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China to spend more on its military than all its neighbours combined as bud


Sep 3, 2011
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China's military budget will outstrip the combined defence spending of the rest of the Asia Pacific region over the next five years, causing increased anxiety among its rivals and neigbours, a new report has claimed.


By Peter Simpson, Beijing

3:06PM GMT 14 Feb 2012

Global research group IHS has forecasted Beijing's military outlay will double from its 2011 US$119.8 billion spend to US$ 238.2 billion by 2015.

That exceeds the US$ 232.5 billion spent by the region's 12 key defense markets, including Japan and India.

Sarah McDowall, head of IHS Global Insight's Asia Pacific desk, said the projected 18.75 per cent annual growth rate will "intensify concern among various governments" in the region.

"The political interplay is complex. Perhaps most importantly, it has prompted Washington to undertake a diplomatic campaign to reassert its profile in the Pacific . . . and to maintain a situational awareness of China's military development," she said.

By 2015, China's military spend will be four times larger than second-placed Japan, the report claimed.

Beijing's defence budget has grown 12 per cent annually from 2000-2009, said HIS Asia Pacific chief economist Rajiv Biswas, who helped compile the report, which also tracks the media spend of India, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and New Zealand.

"Beijing has been able to devote an increasingly large proportion of its overall budget towards defence and has been steadily building up its military capabilities for more than two decades," said Mr Biswas.

"This will continue unless there is an economic catastrophe. Conversely, Japan and India may have to hold back due to significant economic challenges," he added.

The report has been released to coincide with the arrival in the US of China's almost certain president-in-waiting Xi Jinping, who, as current vice chairman, will also most likely be appointed chief of the ruling Communist Party's Central Military Commission by year's end.

Mr Xi is due to visit the Pentagon during his four-day official visit.

He and other Chinese officials have expressed concern about the US decision to refocus its military strategy in the Asia Pacific region.

Washington has pledged more troops and to expand bases in several countries, including Australia and the Philippines – a commitment widely viewed as containment of an ever more assertive Beijing stamping its authority over sensitive, resource rich waters off its coast.

Beijing claims it military expansion does pose any threat to its neighbour and repeatedly points out its defence budget is significantly lower than that of the United States.

Last year, however, China's internal security budget jumped past its military spend for the first time as Beijing began cracking down on protest calls and a sharp increase in civil disturbances, according to a report by Reuters.

man they rocks

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ----------

that's 6 times more than india spends
what if so? the US spends more than the next 10 countries combined and has over 1000 military bases all over the world- china has 0. and i also highly doubt the accuracy of this article, sounds like they are trying to play up the 'china threat' again.
India should increase its spending too and resolve all disputes with China. Then they can kick the West out of Middle East and each can claim about half of the remaining oil reserves. Arabs are easy to manipulate. :yahoo:
Rapid Modernization is needed .

Correct. China's military, especially her Navy, is still very much in her infancy. With expending trades world wide, she needs a large navy and it's supporting aircraft to protect her commercial interests. For her, it is a necessity rather than hegemonic ambitions.

In recent months, many Western analysts finally come to believe China means what she said: 'Peaceful Rise'. Other neighborhood nations too should give her the benefit of doubts. After all for millenniums, aside border skirmishes, China did not invaded any country, why now.
the us policy is clear always keep china busy with their neighbors thats why you will see reports like this and problames with taiwan and tibet and the koreans conflict japan and india to souround china
the us policy is clear always keep china busy with their neighbors thats why you will see reports like this and problames with taiwan and tibet and the koreans conflict japan and india to souround china

There is no US hand in increasing India-China dispute, you know nothing about it. We have problems from long time even US was against us during whole cold war era.

---------- Post added at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

India should increase its spending too and resolve all disputes with China. Then they can kick the West out of Middle East and each can claim about half of the remaining oil reserves. Arabs are easy to manipulate. :yahoo:

Not needed. We are not a crazy nation.
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