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China to Supply Coronavirus Vaccine to Pakistan

Sorry but I don't trust Chinese pharmacy. I mean it could be anything. We shouldn't give it to our local population. Kindly remember that coronavirus originated from China.we shouldn't compare it with our great relations with China but for vaccines, No.
State-owned Sinopharm is set to work with Karachi University on vaccine trials, including enough doses to vaccinate about one-fifth of Pakistan’s population

The following is the link:
The full article is not available hence I cannot determine if this is a good gesture and the product will be a genuine finished article, or if it is a "rushed" vaccine like the Russian one, which hasn't undergone proper phase 3 trials as far as I am aware.
Sorry but I don't trust Chinese pharmacy. I mean it could be anything. We shouldn't give it to our local population. Kindly remember that coronavirus originated from China.we shouldn't compare it with our great relations with China but for vaccines, No.
How about Chinese use it as well?
Sorry but I don't trust Chinese pharmacy. I mean it could be anything. We shouldn't give it to our local population. Kindly remember that coronavirus originated from China.we shouldn't compare it with our great relations with China but for vaccines, No.
That is a baseless allegation and essentially nonsensical. China is at the forefront of medical innovation in Asia, right up there with the Japanese who are traditionally renowned in this field.

Secondly, there is still no conclusive evidence that Covid-19 "started" in China. Plenty of evidence suggests an alternative origin point.

However, I too would like more details on what stage of development this vaccine is at before judging further.
Sorry but I don't trust Chinese pharmacy. I mean it could be anything. We shouldn't give it to our local population. Kindly remember that coronavirus originated from China.we shouldn't compare it with our great relations with China but for vaccines, No.
Coronavirus started in China but also remember they were the most efficient in combating this
Sinopharm has two vaccines. One made by its Wuhan subsidiary and another made by a Beijing subsidiary. Both vaccines are currently in phase 3 testing.

On 7/13/2020, it entered phase 3 testing in UAE. 15000 volunteers are planned to go through the trial. The link:

On 8/10/2020, it entered phase 3 testing in Bahrain. 6000 volunteers are planned to go through the trial. The link:

I don't have subscription to Wall Street Journal. But I am pretty sure this is an announcement to enter phase 3 trial in Pakistan as well as expansion of manufacturing to supply at least 1/5 of Pakistan's population.
Sinopharm has two vaccines. One made by its Wuhan subsidiary and another made by a Beijing subsidiary. Both vaccines are currently in phase 3 testing.

On 7/13/2020, it entered phase 3 testing in UAE. 15000 volunteers are planned to go through the trial. The link:

On 8/10/2020, it entered phase 3 testing in Bahrain. 6000 volunteers are planned to go through the trial. The link:

I don't have subscription to Wall Street Journal. But I am pretty sure this is an announcement to enter phase 3 trial in Pakistan as well as expansion of manufacturing to supply at least 1/5 of Pakistan's population.
Thanks for this update. No question about it then. If it's a "phase 3 and beyond" involvement then this is a great gesture by our Chinese friends.
Sorry but I don't trust Chinese pharmacy. I mean it could be anything. We shouldn't give it to our local population. Kindly remember that coronavirus originated from China.we shouldn't compare it with our great relations with China but for vaccines, No.

The coronavirus may not have originated in China
Dr Tom Jefferson called for investigation into the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in sewage, as traces have been found that pre-date China's first COVID-19 case.

By PA Science
06th July, 2020 at 13:49

The coronavirus may have been lying dormant across the world until emerging under favourable environmental conditions, rather than originating in China, an expert has claimed.

Dr Tom Jefferson, from the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) at Oxford University, has pointed to a string of recent discoveries of the virus’s presence around the world before it emerged in Asia as growing evidence of its true origin as a global organism that was waiting for favourable conditions to finally emerge.

Traces of COVID-19 have been found in sewage samples from Spain, Italy and Brazil which pre-date its discovery in China. A preprint study, which has not been peer reviewed, claims to have found the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genomes in a Barcelona sewage sample from 12 March 2019.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Dr Jefferson has called for an investigation into how and why the virus seems to thrive in environments such as food factories and meatpacking plants.

Along with CEBM director Professor Carl Heneghan, Dr Jefferson believes this could potentially uncover new transmission routes, such as through the sewerage system or shared lavatory facilities.

He told the paper: “Strange things like this happened with Spanish Flu. In 1918, around 30 per cent of the population of Western Samoa died of Spanish Flu and they hadn’t had any communication with the outside world.” [It is however believed that the Spanish Flu arrived at the island nation in the cargo ship Talune in 1918]

Meatpacking plants are often at 4°C, which is the ideal temperature for the coronavirus to be stabled
Dr Tom Jefferson, University of Oxford
“The explanation could only be that these agents don’t come or go anywhere. They are always here and something ignites them, maybe human density or environmental conditions, and this is what we should look for,” said Jefferson.

“There is quite a lot of evidence of huge amounts of the virus in sewage all over the place, and an increasing amount of evidence there is faecal transmission.

“There is a high concentration where sewage is 4°C, which is the ideal temperature for it to be stabled and presumably activated. And meatpacking plants are often at 4°C.

“These outbreaks need to be investigated properly.”

But even when conditions aren’t ideal, viruses will find enough people to infect to ensure their survival, until they can come roaring back in an epidemic.

By the way, there are only 7 or 8 vaccines that had made into phase 3 testings. One is British, one is German and one is USA. The rest are made in China.

The one in Russia is only out of phase 1. I don't believe it had gone to phase 2 yet. It was just Putin doing public service for its company. That one is going to be at least several months later than the top 7 or 8 vaccines.

The Chinese vaccines that are currently in phase 3 trial are the following:
Sinopharm: it has 2 vaccines. Phase 3 trials in UAE and Bahrain.
CanSino: Currently in phase 3 trials in Saudi Arabia and in Mexico.
SinoVac: Currently in phase 3 trials in Brazil, Bangladesh, and in Indonesia
Walvax: I don't believe they made into phase 3 yet. But Mexico just announced it will conduct phase 3 trial shortly.
By the way, before anybody question why don't China conduct phase 3 trial on her own citizen. One need to know what is the purpose of phase 3 trial.

Phase 3 is the final phase before a vaccine can be delivered to the mass. Phase 1 and phase 2 were conducted in China using Chinese volunteers. But both phase 1 and 2 are only to test for safety. They don't really test for effectiveness.

Phase 3 test for effectiveness. Since you can't infect healthy individuals, you have to conduct the test in countries where the epidemic is on-going. The countries with the worst on-going infection is also the best candidates for phase 3 trial.

By the way, I just looked at Pakistan's COVID-19 statistics, it would be a really bad country to do phase 3 trial since the government of Pakistan had done such a good job in eliminating COVID-19.

So maybe this is not a phase 3 trial announcement but just a manufacturing expansion agreement.
Coronavirus started in China but also remember they were the most efficient in combating this
Because we went through SARS in 2003 when I was still in college, all of us were forbidden to go out for any reasons.

We combat in the most efficient way, because we applied the most strict rules, and 1.4 billions, almost every single of us obeyed the rule, exactly opposite to the Americans. I stayed at my own room for 2 month, no go out at all. The street was completely empty. Not a single country did that, especially when there was no test kit, no knowledge about this virus.

We were hit by surprise. Chinese guessed it was US bio weapon right after the trade war.
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