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China to have 4 aircraft carriers, 18 Type 055 destroyers, and 300 J-20 by 2025

Many experts agree the US will not be sending all their ships to the Pacific and leaving other continents void so other powers can fill it in, like the Middle East where Iran can assert domination. In the Pacific the Chinese will be the ones to rule the area for sure.
I previously also believed it was conventional.

However, after seeing the analysis of the satellite images with my own assessment, I start to change my mind.

I believe the CD forum is simply too subjective, since they only care about the viewership to make more money, not concerning about China's military development.

I really doubt that China will build a conventional carrier about the size of the latest US nuclear supercarriers.
I'd prefer 6 carriers(2 stobar+4 catobar) are all conventional. so they can be churned out at a much faster pace and all commissioned by 2027 or 2028. I don't think nuclear carriers are in China's urgent need before taking down Taiwan.
China has also started to purchase software package for the WS-15 engine since November 15 2019.

Look like the J-20 with the WS-15 will soon be mass produced.


I'd prefer 6 carriers(2 stobar+4 catobar) are all conventional. so they can be churned out at a much faster pace and all commissioned by 2027 or 2028. I don't think nuclear carriers are in China's urgent need before taking down Taiwan.

Maybe China had many problems to integrate the EMALS and AGG with the conventional powered system, hence they have finally decided to switch to the nuclear powered system.

Remember the QE class, it had initially planned to use the EMALS & AGG, but eventually they gave up to use those fancy toys.

To integrate the EMALS & AGG with the conventional powered system might not be as easy as some CD forum members claimed to be. Otherwise, the QE class will not be two STOBAR carriers.
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By 2025, the USN will still look superior on the paper.

However, the PLAN will be de facto more lethal with more modern ships and hypersonic missiles being armed to the teeth.

The PLAN in the 2025 might still not have the same projecting power as the USN. However, in the theater of the Asia-Pacific region, the PLAN can easily annihilate any navy in the world, not mentioning it also has the backup reinforcement from China's powerful ASBM troop.

No matter how many times you keep repeating the same nonsense, it won't make it true. I explained in detail why that's not the case, and all I got from you was "hypersonic missiles." When China develops a battle network as advanced as NIFCA-CA, let me know.:lol:
No matter how many times you keep repeating the same nonsense, it won't make it true. I explained in detail why that's not the case, and all I got from you was "hypersonic missiles." When China develops a battle network as advanced as NIFCA-CA, let me know.:lol:

China has its own NIFC-CA as well.

For example, the Type 052DL with its anti-stealth radar will track down the adversarial stealth fighters, then guide China's own aerial force to launch attack on the targets.

This integrated versatile battle network is not something new and fancy for China.

Definitely easier to build than the 5G network & Quantum network. :enjoy:

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The Type 054A model seems to be discontinued, and not sure if China will build the Type 054B.

The Type 052DL starts to look more and more like a 8000 tonnes class frigate.

18 Type 055 + 36 Type 052D can pack over 4000 missiles.

4000 VLS seems like a lot, until you realize the US Navy has nearly 2 and half times that amount today. Not to mention the amount of ordnance the US Air Force can bring. By 2030, the US military will have around 14,000+ JASSM and Tomahawk cruise missiles alone. That's not including all the other munitions at its disposal. And hypersonics are about to ramp up in a huge way any month now. 2021 IOC on B-52's, first land based hypersonic battery in 2023, and Prompt Global Strike on US submarines in 2025.

This is a game China won't win.
4000 VLS seems like a lot, until you realize the US Navy has nearly 2 and half times that amount today. Not to mention the amount of ordnance the US Air Force can bring. By 2030, the US military will have around 14,000+ JASSM and Tomahawk cruise missiles alone. That's not including all the other munitions at its disposal. And hypersonics are about to ramp up in a huge way any month now. 2021 IOC on B-52's, first land based hypersonic battery in 2023, and Prompt Global Strike on US submarines in 2025.

This is a game China won't win.

The USN still uses the outdated MK41 VLS, and the Tomahawk cruise missiles are quite weak, and only effectively against those weak countries like Iraq/Libya/Syria.

China's Type 055 + Type 052D force by will have 4512 VLS units, and let's say 1/3 of these will be packed with the Starry-Sky 2 missile, which means 1500 hypersonic missiles that will be devastating for any naval power in the world.

Not mentioned that our massive fleet of the H-6K & H-6N bombers, also with the H-20 stealth bomber being ready to be deployed.

Our nuclear submarine fleet will also be equipped with the lethal powerful hypersonic missiles like the Starry-Sky 2.

Finally, our Rocket Force will be the invulnerable reinforcement for our navy & air force.

You have zero chance to challenge China in the Asia-Pacific region.
China's multi dimensional strike capabilities air, sea, underwater and land based missiles will be the one that dictates the outcome in a possible war scenario. The size, the manpower, the speed in constructing, huge financial resources available are all the elements that's required for emerging as the dominant power in the region.
You do realize that will never make it through Congress right?

It is normal.

Tico by 2025 will all be over 30 years old, therefore it should all be retired under the normal circumstance.

Many of your Burke are also obsolete Flight I and Flight II.

And your Flight IIA is also quite obsolete.

Your Flight III probably will end up like another failure like the DDG-1000.
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The USN still uses the outdated MK41 VLS, and the Tomahawk cruise missiles are quite weak, and only effectively against those weak countries like Iraq/Libya/Syria.

China's Type 055 + Type 052D force by will have 4512 VLS units, and let's say 1/3 of these will be packed with the Starry-Sky 2 missile, which means 1500 hypersonic missiles that will be devastating for any naval power in the world.

Not mentioned that our massive fleet of the H-6K & H-6N bombers, also with the H-20 stealth bomber being ready to be deployed.

Our nuclear submarine fleet will also be equipped with the lethal powerful hypersonic missiles like the Starry-Sky 2.

Finally, our Rocket Force will be the invulnerable reinforcement for our navy & air force.

You have zero chance to challenge China in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Tomahawk is the most proven land attack cruise missile in the world. To label it as weak, just shows what a fool you are. And China has proven nothing in combat, but you have a big mouth, that’s for certain.

You yap and yap about your hypersonic
missiles, and yet when has China ever conducted a successful HGV test at 4,000km range the way the US demonstrated 2 years ago? That was a test of Prompt Global Strike. The same missile that will deploy on US submarines by mid decade.

China is never going to win. One day you will accept that.
The Tomahawk is the most proven land attack cruise missile in the world. To label it as weak, just shows what a fool you are. And China has proven nothing in combat, but you have a big mouth, that’s for certain.

You yap and yap about your hypersonic
missiles, and yet when has China ever conducted a successful HGV test at 4,000km range the way the US demonstrated 2 years ago? That was a test of Prompt Global Strike. The same missile that will deploy on US submarines by mid decade.

China is never going to win. One day you will accept that.

59 Tomahawk missiles had only managed to damage an airfield from Syria.

I would rather invest in the more powerful anti-ship missile like the Starry-Sky 2.

One single missile would be enough to sink a 10,000 tons destroyer.

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