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China to end its reliance on Russian military technology: expert


Apr 28, 2011
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Robert Farley, assistant professor at the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky, said China’s dependence on Russian supplies and technology will come to an end in the next 10 years, reports Washington-based right-wing National Interest magazine on July 2.

In his article about what the People’s Liberation Army could look like in 2025, Farley said that China’s current ground, naval and air forces have become changed dramatically from the 1990s. At that time, the PLA was still using antiquated equipment and concentrating on making money rather than preparing for a conflict. It was also focusing more on threats from the north rather than from the east, according to Farley.

The author said one area in which the PLA remains far behind the US military is in operational experience. Though the US campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan could charitably said to have been a mixed experience, it cannot be denied that the US now has a battle-hardened fighting force at its disposal. The same cannot be said of the PLA.

Farley said it remains unknown whether the PLA is planning to start an endless and pointless series of wars to become as experienced. China is, however, stepping up its efforts at building experiental knowledge through improving the realism of training drills. This means that the PLA will increase its operational experience in the next 10 years.

Beijing has also been crafting an anti-access/area denial strategy in its military operations. This strategy includes political warfare methods, including legal, public opinion and psychological warfare techniques in addition to the fight on the battlefield. Beijing wants to take away the sway of US forces over its littoral areas. In order to do this the various branches of the PLA must become stronger and more united — something President Xi Jinping has conspicuously been seeking to achieve by purging factions and demanding absolute loyalty to the party.

Meanwhile, China’s dependence on Russia for advanced weapons systems and technology will reduce gradually. In 10 years, Farley said that Russia can no longer remain ahead of China on the technological frontier and Beijing’s military-industrial complex will eventually emerge from the shadow of Russia.

Even though a China-centric alliance system is unlikely to appear in the next decade, the nation is set to become one of the world’s leading arms exporters. Using the possible sales of submarines to Thailand or JF-17 fighters to Argentina as an example, Farley said countries that buy arms from China will have a long-term need for maintenance, training, consulting and upgrade possibilities, from which China can benefit politically as well as economically.
China to end its reliance on Russian military technology: expert | idrw.org
S-400, some jet engines (probably also for helicopters etc), perhaps some submarine tech, and hovercraft etc?
S-400, some jet engines (probably also for helicopters etc), perhaps some submarine tech, and hovercraft etc?
al-31s for those J-10As and J-11As``this is the only thing that we are relying on, which is quite significant````other than that, not much, actually other way around````as since the embargo, Russia has to rely heavily on Chinese electronic and machine tools for their defence and civilian industry
They (the chinese) are still talking about procuring Russian SU-35 super flankers, they are buying the S-400 surface to air missiles and I believe they are still buying Russian engines (but I'm not 100% sure).
They (the chinese) are still talking about procuring Russian SU-35 super flankers, they are buying the S-400 surface to air missiles and I believe they are still buying Russian engines (but I'm not 100% sure).
Becos those are fake news. The Su-35 has been talking since 2008 and what has signed so far? The Russian keep sprouting the same nonsense of Chinese wanted to buy Su-35 except short of a concrete agreement signed.
Becos those are fake news. The Su-35 has been talking since 2008 and what has signed so far? The Russian keep sprouting the same nonsense of Chinese wanted to buy Su-35 except short of a concrete agreement signed.
Well they haven't offically turned it down so the talks are still going. I don't think china really needs it but it's up to beijing to make that decision not me. the S-400 deal is real (china plans to deploy them near taiwan I believe)
Su-35 is of no use to China since China has the J-11D. Apart from the engines, the J-11D has everything the Su-35 has.
In 2 years the J-20 will be coming into service.

Why buy Russian fighters when China can produce similar fighter jet to Su-35 all with domestic components?
Then why China is looking to buy Su-35s?
Well nobody knows for sure. the J-11D is just as good (and in someways better) as the SU-35. there are some rumours that china just wants the engine within the SU-35 to copy it (i don't believe them myself) but it's really anyone's guess.
They (the Russians, Indians and Indian falseflagger) are still talking about China procuring Russian SU-35 super flankers, China are buying the S-400 surface to air missiles and I believe China is still buying Russian engines (but I'm not 100% sure).

There I fixed your post for you.

And before any garbage "Chinese media says" posts appears. No it doesn't.
American regime run propaganda papers are not "Chinese media" just because they put the word Sino or China into their name.
There I fixed your post for you.

And before any garbage "Chinese media says" posts appears. No it doesn't.
American regime run propaganda papers are not "Chinese media" just because they put the word Sino or China into their name.
I didn't know you could do that!
I didn't look much at Chinese media for it (but the Chinese government has not formally turned it down) and the Russians are still very hopeful to get the sale through. And no I don't read those (western false flag Chinese media) I prefer people's daily and CCTV america.
Becos those are fake news. The Su-35 has been talking since 2008 and what has signed so far? The Russian keep sprouting the same nonsense of Chinese wanted to buy Su-35 except short of a concrete agreement signed.

I think the reason Russians made up those fakes news is to make it looks like how good Su-35 is, and how Su-35 is out of stock due to "big buyer" China, and increase its bargain power when dealing with other real buyers, is that true?
Su-35 is of no use to China since China has the J-11D. Apart from the engines, the J-11D has everything the Su-35 has.
In 2 years the J-20 will be coming into service.

Why buy Russian fighters when China can produce similar fighter jet to Su-35 all with domestic components?

Engines perhaps? Or engine tech transfer? Hey, nobody is dissing China here. The list of things that China doesn't produce fully on it's own YET is very, very short. Hats off. Soon there will be no list of foreign needed weaponry.
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