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Since when is christianity 'western'? It originated in the middle east....*sigh*

Will there ever be a Chinese Pope? True Christianity maybe originated in the East but it is the Anglo-Saxons mostly use it to for geopolitical gains and subjugated ourselves to think Asians are inferior to the west...(sigh) you need to get out more and see world for what it is.
Map of Abrahamic World.

China will soon become pink.


Oh heck no! Not even India and Vietnam! With our combine population we can put Christianity to rest for good in one generation by interbreeding western women without converting and they know it!
Will there ever be a Chinese Pope? True Christianity maybe originated in the East but it is the Anglo-Saxons mostly use it to for geopolitical gains and subjugated ourselves to think Asians are inferior to the west...(sigh) you need to get out more and see world for what it is.

The Chinese Catholics (Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association) have no connection with the Vatican. Since the Communist party decided it want to control the churches leadership.
Oh heck no! Not even India and Vietnam! With our combine population we can put Christianity to rest for good in one generation by interbreeding western women without converting and they know it!

Yes vietnamese are well known ladykillers :D
Will there ever be a Chinese Pope? True Christianity maybe originated in the East but it is the Anglo-Saxons mostly use it to for geopolitical gains and subjugated ourselves to think Asians are inferior to the west...(sigh) you need to get out more and see world for what it is.
That is a distinct possibility. Few generations back no one thought a non-Italian can become a pope. Then came the polish John Paul-II who became one of the most popular catholic popes. After the death of John Paul, during the selection of the new pope, there was a strong possibility of a non-European pope, especially from Africa or Latin America. Who knows, may be next time there is a possibility for an Asian pope, even Chinese.
There is misconception that all Christianity are Catholics and pope is their undisputed leader. Its true that majority of Christians are Catholics, but there is significant proportion of Christians who are non-Catholics and protestants. Majority of Chinese Christians are protestants and they are the ones who are growing in numbers. The protestant churches in China are very vibrant and active and attracting a lot of Chinese to the faith. The Catholic church is also quite significant in China. There are 2 types of Catholics in China, one going to the state controlled churches and other mostly underground and owing alligence to Vatican. In the last few years the 2 churches are coming together. The bishop of Beijing is recognised both by Chinese government as well as by Vatican. The two major irritants betwee Beijing and Vatican are Vatican's recognition of Taiwan and Beijing's attempts at unnecessary interference in Church activities.
There is a rumor (unsubstantiated) that Deng Xiaoping wanted to make Christianity the state religion.
The Chinese Catholics (Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association) have no connection with the Vatican. Since the Communist party decided it want to control the churches leadership.

Not exactly true. The Bishop of Beijing is recognised both by China and Vatican.
Both the Patriotic church and catholic churches are coming together. Most of the underground churches are coming into the open and they are not being oppressed.
Protestant Christianity is the most dangerous of all dangerous Christian cults due to its ties with extremist elements in the US. They are directly sponsored by the Wall Street regime as a means of destabilizing other countries.

We know Deng was a hardcore US traitor so if he wanted that, it wouldn't surprise me.

GDP of Shanghai in 1979: 1000 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1979: 1100 USD
GDP of Shanghai in 1989: 1100 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1989: 8000 USD

Traitor: Deng Xiaoping
Protestant Christianity is the most dangerous of all dangerous Christian cults due to its ties with extremist elements in the US. They are directly sponsored by the Wall Street regime as a means of destabilizing other countries.

We know Deng was a hardcore US traitor so if he wanted that, it wouldn't surprise me.

GDP of Shanghai in 1979: 1000 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1979: 1100 USD
GDP of Shanghai in 1989: 1100 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1989: 8000 USD

Traitor: Deng Xiaoping

The mainstream of Protestantism in US is Calvinism, this gave them the inspiration how the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants should rule the World.
Protestant Christianity is the most dangerous of all dangerous Christian cults due to its ties with extremist elements in the US. They are directly sponsored by the Wall Street regime as a means of destabilizing other countries.

We know Deng was a hardcore US traitor so if he wanted that, it wouldn't surprise me.

GDP of Shanghai in 1979: 1000 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1979: 1100 USD
GDP of Shanghai in 1989: 1100 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1989: 8000 USD

Traitor: Deng Xiaoping

Dangerous in what respect??
Unlike Catholic church, protestant churches don't have hierarchy i.e. there is no one central authority in protestant church. Each church is autonomous and don't take orders from outside. The Chinese protestant churches have Chinese pastors and congregations.
About Deng Xiaoping, whether he was a traitor or a patriot, its an internal Chinese matter. Did he do better for China than Mao is for the Chinese to decide. From my personal experience, most Chinese attribute the present Chinas development to Deng and detest Mao.
Not exactly true. The Bishop of Beijing is recognised both by China and Vatican.
Both the Patriotic church and catholic churches are coming together. Most of the underground churches are coming into the open and they are not being oppressed.

Vatican’s China commission says bishop's ordination was illegitimate :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
"At present, the Chinese government only allows the state-controlled “Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association” and a similarly run bishops’ conference to operate within the country. Neither organization acknowledges the authority of the Pope and they in turn are not recognized by the Church."

Police Seriously Injured Two Christian Leaders in Shaanxi and Henan with Electric Baton and Block Door with Bricks

Radio Free Asia - April 12, 2011
Translated by China Aid Association
CHINAaid: Police Seriously Injured Two Christian Leaders in Shaanxi and Henan with Electric Baton and Block Door with Bricks


Photo: Pastor Wang Zhanhu was hit by a police baton and went into a coma. (Photograph provided by Wang's family and evidence collected by reporter Qiao Long.

Two house church leaders in Huaxian, Shaanxi Province and Fanxian, Henan Province were harassed by police. When the former attempted to prevent the police from disturbing an assembly, the police hit him with an electric baton and the brother went into a coma on the spot. He is currently still under treatment in the hospital. And police blocked up the entrance to the latter’s home with bricks again, so he and his family could not enter or exit their home.

After an internet campaign to provoke a "Jasmine Revolution" peaceful protest in China, the jittery authority had heightened the pressure they exerted upon house churches. In an interview with Radio Free Asia on Tuesday, the president of the Chinese House Church Alliance, Pastor Zhang Ming, told us that a leader from Cross Church in Huaxian of Shaanxi Province was beaten up by the police last week:

Wang Zhanhu from Huaxian, Shaanxi Province was beaten up. The police hit Brother Wang to the ground and he is still lying in the hospital. He was simply being a good Christian, singing praise hymns and preaching the gospel, but the Bureau of Religious Affairs and the Public Security Bureau sent the police to hit his hands and head with an electric baton. Now that they have injured him so badly, they turn a blind eye to what happened to him. Because of what they did, Brother Wang is still in the hospital.

Radio Free Asia directly contacted Pastor Wang Zhanhu, and asked him what exactly happened when he was beaten up. He said:

On April 7, some of us who believe in Jesus were singing songs to praise our God Almighty. Then three plainclothes police officers came to us and grasped a sister's hand—this sister goes to our church—and snatched her microphone away. So I walked up to them and said, "How can you rob people's belongings like this?" Upon my words, these three police officers asked me for my Identification Card. I told them, "I didn't break any law by walking on the street." One police officer from the National Security Brigade started hitting my shoulders with his hand. Suddenly some other police officer hit my chest with his fist. And it was followed by a shock from a electric baton and I fell to the ground immediately and went into a coma.

Up till this moment, Wang is still under treatment in a local hospital. When he received the phone interview from Radio Free Asia, he just finished a ultrasonic inspection. He recalled that the police hid the electric baton in his sleeve and suddenly hit him with it. He said:

The electric baton was hidden in that police officer's sleeve. This is what I recall. I held my cellphone, wanting to dial 110 to call the police for what they did to me. (This was after they started beating me and before I lost my consciousness. Then they took my cellphone from me.) I asked them twice to give my cellphone back to me, but they wouldn't do it. A passerby saw that I was seriously beaten up and called 110 to have the emergency ambulance take me to the hospital. (They kept beating me up) and the police saw that I looked like I was dead so they escaped from the crime scene.

Wang said that the police had previously continuously raided his home:

From 2005 to 2008, the police presence forced me to travel from home. They continuously raided my home and threatened me. In 2005, I was detained for 15 days and upon my release the police asked me for a deposit of 3,000 RMB. That police officer told me, "if you don’t commit any criminal activity in one year, we can return the deposit to you."

However, the deposit was never returned.

House churches in Henan Province also experienced recent crackdowns from the authorities. Pastor Zhang said:

Senior Pastor Zhang Tielin from Fanxian of Henan Province is a leader of the church and is in charge of the sacrifice altar. The local police and government had persecuted him. Half a year ago, the government had his neighbors block his entrance door with bricks so that nobody could enter or exit his home.

Pastor Zhang told us that Brother Zhang Tielin paid multiple trips to Beijing to petition. After each petition, the authorities had people tear down the brick walls in front of his door. But just few days ago, his door was blocked by bricks again. Pastor Zhang said:

Brother Zhang went to Beijing to petition for human rights. After the police arrested him, Beijing ordered Henan Province to tear down the brick wall in front of his door. However a few days ago at a meeting, he told us when he returned home in Henan, he saw that the local government and police had his neighbors to block his door with bricks again.

On Sunday, one of Beijing's biggest Christian house churches, Beijing Shouwang Church, had an outdoor assembly but was dissipated by the police. One hundred brethren were interrogated by the police. Some believers said they were just worshiping God in the open air, and their gathering had nothing to do with "Jasmine Revolution." Later, another believer published an open letter online to appeal Christians from all over the world to pray for and watch Shouwang Church and pay attention to freedom to worship in China.

Interviews and report by Qiao Long, reporter for Radio Free Asia
Protestant Christianity is the most dangerous of all dangerous Christian cults due to its ties with extremist elements in the US. They are directly sponsored by the Wall Street regime as a means of destabilizing other countries.

We know Deng was a hardcore US traitor so if he wanted that, it wouldn't surprise me.

GDP of Shanghai in 1979: 1000 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1979: 1100 USD
GDP of Shanghai in 1989: 1100 USD
GDP of Taiwan in 1989: 8000 USD

Traitor: Deng Xiaoping

wow........just wow............ this is what he get for opening up China.
wow........just wow............ this is what he get for opening up China.

They put Mao's pic in their currency notes, the same Mao who was responsible of deaths of millions of Chinese and keeping the country poor.
And Deng is the traitor..... We live in a topsy turvy world...:cheers:
The Chinese Catholics (Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association) have no connection with the Vatican. Since the Communist party decided it want to control the churches leadership.

Do you mean Chinese people should be controlled by the Western?
other way around the communist party wants control of the church.

:disagree: CPC is the Chinese Government, not the American government. Only the Chinese people have the right to evaluate the Chinese government, not American. Whether you like CPC, You are not qualified to make decisions for the Chinese people.

Satisfaction with Country's Direction(Pew Research Center):
Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project
Pew Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1st, China, 87%
2nd, Brazil, 50%

The Chinese government has the right to manage the Chinese people, Vatican has no right, West has no right.

1# Chinese people believe that, Prosperous life important than a single vote.
2# Ordinary Chinese people can become president, but not through the media to get the seat. You have to start from the most junior civil servants, You must through capacity and effort been promoted again and again, So he is definitely not a fool who can be president.
So USA had some good president, for example: Clinton, Bush(old)...and USA also had some bad president, for example(only my opinion): Bush(young), Obama...
3# Wall Street can control USA gov through the media.
For example, family planning, state-owned enterprises reform, etc... these policies all can not implemented in the USA. Because selfish media will destroy it all, and USA President also did not dare to do it. But China can do it.
4# Does Hu Jintao have term limits ? Yes, 10 Years.
Does China's rights by one person to master it? No, nine people rule the country together. Hu Jintao's State Rights a lot less than Obama.

Hu Jintao, He used to be a dam workers, now he is the president of China:
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