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China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

A person who worships cattles like a savages has not educated to me . I never meant to hurt anyone. there is no high and low division in belief ,i think .
You are the follower of ROMAN Christianity.

Your Roman Emperor is the Jesus representative on earth.

As well as European kings.

You are bowing to them.

Real Christianity is not like that!

Fool when did I say I'm a follower of Roman Christianity? and what the hell is Roman Christianity anyway?

When did I say I follow a Roman Emperor? you mean the Pope? Desertfalcon is the one who follows him. And the Pope ain't Roman either.

I don't bow to any European King or Queen. I'm not a citizen of any commonwealth country like Australia or Canada nor do I pay tax to them. I actually get paid a small stipend from a commonwealth country, for pretending to study but basically doing nothing really, so I like to consider myself as being served by the Queen.

I don't have the link.

But you can search in internet about "Maitreya" and "Apocalypse War in Buddhism".

As I said above, that all religions are the same, Buddhism = Daoism = Christianity = Islam = Hinduism = etc.

According to our Chinese Gods, it will happen... may be not as people imagination.

According to our Chinese Gods, the apocalypse war is actually will happen in the very near future from now, perhaps in the last than 100-200 years from today.

It's a very big issue in heaven right now, and a plan to save the world executed.

The apocalypse war will still happened, but the date was pushed long to the future.

There will be a story like Mahdi ==> Jesus ==> All religion will be united.

There will a peace in the world up to 1000 years before the first war happened again.

Economy development and sharing wealth to the whole world, even Africa will have a good standard of living too.

Most people who will born as human in 1000 years of span, will have a good soul, as they are filtered out.

Preventing low standard soul to be reincarnated as human.

Did you know that your past reincarnation influence your behavior today?

Like ex-lion, will still have the "aggressive" behavior. They will be filtered out.

I keep picturing you like this when I'm reading this post.


P. S. Maitreya Buddhism is not a real Buddhist sect. It is only a copycat cult like the "Almighty God" cult, copying theories from different religion and mix them together to cheat people. It sounds like you have fallen victim to their missionaries lol.
Yet not heard, dude. But I search Maitreya sects of Buddhism on Baidu and found some. I'm not sure, you know, Maitreya sects of Buddhism is tradition worship for both of us, I'm not sure what I found on net is the new kind popular in Taiwan.

If what you mentioned is the traditional one, yes, it's been popular for many years. Popular since I was a kid.

There are two schools of Buddhism Theravada and Mahayana. Maitreya is one form of Buddha.
Religion and spirituality is important for a lot of people, whether they are religious or atheists.

Proof: because a religious discussion always become a heated debate. No one would get worked up in a discussion if the topic is not important or of no interest to them. So even if you're a self-proclaimed atheist, the fact that you've involved yourself in this thread means that religion is somehow important to you. :cheesy:
I hope that spiritual awakening does not changed your thoughts on religion ..I am not against spirituality but I am against religious system because it is devisive ..

No it doesnt . I do not call on my friends to convert to one true religion like that etc :P I was brought up like all religions are one.
I respect people who are athiest, cos they are not going to fight or start a riot if anyone insults anything reg their belief . :P
Yes, but those were developed "schools" of atheism that arose out of the indigenous Hindu tradition. My point was not that atheism is always imposed on a society externally, but that in every human society that we have knowledge of, it has never been the root indigenous belief. Just as one can find where "schools" of atheism in the West developed out of radical deism, the Enlightenment, or Marxism, etc., atheism was never the original indigenous belief of any western peoples.
Yet not heard, dude. But I search Maitreya sects of Buddhism on Baidu and found some. I'm not sure, you know, Maitreya sects of Buddhism is tradition worship for both of us, I'm not sure what I found on net is the new kind popular in Taiwan.

If what you mentioned is the traditional one, yes, it's been popular for many years. Popular since I was a kid.

Theravada Buddhism is the original Buddhism from Sakyamuni Buddha era.

Mahayana Buddhism is a split from Theravada, because they want a new way to achieve a Buddhahood.

According to Sakyamuni Buddha, after he was gone, there will be 5 Buddhist masters.

I just remember two: Maitreya 彌勒菩薩 and Avalokitasvara 觀音菩薩.

Well, as a Chinese, we heard a lot of about Guanyin, isn't? Quite mainstream.

But Maitreya is pretty a bit of unheard... more like a secret sect, that from outside resemble a bit of Daoism and Christianity. But deep inside, it's a very Buddhist.

The main indicator of Maitreya sect of today, they always teach all religions in the world are the same.

By seeing many indicators, many people are accusing that Maitreya is the person behind many big religions worldwide, including smaller sects and some religions that is no longer exist.

It's believe that Maitreya played a big role behind the end of European colonizations, slavery worldwide, democracy, red cross and the shape of modern world today.

As well as the coming Mahdi, Jesus and future 1000 years of peace-prosperity.
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No it doesnt . I do not call on my friends to convert to one true religion like that etc :P I was brought up like all religions are one.
I respect people who are athiest, cos they are not going to fight or start a riot if anyone insults anything reg their belief . :P
If only that were so. :frown: As much as religious of all kinds, have failed to live up to their ideal, nothing can compare to the war waged by militant atheists on people of faith, any faith. The greatest mass murders in the entire history of man, have been the militant atheists of the 20th century.

"The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies, has been estimated to range between 12-20 millions."

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Father Wang’s biography; his feet and hands were shackled in chains so that he was unable to stand erect, and another chain linked his body to a beam above his head so that he could not lie down to sleep. He was restrained in this fashion in his prison cell for several years. In January 1969, Father Wang Shiwei was sentenced to death for defying the government and for resisting “intellectual reform”; in short, he refused to deny his Catholic beliefs and support Communism. On February 15, 1970, Wang was beaten in his prison cell, and then taken to a public stage where he was shot and killed."

China’s Modern Martyrs: From Mao to Now (Part 3) | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

"Of a total of 2,720 clerics recorded as imprisoned at Dachau some 2,579 (or 94.88%) were Roman Catholics. Among the other denominations, there were 109 Evangelicals, 22 Greek Orthodox, 8 Old Catholics and Mariavites and 2 Muslims."

Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fool when did I say I'm a follower of Roman Christianity? and what the hell is Roman Christianity anyway?

When did I say I follow a Roman Emperor? you mean the Pope? Desertfalcon is the one who follows him. And the Pope ain't Roman either.

I don't bow to any European King or Queen. I'm not a citizen of any commonwealth country like Australia or Canada nor do I pay tax to them. I actually get paid a small stipend from a commonwealth country, for pretending to study but basically doing nothing really, so I like to consider myself as being served by the Queen.

What kind of Christianity are you if not Roman's Christianity?

May be the exotic extinct one from Persia?

I keep picturing you like this when I'm reading this post.


The Cult Master! :super:
(give me 1kg of gold and your virgin daughter, you will be blessed!)

Btw, since you are a Christian,

Have you ever heard and read about Theosophy?

P. S. Maitreya Buddhism is not a real Buddhist sect. It is only a copycat cult like the "Almighty God" cult, copying theories from different religion and mix them together to cheat people. It sounds like you have fallen victim to their missionaries lol.

Maitreya sect... aka White Lotus 白蓮教.
i wish they were all the same but were not...in regard to the core teaching..

What is the core teaching of Christianity?

And what do you know the core teaching of other religions?

for one thing..the bible teaches salvation to eternal life is only thru jesus the messiah...
others, no heaven-going, no immortal souls, conscience after death...

Every religion is teaching like that too.

And that lead into many conflicts, because every religion follower think they are the right side.

i agree bible teachings lost its virtues thru centuries of corrupt church teaching & manipulation...
but the essence still remains in the book bible which anyone who searches it with whole heart will find the hidden treasure.

I'm 100% sure you will not find it. :-)
What is the core teaching of Christianity?

And what do you know the core teaching of other religions?

Every religion is teaching like that too.

And that lead into many conflicts, because every religion follower think they are the right side.

I'm 100% sure you will not find it. :-)

core teaching of the bible is to believe the one sent by the god, his only son & waiting for his return to the earth to set up an ever lasting kingdom.

Joh_14:6 Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

i may not know enough the core of other religions but the above statement is definitely at odd with all of them.

thats definitely would lead to conflicts even among closed friends, as
Luk_14:26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, as well as his own life, he can't be my disciple.

of course every others believe they are right including me but there is nothing wrong with that.
only god will judge.

however real bible believers dont pick up arms to defend, to kill.

i can definitely tell with confidence i found it!!
If only that were so. :frown: As much as religious of all kinds, have failed to live up to their ideal, nothing can compare to the war waged by militant atheists on people of faith, any faith. The greatest mass murders in the entire history of man, have been the militant atheists of the 20th century.

"The total number of Christian victims of Soviet state atheist policies, has been estimated to range between 12-20 millions."

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Father Wang’s biography; his feet and hands were shackled in chains so that he was unable to stand erect, and another chain linked his body to a beam above his head so that he could not lie down to sleep. He was restrained in this fashion in his prison cell for several years. In January 1969, Father Wang Shiwei was sentenced to death for defying the government and for resisting “intellectual reform”; in short, he refused to deny his Catholic beliefs and support Communism. On February 15, 1970, Wang was beaten in his prison cell, and then taken to a public stage where he was shot and killed."

China’s Modern Martyrs: From Mao to Now (Part 3) | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views

"Of a total of 2,720 clerics recorded as imprisoned at Dachau some 2,579 (or 94.88%) were Roman Catholics. Among the other denominations, there were 109 Evangelicals, 22 Greek Orthodox, 8 Old Catholics and Mariavites and 2 Muslims."

Priest Barracks of Dachau Concentration Camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

True. But I must emphasize that Indian athiests are quite different from the western ones, or the one above my country.
core teaching of the bible is to believe the one sent by the god, his only son & waiting for his return to the earth to set up an ever lasting kingdom.

Joh_14:6 Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

i may not know enough the core of other religions but the above statement is definitely at odd with all of them.

thats definitely would lead to conflicts even among closed friends, as
Luk_14:26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, as well as his own life, he can't be my disciple.

of course every others believe they are right including me but there is nothing wrong with that.
only god will judge.

however real bible believers dont pick up arms to defend, to kill.

i can definitely tell with confidence i found it!!

Do you know about Theosophy?

And Judaism Kabbalah?

I think you missed the larger and most important part of Christianity.

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I think you are direct interpreting it, without knowing the explanation behind it. :-)

If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, as well as his own life, he can't be my disciple.

It's a marriage!

Be married and having a family is a common life by almost all people, an ordinary worldly life, a sinner life.

Only people who understand and willingly to leave a common marriage life path,

They are ready to became a true Christian.

The meaning and wisdom of that sentence is actually very deep and need further explanation.

People make a joke, instead of marrying opposite gender, you are marrying God. :lol:
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