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China to Trounce U.S. in Next Decade

So why does American government still need to borrow money from China? A real super power don't borrow money from another. So how's that "free exchange" of balance budget working out for ya over there in Washington D.C.?

A superpower is a country that holds considerable influence on world states. It enjoys military superiority over all remaining states. Also, it holds a huge economic clout. Now the United states fulfills all these requirements. As of now, China is unable to even begin scratching the surface. They are doing incredibly well for themselves but claiming superiority over the US is simply not true.
Now he is just resorting to suicide tactics.

Maybe you're right.

Think about it, there is an economic comparison going on, and it comes up that India has more poor people than Africa. How can they respond?

They can't. They simply can't throw up anything against that.

Which is why they sign up for a temporary account, and call us "slanty-eyed chinks" day and night. It is desperation, because they know that they can't win an argument the proper way, i.e. with numbers and facts.
LOL, another Indian suicide troll. :rofl:

I'm not surprised, you guys even use that word "chinky" against NE Indians.

If you can even call your own countrymen by that name, what chance do actual East Asians have?

Northeast students question 'racism' in India - India News - IBNLive

In North India northeners refer South Indians as Madarasis eventhough Madras is only a city in India. In Kerala northeners are refered to as Hindiwallahs no matter what language or in which state they belong.Stereotypes are there in every nation.
Maybe you're right.

Think about it, there is an economic comparison going on, and it comes up that India has more poor people than Africa. How can they respond?

They can't. They simply can't throw up anything against that.
Look, no Indian ever claimed India is economically superior to China. Again, these are things we already acknowledge. I simply dont understand what your problem is, were you expecting us to say "hail China" before beginning every single post?
Chinese dragon, this thread highlights the parity/disparity between China and the USA. I think you dragged India in simply to derail this thread. If you simply wanted to troll, my advice to you is that you open a txt file in notepad and mash words together using your keyboard. I assure you, its just as fun.
Chinese dragon, this thread highlights the parity/disparity between China and the USA. I think you dragged India in simply to derail this thread. If you simply wanted to troll, my advice to you is that you open a txt file in notepad and mash words together using your keyboard. I assure you, its just as fun.

Actually, we were having quite a decent discussion, and the thread was getting back on track, until this post, by you:

Frankly, China is more likely to "disintegrate" rather than the United States. No, Im not talking about economy. This is not meant to be a flame bait.

And you just had to add that last sentence, which guarantees that it will be flame bait. :lol:

Anyone can read the thread, prior to this remark by "Mech", the thread was returning to the right direction. I personally acknowledged that China was far behind the USA numerous times.

Like I said several times, I do NOT believe that China will "trounce" the USA. :wave:
Actually, we were having quite a decent discussion until this post, by you:

And you just had to add that last sentence, which guarantees that it will be flame bait. :lol:

Anyone can read the thread, prior to this remark by "Mech", we were having a good discussion. I personally acknowledged that China was far behind the USA numerous times.

The individual suggested the US is likely to disintegrate. I merely suggested that the likelihood of south Asian/ south east Asian states disintegrating far more likely than the former. Nothing more, nothing less. Even you brought in India, i did not hesitate to acknowledge the same.
The individual suggested the US is likely to disintegrate. I simply suggested that the likelihood of south Asian/ south east Asian states disintegrating far more likely than the former. Nothing more, nothing less.

And you had to say this as well:

Frankly, China is more likely to "disintegrate" rather than the United States. No, Im not talking about economy. This is not meant to be a flame bait.

Why would anyone say "This is not meant to be flamebait"? Do you see posters adding this little sentence to every single post they make?

Your intentions are blatantly obvious. It's like saying "No offense, but..." when the intention is clearly to offend. Too bad that you made yourself so obvious, and then retreated behind a fake account when you couldn't handle being told that India was not a real country.

It's like the "more poor than Africa" argument, you guys simply can't win the argument, so you resort to other methods.
Guys why don't we strike a deal here and try to set a good pattern. Chinese-dragon, no more talks about India/Indian economy since it is not relevant to this thread in any one. Mech and other Indian members, please don't drag India into discussions on Chinese defence when India isn't relevant to the discussion. Deal?
And you had to say this as well:

Why would anyone say "This is not meant to be flamebait"? Do you see posters adding this little sentence to every single post they make?

Your intentions are blatantly obvious. It's like saying "No offense, but..." when the intention is clearly to offend. Too bad that you made yourself so obvious, and then retreated behind a fake account when you couldn't handle being told that India was not a real country.

What FAKE account?! I even acknowledged the likelihood of a disintegrating India to appease you. Now, what is your problem?
Guys why don't we strike a deal here and try to set a good pattern. Chinese-dragon, no more talks about India/Indian economy since it is not relevant to this thread in any one. Mech and other Indian members, please don't drag India into discussions on Chinese defence when India isn't relevant to the discussion. Deal?

I'm done anyway, it's clear he never had any real intention of refuting anything I said by rational means. :tup:
Guys why don't we strike a deal here and try to set a good pattern. Chinese-dragon, no more talks about India/Indian economy since it is not relevant to this thread in any one. Mech and other Indian members, please don't drag India into discussions on Chinese defence when India isn't relevant to the discussion. Deal?

I did not drag India in. It was merely the fact that im an Indian that provoked the usual India bashing trip from Chinese "troll" dragon.
obviously, the usa will disintegrate rather than china. china have 5000 years history, never distintegrated, the usa only have 300 year history, they only combine the people by money. as soon as bankrupt, the usa will disintegrate.
this is supposed to be a China-US thread, guys...
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