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China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

What kind of Christianity are you if not Roman's Christianity?

May be the exotic extinct one from Persia?

The celestial kind.

The Cult Master! :super:
(give me 1kg of gold and your virgin daughter, you will be blessed!)

He's an expert on history channel.

Btw, since you are a Christian,

Have you ever heard and read about Theosophy?

Maitreya sect... aka White Lotus 白蓮教.

I haven't read much on Theosophy. But it's just like any other syncretist religion, copying n pasting from other religion to make something more interesting for other people.

White Lotus is also syncretist. They copy the millennium idea from the Nestorian scripture (eastern christianity) in China before 1200AD.
Theravada Buddhism is the original Buddhism from Sakyamuni Buddha era.

Mahayana Buddhism is a split from Theravada, because they want a new way to achieve a Buddhahood.

According to Sakyamuni Buddha, after he was gone, there will be 5 Buddhist masters.

I just remember two: Maitreya 彌勒菩薩 and Avalokitasvara 觀音菩薩.

Well, as a Chinese, we heard a lot of about Guanyin, isn't? Quite mainstream.

But Maitreya is pretty a bit of unheard... more like a secret sect, that from outside resemble a bit of Daoism and Christianity. But deep inside, it's a very Buddhist.

The main indicator of Maitreya sect of today, they always teach all religions in the world are the same.

By seeing many indicators, many people are accusing that Maitreya is the person behind many big religions worldwide, including smaller sects and some religions that is no longer exist.

It's believe that Maitreya played a big role behind the end of European colonizations, slavery worldwide, democracy, red cross and the shape of modern world today.

As well as the coming Mahdi, Jesus and future 1000 years of peace-prosperity.

In Theravada Buddhism (i guess in mahayana as well) Maitreya is a buddha who will come in the future. Present day the buddha is Gautham. And it is believed there have been many buddhas in the human history. Theravada sect see Maitreya as a buddha who will come in the future and therefore see it is useless to worship him. It is the present buddha who is the mainstream.

I dont see how Maitreya is the reason for many religions world wide.
1.The Christian faith has, throughout history, been used by the Western Christian Civilization (WCC) as a weapon/tool of imperial expansion and colonial rule. New Cons/MNCs/Illuminati/International Bankers are in league with the Christian Church / Vatican in their capitalistic neo-colonial pursuits. Look at continents of Americas,Australia and Africa. And the truth is pathetic and inhuman. The worst genocide, atrocities, mass tortures, annihilation of whole races and eradication of cultures in human history, were committed by Christianity in the name of religion. And they were always quick to blame these on others.

2. When the CIA sponsored Polish pope John Paul II took over, he declared that the first millennium was Europe, second Africa and next Asia. Meaning we are the current target. Soon thereafter a completely unknown Albanian nun from Calcutta was awarded the Nobel. India lost no time in celebrating her and owning her. In this hysteria nobody paid attention to Pak born UK activist Tariq Ali's revealing research on Mother Teressa and the massive funds generated through her celebrity status.

3.China has been pushed into the Muslim camp in the global polarization where WCC has declared crusade on the Muslims. She should patronize Buddhism, Taoism,Confucianism and Islam if she needs to curtail WCC's infiltration through the church.
In Theravada Buddhism (i guess in mahayana as well) Maitreya is a buddha who will come in the future. Present day the buddha is Gautham. And it is believed there have been many buddhas in the human history. Theravada sect see Maitreya as a buddha who will come in the future and therefore see it is useless to worship him. It is the present buddha who is the mainstream.

I dont see how Maitreya is the reason for many religions world wide.

What do you mean by "present day" Buddha? Buddha just mean anyone who has reached enlightenment/nirvana. Gautama is one, Amitabha is one, and so is anyone who has reached Enlightenment. It makes no sense to say this one is the present buddha, that one will be the future buddha. Only some later sect believe that there is some kind of leadership inheritance between each Buddha, which is nonsense. Traditionally, once someone has reached Enlightenment, they become a buddha. They are all buddha at the same time.

Avalokitasvara is only a bodhisattva, not a buddha yet. He/she has reached Enlightenment but choose to remain in the earthly realm to help humans reach Enlightenment. This is a Mahayana concept. Tibetans Buddhists believe the Dalai Lama is a bodhisattva.

Theravada do not believe in this. For them, bodhisattva are just people who are on the path to enlightenment and is close to reaching Buddhahood.

Meitreya as claimed by the White Lotus sect is a bodhisattva in the Mahayana sense, not a buddha.

And Meitreya is only mentioned once in the traditional Pali canon text and it's authencity is questionable.

IMO, Buddhism since the time of the White lotus and Pureland sect has been corrupted. This is also the time Chinese Buddhists started praying for health, wealth and prosperity, something that Gautama Buddha warned people about.
In Theravada Buddhism (i guess in mahayana as well) Maitreya is a buddha who will come in the future. Present day the buddha is Gautham. And it is believed there have been many buddhas in the human history. Theravada sect see Maitreya as a buddha who will come in the future and therefore see it is useless to worship him. It is the present buddha who is the mainstream.

Yes, it's true that Maitreya is the next Samma Sambuddha.

When Sakyamuni Buddha left the world, there are 5 Buddhist masters who take charge after that. I forget the name of all, but only two I remember Maitreya Bodhisattva and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Common people are worshiping them, well, as usual common people. But real Buddhist seek them for guidance for translating Sakyamuni Buddha teaching, as they are the people who are still alive and know Buddhism better than anyone else. As Sakyamuni Buddha himself already gone, to whom you are going to ask?

Since Sri Lanka are Theravada Buddhist, and you are probably one of them, it must be very strange with the Mahayana logic above.

I read some of the Theravada Buddhism teaching, I like it. It's very scientific and logical, than the a bit of "superstitious", "sensational" and "magical" Mahayana "propaganda"... I think Theravada is what the real Buddhism look like at Sakyamuni Buddha period.

But if you peel the Mahayana skin, what you found is similar to Theravada too, as both are the same Buddhism from the same root. Despite with all the Maitreya and Avalokitesvara kind of things.

I dont see how Maitreya is the reason for many religions world wide.

This is pretty hard to explain...
I haven't read much on Theosophy. But it's just like any other syncretist religion, copying n pasting from other religion to make something more interesting for other people.

Theosophy was originated as a Christian sect, who is more in enlightenment self-cultivating, rather than idol worshiping. A Gnostic Christianity.

As they found the lost teaching of Christianity and began to study it seriously, including Judaism Kabbalah.

In their later quest, what they found, Christianity is actually a kind of similar to Buddhism, etc.

White Lotus is also syncretist. They copy the millennium idea from the Nestorian scripture (eastern christianity) in China before 1200AD.

More like Manichean too.

Beside of Maitreya Sects, several well-known "holy" persons, or several people who almost achieving Buddhahood, also say the similar thing.
In Buddhism, near the future, there will be a great war that killed 99.99% of humanity.
The survivors are those who hide in the underground bunkers,
Who will refill and rebuild the world again into a far better world.

The idea of apocalypse is common in many world religions, in Hinduism its the Kalki(the last Avatar of Vishnu) who will come at the end of Kaliyuga(age of Vice) and establish Satyuga(Age of Truth).
The idea of apocalypse is common in many world religions, in Hinduism its the Kalki(the last Avatar of Vishnu) who will come at the end of Kaliyuga(age of Vice) and establish Satyuga(Age of Truth).

The different between Buddhism's apocalypse and other religions,

Buddhism apocalypse more like a mini apocalypse, not the end of time.

While other religions, apocalypse is the end of time, end of everything, none and gone forever.
Do you know about Theosophy?

And Judaism Kabbalah?

I think you missed the larger and most important part of Christianity.

well i may not know about those esoteric mysterious teachings but certainly they are dubious.

I think you are direct interpreting it, without knowing the explanation behind it. :-)

the statement is very plain & direct ..what is there trying to hide behind something?

It's a marriage!

Be married and having a family is a common life by almost all people, an ordinary worldly life, a sinner life.

Only people who understand and willingly to leave a common marriage life path,

They are ready to became a true Christian.

no. that is saying putting god above everything.

The meaning and wisdom of that sentence is actually very deep and need further explanation.

People make a joke, instead of marrying opposite gender, you are marrying God. :lol:
Islam should take example of Christianity. We dont blow up things and arent making any noise yet daily people convert to Christianity
Islam should take example of Christianity. We dont blow up things and arent making any noise yet daily people convert to Christianity
That's a strange claim. ALL, and I said all, wars, conflicts, famines and epidemics that have occurred in the Christian era have Christian conspiracy or money behind them. You name one that was not, and I will show how it was.
Hitler to Stalin: The most murderous regimes in the world | Daily Mail Online
Mao and The Great Leap Forward | Rutgers–Newark Colleges of Arts & Sciences

Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' - News - Books - The Independent


...and then there is this guy...

Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China's Cardinal Ignatius Kung: Loyal to Very End | Christianity Today


If I were Chinese, I know which one of these men I would consider to be worth admiring. :agree:
I just don't know why you americans always say that mao kill millions of people,,, to be frank ,,,my grandparents live in that time ,but it isn't the same as you say! the western media just wanna kill communist party so make up the rumor .maybe somebody died because of culture revolution ,but much not to the number you said! i know if communist party dissolved, america will laugh out loud! but it is impossible ,although communist party did very bad in some sectors, but after all ,it gives china a stable society, give us a better economy and life, also ,communist party is becoming better ,improving gradully
I just don't know why you americans always say that mao kill millions of people,
Because it isn’t just Americans. It's most every credible historian, demographer, human rights groups, and most of the actual data, comes from Chinese sources, not Western ones. For instance, a Hong Kong based historian who had access to Chinese state archives when they were opened to him for yours ago wrote a book based on their data that states that during the period of 'Great Leap Forward', "at least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million." "State retribution for tiny thefts, such as stealing a potato, even by a child, would include being tied up and thrown into a pond; parents were forced to bury their children alive or were doused in excrement and urine, others were set alight, or had a nose or ear cut off. One record shows how a man was branded with hot metal. People were forced to work naked in the middle of winter; 80 per cent of all the villagers in one region of a quarter of a million Chinese were banned from the official canteen because they were too old or ill to be effective workers, so were deliberately starved to death.".

Those figures and experiences are consistent with every other credible historian’s.
Islam should take example of Christianity. We dont blow up things and arent making any noise yet daily people convert to Christianity

Christianity has had its fair share in halting the progress of humanity and lead to bloodshed before it became irrelevant and had to evolve. The equivalent of Jihad to Islam was Crusades to Christianity.

Religion will eventually disappear from the face of the earth and we'll all have a good laugh at it.
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