up more funding, it hasn't worked.

Mike Griffin, the space agency's administrator from 2005 to 2009, used to invoke the possibility of Chinese moon landings when seeking congressional support to fund the Constellation Program, which would have returned NASA astronauts to the moon.

US President Barack Obama cancelled Constellation in 2010.

This was very much expected after India launch Mars mission.

I wish China best of luck!!!

But I request Chines media and Chinese member not to react by citing poverty figure when India carry out such mission. I hope that China and Chinese will develop some maturity not to react in foolish manner such as that the mission was carried out just to show that India is ahead of China in space race, India should have batter feed hungry people etc.
This was very much expected after India launch Mars mission.

I wish China best of luck!!!

But I request Chines media and Chinese member not to react by citing poverty figure when India carry out such mission. I hope that China and Chinese will develop some maturity not to react in foolish manner such as that the mission was carried out just to show that India is ahead of China in space race, India should have batter feed hungry people etc.
I wish Indian best luck too. but I see BBC, nytimes, AP propaganda keep citing Indian poverty when they report about Indian mars mission. They are read worldwide, why don't you complain about that?
This was very much expected after India launch Mars mission.

I wish China best of luck!!!

But I request Chines media and Chinese member not to react by citing poverty figure when India carry out such mission. I hope that China and Chinese will develop some maturity not to react in foolish manner such as that the mission was carried out just to show that India is ahead of China in space race, India should have batter feed hungry people etc.

Most Chinese do not care what India does with her money. My local Chinese news did not even mention the Indian Mars mission.

When I did a search, the poverty issue about this Mars mission were bought up mainly by western news agency. The UK were especially angry as they felt India used part of the $280m money given to them to fund this Mars project.
We're not going to the Moon, that's for amateurs. We're skipping that stage and going straight for a manned mission to Mars.

actually no.China is just following what others did.they're sending unmanned craft to the moon..

Chang'e 3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
We are not worrying! We undstand really well our measures against nasa now. Unlike the failed state which may think they are already in jupiter with their spacecraft hardly leaves earth's orbit

Space exploration can be reasonably self reliant if you have a pool of solid scientists/engineers

incapable indians from a failed states beg and brag through their venture and are still getting no where but to drink a cocktail of envy, jealouse and hate towards China's progress in aero-space industry while pooping through their foul-mouths all the time!

China ranked 66 while India is in 79 in the Failed States Index.

by the way,these Indians went to Moon and now are going to Mars... :rofl:
I wish Indian best luck too. but I see BBC, nytimes, AP propaganda keep citing Indian poverty when they report about Indian mars mission. They are read worldwide, why don't you complain about that?

Because I respond to Chinese Article. If I discuss the same thing on any British forum, I will tell them same thing.
India will never be a space power. That Mars spacecraft probe doesn't mean sh*t. If India wants to be super duper space power, then put a man in space.

Or develop a super ultra cow feces powered rocket for Pluto. 

It's funny because India is sending an UNMANNED craft to Mars. Another funny thing is that India is planning to send a man on the Moon by 2020 while China plans to do it on 2026. India doesn't even send astronauts to space nor do the have space stations.

you mean if we need to be a space power,we need to go to Andromeda Galaxy and find Andromeds to bring her to earth???I don't believe that Sh!t...

use brain buddy,we're not characters from comic books..we're real human.and we're not front runner in Space tech,nor is China.Soviet was,and now is USA..apart from that,ESA had some domains..putting a man into space is less important than sending a rover to moon.by the way,we've our manned space mission and we already tested that tech long back in 2007..

Space Capsule Recovery Experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we just want to prioritize our Moon and Mars mission..we're going to moon in 2015-2016 and by 2020,we'll have 2 more Mars mission,and the next second one,we'll put a lander there..

Putting a man into space is nothing but Glory for some nations.we put our man in 1984 through Soyuz and got our pie of that glory.
while what Chinese achieve were just a small step in a faction of the achievement we did in the 80s
Are you saying you're an American, but you have a Chinese and an Australian flag screaming out loud in your profile. :rofl:
Are you saying you're an American, but you have a Chinese and an Australian flag screaming out loud in your profile. :rofl:

I have US, HKSAR, AUS, SWEDEN and an old BRITISH Passport, so what?

you mean if we need to be a space power,we need to go to Andromeda Galaxy and find Andromeds to bring her to earth???I don't believe that Sh!t...

use brain buddy,we're not characters from comic books..we're real human.and we're not front runner in Space tech,nor is China.Soviet was,and now is USA..apart from that,ESA had some domains..putting a man into space is less important than sending a rover to moon.by the way,we've our manned space mission and we already tested that tech long back in 2007..

Space Capsule Recovery Experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we just want to prioritize our Moon and Mars mission..we're going to moon in 2015-2016 and by 2020,we'll have 2 more Mars mission,and the next second one,we'll put a lander there..

Putting a man into space is nothing but Glory for some nations.we put our man in 1984 through Soyuz and got our pie of that glory.

Well, I believe putting man in space or send orbiters to Mars are such 60s technology. They are not real big achievements. I think sending a space probe to an interstellar space is a bigger achievement such as voyager I. Or Send an orbiter to Saturn is a bigger achievement, or sending several rovers to Mars is a bigger achievement. Or being the leader of an international space station is a bigger space achievement. When it comes to space exploration, its a one nation show. US is even allowing private companies to shuttle people to ISS. SpaceX will achieve human space flight to space station before superpower India can accomplish sending a man to space.

As for the title of the thread, NASA just shamelessly spread a lie to get more funding. Nothing more, nothing less.
India will never be a space power. That Mars spacecraft probe doesn't mean sh*t. If India wants to be super duper space power, then put a man in space.

Or develop a super ultra cow feces powered rocket for Pluto. 

It's funny because India is sending an UNMANNED craft to Mars. Another funny thing is that India is planning to send a man on the Moon by 2020 while China plans to do it on 2026. India doesn't even send astronauts to space nor do the have space stations.

We might surprise you
Just saying

& when you posts on Indian threads god knows how many insults daily
What kind if replies do you expect on your threads

On topic
China has both Finacial & Technological strength
Less than US but still strong
If nasa budget goes on decreasing
There are good chances that china might beat them
I don't believe NASA are current in any race with the Chinese, while what Chinese achieve were just a small step in a faction of the achievement we did in the 80s, it would have take more than 20 years reality to catch up to NASA.

We don't do manned mission anymore, we have done what we could up there and all the stuff we want to know, we did, for US, the moon is not a mystery anymore. Why do we keep launching if we know rverything we need to know already? It would babe a waste of money

We switched to non-manned outter galaxy exploration, our probe just exited our currently know galaxy

:lol: the US never ever went to the moon you half-baked Viet.

When we go to the moon by 2025, we would have officially overtaken the US in manned space exploration.

In fact we are already ahead of the US in space I would say since the US doesn't have a manned space program and its past manned missions are highly questionable. Most of the US manned missions were faked by the vulgar and repulsive Yankee regime. 
I have US, HKSAR, AUS, SWEDEN and an old BRITISH Passport, so what?


You are a f*lthy half-baked Viet. Nothing more, nothing less.
:lol: the US never ever went to the moon you half-baked Viet.

When we go to the moon by 2025, we would have officially overtaken the US in manned space exploration.

In fact we are already ahead of the US in space I would say since the US doesn't have a manned space program and its past manned missions are highly questionable. Most of the US manned missions were faked by the vulgar and repulsive Yankee regime. 

You are a f*lthy half-baked Viet. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lol, whatever you say, chairman :)
:lol: the US never ever went to the moon you half-baked Viet.

When we go to the moon by 2025, we would have officially overtaken the US in manned space exploration.

In fact we are already ahead of the US in space I would say since the US doesn't have a manned space program and its past manned missions are highly questionable. Most of the US manned missions were faked by the vulgar and repulsive Yankee regime. 

You are a f*lthy half-baked Viet. Nothing more, nothing less.

You are very funny Guy. Keep it up. We need entertainment. Pl also explain in which other areas your country is ahead of US?
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