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China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

I just don't know why you americans always say that mao kill millions of people,,, to be frank ,,,my grandparents live in that time ,but it isn't the same as you say! the western media just wanna kill communist party so make up the rumor .maybe somebody died because of culture revolution ,but much not to the number you said! i know if communist party dissolved, america will laugh out loud! but it is impossible ,although communist party did very bad in some sectors, but after all ,it gives china a stable society, give us a better economy and life, also ,communist party is becoming better ,improving gradully

45 million, 60 million, 70 million or even 100 million, they can just make up the number whenever they want.
Do you know about Theosophy?

And Judaism Kabbalah?

I think you missed the larger and most important part of Christianity.

I think you are direct interpreting it, without knowing the explanation behind it. :-)

It's a marriage!

Be married and having a family is a common life by almost all people, an ordinary worldly life, a sinner life.

Only people who understand and willingly to leave a common marriage life path,

They are ready to became a true Christian.

The meaning and wisdom of that sentence is actually very deep and need further explanation.

People make a joke, instead of marrying opposite gender, you are marrying God. :lol:

well i may not know about those esoteric mysterious teachings but certainly they are dubious.

the statement is very plain & direct ..what is there trying to hide behind that?

no. that is simply saying putting god above everything.
45 million, 60 million, 70 million or even 100 million, they can just make up the number whenever they want.
Yep, America kill millions of American natives but pointing finger to point to Hitler and Mao. They like to point to a minimum figure of 2 million. I find hard to believe 2 million only?
Hi forum member. Here is my outlook on what is being discussed here about religions.

Depending on ones belief, a divine creator may or may not exist, but we can not deny that there is a stronger force that consistently nurtures and sustains life and an opposite force that takes life away.

Are we a sustainer of life or are we a malicious destroyer of life?
Yep, America kill millions of American natives but pointing finger to point to Hitler and Mao. They like to point to a minimum figure of 2 million. I find hard to believe 2 million only?

But don't ever compare Hitler to Mao, since Hitler was a maniac with the genocide in its mind, whereas Mao is just a nationalist and internationalist who wanted to lift China out of poverty, but also to help the poor nations around the world.
Because it isn’t just Americans. It's most every credible historian, demographer, human rights groups, and most of the actual data, comes from Chinese sources, not Western ones. For instance, a Hong Kong based historian who had access to Chinese state archives when they were opened to him for yours ago wrote a book based on their data that states that during the period of 'Great Leap Forward', "at least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million." "State retribution for tiny thefts, such as stealing a potato, even by a child, would include being tied up and thrown into a pond; parents were forced to bury their children alive or were doused in excrement and urine, others were set alight, or had a nose or ear cut off. One record shows how a man was branded with hot metal. People were forced to work naked in the middle of winter; 80 per cent of all the villagers in one region of a quarter of a million Chinese were banned from the official canteen because they were too old or ill to be effective workers, so were deliberately starved to death.".

Those figures and experiences are consistent with every other credible historian’s.
Ok first , even now ,there are millions of people died , not to say in 1960s when china is much poorer than now, so it is possible that many people died at that time, but please tell me do you think all of them are killed by mao?? even now america in bush time, also a lot of iraq soldiers and american soldiers died because bush launched the war, but does anyone said bush killed thousands of people??? by the way! if you western country are really so concentrate on our human right, why you don't send any help or food to china at that time, please don't use you so-called human right and democracy to fool us ! it is useless,,
Ok first , even now ,there are millions of people died , not to say in 1960s when china is much poorer than now, so it is possible that many people died at that time, but please tell me do you think all of them are killed by mao??
Because as the information I posted clearly states, the died due to the insane communists policies that Mao pursued. Jeez, did you just not read of the torture, beatings, entire villages starved and worked to death intentionally? o_O

if you western country are really so concentrate on our human right, why you don't send any help or food to china at that time,
Because your own communist government would not take it or allow any assistance from us. Mao and his government would not even acknowledge the problem. China was utterly closed tot eh West and the communist government promoted the myth that all was well, that's why.
Because as the information I posted clearly states, the died due to the insane communists policies that Mao pursued. Jeez, did you just not read of the torture, beatings, entire villages starved and worked to death intentionally? o_O

Mao would never kill anyone. All CIA propaganda.
What do you mean by "present day" Buddha? Buddha just mean anyone who has reached enlightenment/nirvana. Gautama is one, Amitabha is one, and so is anyone who has reached Enlightenment. It makes no sense to say this one is the present buddha, that one will be the future buddha. Only some later sect believe that there is some kind of leadership inheritance between each Buddha, which is nonsense. Traditionally, once someone has reached Enlightenment, they become a buddha. They are all buddha at the same time.

Avalokitasvara is only a bodhisattva, not a buddha yet. He/she has reached Enlightenment but choose to remain in the earthly realm to help humans reach Enlightenment. This is a Mahayana concept. Tibetans Buddhists believe the Dalai Lama is a bodhisattva.

Theravada do not believe in this. For them, bodhisattva are just people who are on the path to enlightenment and is close to reaching Buddhahood.

Meitreya as claimed by the White Lotus sect is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana sense, not a buddha.

And Meitreya is only mentioned once in the traditional Pali canon text and it's authencity is questionable.

IMO, Buddhism since the time of the White lotus and Pureland sect has been corrupted. This is also the time Chinese Buddhists started praying for health, wealth and prosperity, something that Gautama Buddha warned people about.

I belive you are knowledgable in Mahayana. So i do not understand some points you mention.

In Theravada Buddhism only a one buddha can come for a period. In this period it is Gautham Buddha. With time Buddhism will go down and disappear. then another buddha might come. Maitreya is the next one.
But don't ever compare Hitler to Mao, since Hitler was a maniac with the genocide in its mind, whereas Mao is just a nationalist and internationalist who wanted to lift China out of poverty, but also to help the poor nations around the world.
almost the same
Because as the information I posted clearly states, the died due to the insane communists policies that Mao pursued. Jeez, did you just not read of the torture, beatings, entire villages starved and worked to death intentionally? o_O

Because your own communist government would not take it or allow any assistance from us. Mao and his government would not even acknowledge the problem. China was utterly closed tot eh West and the communist government promoted the myth that all was well, that's why.

Okay, all come from your mouth,,, you can say anything as you want. not to reply again, I choose to ignore you.
As a evil ountry that killed so many people around the world , don't you think it is a joke to criticize others??
I think the dead Indian are crying...
almost the same

Here is the biggest worshipper of Hitler and the Nazi Germany.



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