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China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

1、I doubt if it is ture,I'm impressed very much by the forged video of CNN last year.they had forged evidence deliberately before,why they won't do other scandalous deeds?I really doubt hey will keep making more rumors.and even it is true,further infos is in need.our court-martial will take care of it.soildiers out of order is banned by all nations,no matter which idea this nation take.

2、"There are many policemen on patrol in the street and all of them have guns,"——why couldn't our soildiers and policemen patrol in our soil with their guns in riot circumstances?

3、China claims Tibet is part of its historic territory, but Tibetan groups in exile regard the invasion as a tragedy.——why they obeyed the order of China emperor if they were not subjects of empire.even dalai lama himself was appointed officially by emperor.why he recognized KMT govt as central govt before 1949?why he obeyed the order of Mao before 1959,why not in exile at the first coming of PLA?there are numerous of offical documents back up the relationship of Tibet and China empire.dalai lama is a liar.
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Tibet’s development spells progress in human rights: N. Ram

BEIJING: Tibet’s all-round development over some years has raised the living standards of its people, which by itself constituted progress in human rights, N. Ram, Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu, said here on Tuesday.

People’s welfare and quality of life are indices to measure human rights too, he said in a lecture at the Beijing Forum on Human Rights.

Mr. Ram, who has visited Tibet twice in the past seven years and written about his visits, said the villages he had visited provided vivid proof of the region’s economic development.

He said the per capita net income of the Tibetan people had maintained double-digit growth in each of the past five years, and stood at 2,788 yuan ($398) last year.

Mr. Ram said he was quite impressed by the farmers there who had become rich through hard work, and with the aid of central government subsidies and new opportunities provided by the construction boom. The central government’s preferential policy has enabled some 14,000 Tibetan students to get better education in high schools and colleges throughout the country. Mr. Ram added that it was a good example for India to follow.

With the aid of the newly-opened Qinghai-Tibet railway, Tibet’s foreign trade volume last year reached $393 million, and revenues from tourism reached 4.8 billion yuan, he said.

He observed that the railway line may have had some negative impact on the region’s environment and wildlife, but that some accounts on this aspect were exaggerated. Besides, the central government was working for the protection of the region’s environment with an allocation of 1.5 billion yuan. The money was intended to be used for garbage and sewage treatment and to build 33 special passages for Tibetan antelopes and other wild animals, he said. — Xinhua

The Hindu : Front Page : Tibet’s development spells progress in human rights: N. Ram
Tibet on road of rapid uplift: N. Ram

BEIJING: A prominent Indian journalist on Wednesday rejected “Tibetan independence propaganda”, saying the region’s economic growth was good and the atmosphere was “relaxed”.

“The problems are largely in the minds of some sections abroad, in ‘make-believe Tibet’, and in the propaganda of the pro-independence movement of the Dalai Lama,” N. Ram, Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu, a leading English language Indian daily, told Xinhua on Wednesday.

Mr. Ram’s comments came after he concluded a three-day visit to southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region earlier this week. It was his third visit to Tibet since 2000.

“People always asked why I went to Tibet again and again,” said Mr. Ram, attributing the visits to his intention to “do a reality check.”

Mr. Ram described how the Dalai Lama and “the so-called Tibetan government-in-exile” were active in India and some other countries claiming Tibetans were being reduced to a minority by the Han people and proclaiming a “Greater Tibet” with a population of six million.

Mr. Ram has travelled to various parts of the region, from the capital city of Lhasa to underdeveloped villages. He has seen schools, monasteries, orphanages and factories.

“The reality is that Tibet is on the road of rapid economic development and the atmosphere there is relaxed, not tense at all,” he said.

“Tibet is remote for ordinary Chinese. You must be a fool to believe that Tibetans are being made a minority,” Mr. Ram commented.

The total population of the region hit 2.84 million in 2007, with Tibetans accounting for 92 per cent according to official figures.

Mr. Ram observed that the problem facing Tibet was the economic slowdown as the global financial crisis took its toll on the region. “But the growth rate of Tibet is still good, more than 10 per cent per year, much higher than other parts of the world.”

Mr. Ram’s latest visit coincided with the run-up to the Tibetan New Year. “We witnessed fewer people in work places as they went back home to celebrate the New Year,” he noted. He added that there was no sign of strain or suppression there as people were filled with excitement and the atmosphere was festive. “There were plenty of signs of prosperity on my long drive from Lhasa to Nyingchi,” said Mr. Ram.

On the region’s move to commemorate the end of feudal serfdom every year on March 28 — the day the Chinese government dissolved the aristocratic local government of Tibet and freed more than one million serfs in 1959 — he said: “It is a good decision” adding that “there were serf systems in many countries, but it was worse in Tibet”.

“The contrast between the old and the new is very powerful, demonstrating what the Chinese government and the system have done for Tibet.” — Xinhua

The Hindu : International : Tibet on road of rapid uplift: N. Ram
look here if you want to know the real face of dalai lama
People's Daily Online - Home Page

A religious ceremony for the Dalai Lama used human blood, skulls and skin, showing how cruel and bloody the feudal serfdom system under theocracy was in old Tibet, revealed in the white paper titled "Fifty Years of Democratic Reform in Tibet" published by the Information Office of the State Council, or China's cabinet on March 2,2009.

In the Archives of the Tibet Autonomous Region there is a letter from a department of the Tibet local government to Rabden in the early 1950s, saying that, to celebrate the Dalai Lama's birthday, all the staff of Gyumey would chant the sutra. To successfully complete this ceremony, some special food would be thrown to the animals. Thus, a corpus of wet intestine, two skulls, many kinds of blood and a full human skin were urgently needed, all of which must be promptly delivered.

The white paper says that there were penitentiaries or private jails in monasteries and aristocrats' residences, where instruments of torture were kept and clandestine tribunals held to punish serfs and slaves. In the Ganden Monastery there were many handcuffs, fetters, cudgels, and instruments of torture used for eye gouging and hamstringing.

According to the white paper, the private monastery administrative office set up by Trijang Rinpoche, junior tutor of the present 14th Dalai Lama, killed and injured more than 500 serfs and poor monks, in Dechen Dzong (present-day Dagze County) jailed 121 people, sent 89 into exile, forced 538 into slavery, forced 1,025 commoners into exile, forced 72 divorces, and 484 women were raped there.

Meanwhile, the white paper points out when people of different classes and ranks violated the same criminal law, the criteria for imposing penalties and the means of punishment were quite different in old Tibet. As stipulated in the Code, a servant who fought and severely injured his master could have his hands or feet chopped off; but a master who injured a servant only need to give the servant medical treatment; and a servant who injured a Living Buddha was deemed to have committed a felony and would have his eyes gouged out, a limb amputated, or even put to death.

By People's Daily Online
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may I have the opportunity to laugh at this article. It's the strangest thing i've read in a long time.
I am laughing and confused at the same time when I read that article. :lol:
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In the Archives of the Tibet Autonomous Region there is a letter from a department of the Tibet local government to Rabden in the early 1950s, saying that, to celebrate the Dalai Lama's birthday, all the staff of Gyumey would chant the sutra. To successfully complete this ceremony, some special food would be thrown to the animals. Thus, a corpus of wet intestine, two skulls, many kinds of blood and a full human skin were urgently needed, all of which must be promptly delivered.
yes,very interesting,does anybody have opportunity to ask dalai lama himself if it is truth.if he deny,let's ask China govt show the evidence.
let's find out who is liar.

it's not merely propaganda,it's China govt Declaration War of Debate with dalai lama.
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yes,very interesting,does anybody have opportunity to ask dalai lama himself if it is truth.if he deny,let's ask China govt show the evidence.
let's find out who is liar.

it's not merely propaganda,it's China govt Declaration War of Debate with dalai lama.


Again, try using neutral source.
Very funny. People Daily doing good job to brainwash its citizen.

But smart Chinese can see that it is nonsense. I have met some Chinese and educated Chinese do not believe the government propaganda. They use illegal method to access ban website and find out truth.
Chinese are very smart people.
In China, you cannot demonstrate against the peoples republic , unless you like working in the salt mines of Xianjing !

PRC itself tries to offset the revolution by its blatant propaganda. Now its going through an economic crisis with its export oriented economy in tatters , yet its Premier has the gall to say that China is unaffected by it. During peak oil prices, last year, China subsidiesed oil prices, losing foreign exchange so that ordinary Chinese will not demonstrate against it !

However with the global economic meltdown and its export orientated industry in tatters (like Shenzhen) , it cant forever keep the ordinary citizen down. And when that day arrives, Tianamen will look like a picnic !
Very funny. People Daily doing good job to brainwash its citizen.

But smart Chinese can see that it is nonsense. I have met some Chinese and educated Chinese do not believe the government propaganda. They use illegal method to access ban website and find out truth.
Chinese are very smart people.

that old s*** will die in a few years ,you india can keep that feudal ruler as long as you want,looks like you indian dream of living in the feudal society,no wander half of indian never bother to make a noise against your goverment about their slum lives(congrats you on the Oscar by the way ).only one question: why those "free media" never told you "smart" indian that dalai s*** is just a feudal ruler in the old Tibet?
It wasn't a religious ceremony it was - the riot anniversary about the killing of 86000 Tibetan people by Chinese government!

apart from that :
Tibet silent, shutoff on riot anniversary

By Emma Graham-Harrison,
March 16, 2009

BEIJING -- China warned the West not to "put its fingers into" Tibet
as the anniversary on Saturday of riots in Lhasa passed with heavy
security to prevent any challenge to Beijing's rule.

Rioting broke out in Lhasa on March 14 last year after days of
protests against Chinese rule by Buddhist monks, killing 19 people
and sparking waves of protests across Tibetan areas. Exile groups say
more than 200 people died in the crackdown.

Twelve months on, a web of troops and police across Tibetan areas
deterred any flare ups and by the evening there were no reports of protests.

Matt Whitticase, a London-based spokesman for Free Tibet, a group
critical of Chinese rule in the region, said the group's contacts had
not called to report any protests on Saturday. But he also said the
region had been under a communications "shut-down", making it
difficult to collect reports.

China's state-controlled media barely mentioned last year's unrest.
The main television news on Saturday featured upbeat reports of
Tibetans urging stability and praising the government.

Tibet's Communist Party chief, Zhang Qingli, told troops in the
region that they faced a "complex and grim situation", the official
Tibet Daily said on Saturday.

"Thoroughly defeat the Dalai clique's plots to try to split the
motherland and cause chaos in Tibet," it paraphrased Zhang as saying,
though he did not directly mention last year's unrest.

Overseas activists planned to mark the anniversary with a
demonstration in New York, but the official Xinhua agency slammed
Western critics of China's rule as misguided do-gooders.

"They might as well bow their heads, mourn those who died in the
Lhasa riots last year, and think twice before putting their fingers
into something they are ignorant of again," Xinhua said in an
English-language opinion piece that appeared aimed at readers outside China.

Beijing has promised the region will be calm this year and President
Hu Jintao called for a "Great Wall" of stability there.

Tibet and ethnic Tibetan areas of surrounding provinces are under
heavy military presence and strictly off limits to foreign
journalists and even tourists. Armed police manning road-blocks
turned back would-be visitors.

A trickle of isolated protests in recent weeks, including a monk who
set himself on fire at the Kirti monastery in Western Sichuan,
suggest lingering discontent.

Many Tibetans did not celebrate their New Year in February, in silent
protest and mourning for those who died last year.

Lhasa residents reached by phone said the day was "like any other",
but declined to comment on the security situation.
that old s*** will die in a few years ,you india can keep that feudal ruler as long as you want,looks like you indian dream of living in the feudal society,no wander half of indian never bother to make a noise against your goverment about their slum lives(congrats you on the Oscar by the way ).only one question: why those "free media" never told you "smart" indian that dalai s*** is just a feudal ruler in the old Tibet?

Hey brother.. people in china only think in one direction.. i.e the direction in which your government wants you to. The strict media and internet monitioring and sensorship in your country explains that.... If such article have come up from the government then we can understand the quality of the proporganda and thinking of chinese think tank which unfortunately affects the quality of thinking of the people too. And regarding dalai lama the whole world respects him, and only chineese hates them.. Have you ever cared to think about that..?????
yes,very interesting,does anybody have opportunity to ask dalai lama himself if it is truth.if he deny,let's ask China govt show the evidence.
let's find out who is liar.

it's not merely propaganda,it's China govt Declaration War of Debate with dalai lama.

hey Man, :what: did u ever saw Dalai Lama ? :what:.....he lives in India from last half century & m living near to that city... he never does such ceremony..........they are the most Polite & Calm people on earth.

If u dont wont belive without looking into it get ur visa done dear.....

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