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China to be next north korea?


Nov 17, 2011
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Will china turn like north korea, russia, pakistan etc etc? It does seems like as world starts moving out of china and shifting towords india. Mr Modi in Newyork said exactly that. He said india the future. He will make india the future by MAKE IN INDIA. history shows that america always war countries which are Communists. Now india japan america australia and whole world wants india to take a lead as world dont want a communist nation as super power. China's decline is started. They getting isolated. Sad to see that caged people in china trying to tame free people of hongkong and justifying it. World population dont want to be caged. Am glad Mr Modi took over india as he the leader even Mr obama (who hated him) now want to be like him. He started following Yoga tips from Mr Modi and admirers his future vision and strength. Both are working towards SCS now. Whole U.N Supports india. Watching india intruding into china 410 times and chinese eleven pingpong begging its military gave us hint india already took a step towards a leading power. America already wants india to lead as they dont want a communist nation like china to rule world. We have seen communist nations grew faster and fallen harder. China is slowly going backwards now and india moving ahead as india got 3 'D's which china cant have ever. Watching china running to russia made me laugh hahahahaha. Mr Modi didnt even looked at russia. Even though Russia wants india Badly but india got many options. No wonder why america took lead in supplying weapons to india. By the way F-15s leaked info to india was by American goverment. Thats how to make a nation powerful. What is alot suprising that america joined india in making weapons. That means india to grew more faster. Sad to see china's fall. They are stealers. Copied everything and now Mr Modi makes fun by saying no matter what india should not do same mistake china did by producing cheap 3rd class stuffs. World is laughing at chinese materials. Today in india many places u will find chinese goods. Majority indians being fooled by saying its made in japan while when they open they see made in china. 3rd class quality. More power to Mr Modi. MAKE IN INDIA but with QUALITY.
USA dislikes China,but we are doing business even though we are caged.
Frankly since long before,many many coutries disliked communist so far as well.But China is still developing.
You are laughing at Chinese material,but you are still purchasing..Are you laughable?It is kind of sarcasm?
Your IPHONE is still Made-In-China and please throw it away..
Unfortunately tell you,you are still purchasing Chinese goods.Japanese goods and Chinese goods are displayed in the market at the same time and you could choose by yourself.Why you still choose Chinese goods?Are you real fool?Next time when you purchase expensive goods and please put your finger into your shallow pocket.
American finds you to produce weapons??What kind of important weapon!!!
There are Troll
And there are Goblins
Then there is this guy.

Watching india intruding into china 410 times <<<<< WTF is this

I wish I could meet this guy and cut his head and shove it in his azz and call it GREY. This guy raise my hairs with his utterbullshit.
sorry,I am a little serious because I am still a new member for this forum..
Have a good dream !
Will china turn like north korea, russia, pakistan etc etc?
No Now It will Bring the Troll. It does seems like as world starts moving out of china and shifting towords india. Mr Modi in Newyork said exactly that. He said india the future. He will make india the future by MAKE IN INDIA. history shows that america always war countries which are Communists.
China has Good Condition, as one member said its Golden Cage. US and all are selfish or say practical they need Money and Power (to contrll on others else go to hell) Now india japan america australia and whole world wants india to take a lead as world dont want a communist nation as super power. Japan has own problem with china, America never need any one else on highest then them. But they cant do anything or can stop the Hans. China's decline is started. What the hell How? They getting isolated. Sad to see that caged people in china trying to tame free people of hongkong and justifying it. World population dont want to be caged. hongkong will be learnt to be communist, instead democrate, More Nice is China does not make the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, repeat and make safety of their own people. Am glad Mr Modi took over india as he the leader even Mr obama (who hated him) now want to be like him. He started following Yoga tips from Mr Modi and admirers his future vision and strength. Both are working towards SCS now. US not happy with Indias not taking part in war Vs ISIS, the statement of John kerry that, they can not give Honour to Modi like rockstar as he got in NY. shows their need modi-INDIA to take part in ISIS Whole U.N Supports india.HA HA Watching india intruding into china 410 times and chinese eleven pingpong begging its military gave us hint india already took a step towards a leading power. America already wants india to lead as they dont want a communist nation like china to rule world. US only need to rule the world. We have seen communist nations grew faster and fallen harder. China is slowly going backwards now and india moving ahead as india got 3 'D's which china cant have ever. which 3D china does not have? Demand Yes, Watching china running to russia made me laugh hahahahaha. Mr Modi didnt even looked at russia. Even though Russia wants india Badly but india got many options. No wonder why america took lead in supplying weapons to india. By the way F-15s leaked info to india was by American goverment. Thats how to make a nation powerful. What is alot suprising that america joined india in making weapons. That means india to grew more faster. US will never sell tech or even weapon as Russian can, Rus can sell PAK FA, US not sell F-22, Even we demand. Sad to see china's fall. They are stealers. Copied everything and now Mr Modi makes fun by saying no matter what india should not do same mistake china did by producing cheap 3rd class stuffs. World is laughing at chinese materials. But they are earning $$$ Today in india many places u will find chinese goods. Majority indians being fooled by saying its made in japan while when they open they see made in china. 3rd class quality. The good companies product is not bad, like sony etc. If they were made in Japan, we cant afford it, but as that is made in china, we are able to afford that, More power to Mr Modi. MAKE IN INDIA but with QUALITY. Dream is Big, Planning is Less, Need Lots in Least Resources, WE Need to enter in Production of Commodity market, Instead just getting Income by Service Sectors, like IT and Out Sourcing.

Tough Thread, Troll Thread, PLZ dont start it again, or start in chinese section like they do over here ;)

Source: China to be next north korea?

We most people are agreed that coming years China will be nest Super Power....

AND please stop saying like that whatever we day, but China is in right track to become Super Power..:taz:
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