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Christianity is dying in the West, more and more people are becoming atheistic, some even turning to eastern religions. This is making the missionary groups frantic and so they're turning to countries like India and China

Now don't get me wrong, Christians in Indian are extremely well integrated, but neo-converts have been creating a lot of problems (Orissa and the North East) . The methods the missionary groups are using these days are despicable.

agreed, india and china are both facing a new wave of western religious propaganda. Many Westerners don't even believe in it anymore, they're all switching to Islam or Buddhism.
learned something new. i thought buddha was a god. sorry, i'm not a religious person, no one i know is religious either.

Siddhārtha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from ancient India who founded Buddhism. In most Buddhist traditions, he is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammāsambuddha, S. samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age, "Buddha" meaning "awakened one" or "the enlightened one."
learned something new. i thought buddha was a god. sorry, i'm not a religious person, no one i know is religious either.

Don't worry about it. :cheers:

Many people describe Buddhism as a "philosophy" instead of a "religion". I think that's accurate.

Buddha specifically rejected the idea of a God. So Buddhists are technically atheists.
Next time a christian tries to convert you, ask them a question:

1.) Do you believe in the laws of physics? They answer yes.
2.) Is god all powerful? They answer yes.

Then pray to god to turn the thermal energy of a hot rock into kinetic energy and let it rise into the air while cooling down.
Next time a christian tries to convert you, ask them a question:

1.) Do you believe in the laws of physics? They answer yes.
2.) Is god all powerful? They answer yes.

Then pray to god to turn the thermal energy of a hot rock into kinetic energy and let it rise into the air while cooling down.

You won't like reading this then:

According to a 2001 Gallup poll, about 45% of North Americans believe that "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so."

Creationism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Absolutely unbelievable. They literally believe that the Earth was created exactly like the Bible said, in seven days. And they also think the Earth is only 10,000 years old! I wonder what they think about the fact that the rocks beneath our feet are already millions of years old.
I saw a video somewhere, about "10 ways the US is trying to overthrow China's government". It specifically mentioned Christianity and western culture as a way of destabilizing China.
Christianity is the single most unpleasant religion in China. No one else is bent on converting others except Christians. Picture the most evangelical fundamentalist, that's what Chinese Christians are like.

Same is the problem in Indian North East and the Tribal regions with evangelists "harvesting souls" (yes,thats the term they use for conversion) where the traditional way of life and the cultural fabric of the ppl are being grossly damaged by these ppl.:angry:
There is a small movement in Xinjiang, but it's not an actual insurgency or anything like that.

And Xinjiang is not "predominantly" Muslim, around half the population are Han Chinese.

Thanks for clarifying:) so is the independance movement supported by the whole province or just a small percent?
Hitler was actually raised a Roman Catholic, so that doesn't make any sense?

It was the Jewish people that Hitler didn't like.

My point was very clear just by reading what the guy wrote.

He said people with the christian faith are criminals and are undesirables and should be treated like rapists and street thugs. Basically saying they are the worst people of society because of their religion.

These are the same kinds of things Hitler said about the jews in the 1930's. That's why i said "are you the reincarnation of adolf hitler" My point was pretty obvious.
@ All my Chinese friends: Let's see if you hold the same views for Islam...let's see how long you last on this forum them, or you won't say because of the fear of being banned?

After all Islam and Christianity are both Abrahamic religions. Let's see what you choose, a ban or your anti-religion stand when it comes to Islam! :cheers:
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