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China tightens the screw on the internet


Nov 18, 2010
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China tightens the screw on the internet - Telegraph

The Communist party has begun a new offensive in its battle to control the internet, arresting rumour-mongers, whistleblowers and journalists and even toppling one of China's most influential tweeters.


Mr Xue was detained in a residential compound in northern Beijing

Even as it trumpets how the live tweeting of the Bo Xilai trial is a "watershed" moment, the Party has warned it intends to further restrict internet freedom and has made five major arrests in the last four days.

Perhaps the biggest victim is 60-year-old Charles Xue, an internet entrepreneur, an American citizen, the wealthy son of a former deputy mayor of Beijing, and one of China's most outspoken tweeters with 12 million followers on the Sina Weibo microblog.

Mr Xue was detained in a residential compound in northern Beijing, apparently in the company of a 22-year-old woman.

"After questioning, the duo confessed to facts of involvement in prostitution. The police department has by law placed the two under administrative detention," the police said, in a tweet.

Mr Xue's detention immediately raised eyebrows, with even the editor of a patriotic state-run newspaper suggesting he had fallen victim to the political campaign.
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