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China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

And what percentages from which independent sources have you provided to make the 'everybody knows that Dalai Lama is blah blah blah' statements? and what % of people support the naxals? if lots, then naxals can simply contest elections and take over power instead of fighting for it with their chinese made weapons.
than,how do you know naxals use Chinese made weapons,by what %?I think if they had got weapon all from Chinese,Indian army will lost many more soldier lives.don't you think Indian army and govt are too stupid to take action to prevent it happen?

if you want to know the % of Chinese people who think dalai lama is the risk of Tibet.just come to a Chinese website and release inquiry.of course,if you inquiry people from a nation which has nothing to do with Tibet,the % may be lower.just like I don't think Kashmir splittists are risk to India.

That was the last post by aeneas, he was never heard from again :)

just kidding. my point is CPC should not get to decide whats ok to complain abt and what not. but i can see u don't see that. anycase don't take too much risk on my account. its ok :P

it's not CPC decide what to complain about,it's people like me.CPC is not democracy,but that not mean CPC never hear voice from people.if there are loud voice complain about something.CPC will consider,and may take action.just like brain and nervous system.if the nervous report hurt,brain will notice and consider and take action.that's why now China develop even better than your nation.don't consider that CPC is sleeping.you never know how CPC run a nation.

although the CPC govt system really need further development,but basically it is not a futureless system.in fact,it show great efficiency among developing nations.compare to democracy system.
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free tibet

yes,I can't reach it.

and would you do me a favor to have a test,please thread the article in this website without changing any words or add any words.and watch what would happen then.

send the article to this website
Defense, Military, & Geopolitical Forum

debate about Tibet with some Indian friends

Tibetans have culture of their own,of course it will take time for Hans and Tibetans feel familiar about each other,though we had the same ancestor thousands years before,named ancient Qiang.so does India minority in several regions.

but something CPC had done to benefit 90% Tibetans shouldn't be forgotten.and not merely Tibetans,CPC emanicpated all the serfs in China,including Hans.

It's not dalai lama who had emancipated slaves and serfs,he will never do that if he were in Tibet.You may meet those your Tibetan friends whipped if there were no CPC.

British had done so much in Asia,they conquered hundreds of kingdoms in subcontinent,and united them into now India country.British want to conquer more land,including Tibet.But you know,China was always being a big empire from thousands years ago.and when British came to Tibet,they meet a empire,though weak,but still a empire.which had governed Tibet for at least 200 years.

there had been some struggle between British and China and maybe including Russia in Tibet.Fortunately China didn't lost Tibit at last.and then WWWI and WWWII broken out.British turn their focus to Europe.

Tibet had never be an independent country in those years,but some thing like a land of warlords,under the ruler in name of KMT central government of China,like the rest part of China.

Even dalai lama can't rule all earth of Tibet,he was just the biggest landlord and the religious leader of Tibet.there were many chiefs in Tibet at that time,they fought each other for land,for slaves,or for hate.

things going on until mao became the leader of China,of course you know he is a powerful leader,PLA went to Tibet and ending all the unsteadiness of Tibet.then Tibet under the control of Beijing again firmly.

only descendants of exiled Tibettans would support DALAI LAMA firmly forever,in most cases they are serfowners of old Tibet who lost they power and privilege because mao supported serfs and peasants get land equal distributed from serfowners or landlords.even mao treated serfowners in Tibet more softly than in other area of China.Tibet serfowners felt panic and dissatisfied.so they rebeled and made dalai lama their spiritual leader,who in fact were the biggest serfowner of Tibet.

I tell you DALAI LAMA is an unconfessed criminal who had led an armed rebellion in 1959.a criminal must confess his crime to court.

It's not about "the intransigence of the CPC regime",it's about legal procedure.He may be pardon from punishment of China law by government,but he must confess and put to trial at first.

your Indian government should treat armed rebellion criminal likewise,wouldn't you?

could Bin Laten negotiate with US government and promise never attack US again,and then US government let him go?without arrest him and put to trial?

if India government don't treat armed rebellion criminal likewise,I recommend all India generals plan for an armed rebellion.just like the Bangladesh Rifle (BDR) did last month.what a happy game.if they failed,just come to China or Pakistan or other nations,and negotiate with India government and promise never do that again.then they could go back to India without trial or sentence.

it's up to dalai lama himself choose the way to show sincerity to China.I think it is humiliate for him to confess his crime to China government.somebody behind him would not let it happen.

he is too smart to be a visible terrorist.he had no place like Afghanistan to hide,like Bin Ladin.if he were banished by India government for terrorist suspicion,where could he go?

China claims Tibet is part of its historic territory, but Tibetan groups in exile regard the invasion as a tragedy.——why they obeyed the order of China emperor if they were not subjects of empire.even dalai lama himself was appointed officially by emperor.why he recognized KMT govt as central govt before 1949?why he obeyed the order of Mao before 1959,why not in exile at the first coming of PLA?there are numerous of offical documents back up the relationship of Tibet and China empire.dalai lama is a liar.
free tibet

yes,I can't reach it.

and would you do me a favor to have a test,please thread the article in this website without changing any words or add any words.and watch what would happen then.

send the article to this website
Defense, Military, & Geopolitical Forum

I didnt exactly get what is that you want me to do.. and why you want me to do that!!!! You want me to post your below mentioned para in that site????

debate about Tibet with some Indian friends

Tibetans have culture of their own,of course it will take time for Hans and Tibetans feel familiar about each other,though we had the same ancestor thousands years before,named ancient Qiang.so does India minority in several regions.

but something CPC had done to benefit 90% Tibetans shouldn't be forgotten.and not merely Tibetans,CPC emanicpated all the serfs in China,including Hans.

It's not dalai lama who had emancipated slaves and serfs,he will never do that if he were in Tibet.You may meet those your Tibetan friends whipped if there were no CPC.

British had done so much in Asia,they conquered hundreds of kingdoms in subcontinent,and united them into now India country.British want to conquer more land,including Tibet.But you know,China was always being a big empire from thousands years ago.and when British came to Tibet,they meet a empire,though weak,but still a empire.which had governed Tibet for at least 200 years.

there had been some struggle between British and China and maybe including Russia in Tibet.Fortunately China didn't lost Tibit at last.and then WWWI and WWWII broken out.British turn their focus to Europe.

Tibet had never be an independent country in those years,but some thing like a land of warlords,under the ruler in name of KMT central government of China,like the rest part of China.

Even dalai lama can't rule all earth of Tibet,he was just the biggest landlord and the religious leader of Tibet.there were many chiefs in Tibet at that time,they fought each other for land,for slaves,or for hate.

things going on until mao became the leader of China,of course you know he is a powerful leader,PLA went to Tibet and ending all the unsteadiness of Tibet.then Tibet under the control of Beijing again firmly.

only descendants of exiled Tibettans would support DALAI LAMA firmly forever,in most cases they are serfowners of old Tibet who lost they power and privilege because mao supported serfs and peasants get land equal distributed from serfowners or landlords.even mao treated serfowners in Tibet more softly than in other area of China.Tibet serfowners felt panic and dissatisfied.so they rebeled and made dalai lama their spiritual leader,who in fact were the biggest serfowner of Tibet.

I tell you DALAI LAMA is an unconfessed criminal who had led an armed rebellion in 1959.a criminal must confess his crime to court.

It's not about "the intransigence of the CPC regime",it's about legal procedure.He may be pardon from punishment of China law by government,but he must confess and put to trial at first.

your Indian government should treat armed rebellion criminal likewise,wouldn't you?

could Bin Laten negotiate with US government and promise never attack US again,and then US government let him go?without arrest him and put to trial?

if India government don't treat armed rebellion criminal likewise,I recommend all India generals plan for an armed rebellion.just like the Bangladesh Rifle (BDR) did last month.what a happy game.if they failed,just come to China or Pakistan or other nations,and negotiate with India government and promise never do that again.then they could go back to India without trial or sentence.

it's up to dalai lama himself choose the way to show sincerity to China.I think it is humiliate for him to confess his crime to China government.somebody behind him would not let it happen.

he is too smart to be a visible terrorist.he had no place like Afghanistan to hide,like Bin Ladin.if he were banished by India government for terrorist suspicion,where could he go?

China claims Tibet is part of its historic territory, but Tibetan groups in exile regard the invasion as a tragedy.——why they obeyed the order of China emperor if they were not subjects of empire.even dalai lama himself was appointed officially by emperor.why he recognized KMT govt as central govt before 1949?why he obeyed the order of Mao before 1959,why not in exile at the first coming of PLA?there are numerous of offical documents back up the relationship of Tibet and China empire.dalai lama is a liar.

In response to your points above i had got this 10 facts about tibet as they call it from the freetibet website.

1. The invasion of Tibet began in 1949. Chinese occupation has resulted in the death of over one million Tibetans, the destruction of over 6,000 monasteries, nunneries and temples, and the imprisonment and torture of thousands of Tibetans.

2. The Dalai Lama, Tibet's political and spiritual leader, fled Tibet in 1959 to Dharamsala, India, followed by over 100,000 Tibetans and established the Tibetan Government-in Exile. In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for a steadfast dedication to non-violence, and the highest US civilian honor, the Congressional Gold Medal, in 2007.

3. Tibet, before occupation, was a nation with an established sovereign government, currency, postal system, language, legal system, and culture. Prior to 1950, the Tibetan government also signed treaties with foreign nations. The Chinese government claims that Tibet has always been part of China, yet its invasion of Tibet resembles imperialist aggression that China accuses other powers of exhibiting.
4. The "Tibetan Autonomous Region" (TAR) is not Tibet, nor is it autonomous. The Chinese government has divided historical Tibet into one region and several prefectures and counties, with the TAR encompassing only the central area and some eastern regions of Tibet.

5. The basic freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly are strictly limited, and arbitrary arrests continue. There are currently hundreds of political prisoners in Tibet, enduring a commonplace punishment of torture.

6. The Chinese government increasingly encourages Han Chinese to migrate to Tibet, offering them higher wages and other inducements. This policy is threatening the survival of Tibetan people. Tibetans are becoming a minority in the TAR. Yearly, thousands of Tibetans still flee from Tibet, making the treacherous journey over the Himalayas into a world of exile.

7. Historical Tibet was a vast country, with an area roughly equal to Western Europe. Tibet is the source of five of Asia's largest rivers, which provide water for two billion people. Tibet's fragile environment is endangered by Chinese strip-mining, nuclear waste dumping, and extensive deforestation.

8. The Chinese government claims to have “developed” Tibet, with “developments” mainly benefiting the new majority Chinese, not Tibetans. China, neglecting education and healthcare, has spent millions of dollars building infrastructure; many roads, buildings, and power plants directly support heavy militarization, allowing China to maintain Tibet as a police state.

9. The Chinese government aggressively seeks foreign investment for its “Go West” campaign, with use of these international funds to develop Tibet as a resource extraction colony and consolidate regional control. Foreign investments in Chinese companies legitimise China's colonisation and exploitative projects that harm Tibet.

10. The United Nations and international community have done very little to address the core issue of China’s illegal occupation of Tibet. China represents an enormous market and cheap labour force, and its associated businesses have such a strong lobby that officials are reluctant to take substantive measures. Since western countries adopted policies of so-called “constructive engagement” with China in the 1990s, the human rights situation in Tibet has only deteriorated. In November 2008, the UN agreed with Free Tibet's report on torture, clarifying that it believes that torture is 'widespread and routine' in Tibet.
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than,how do you know naxals use Chinese made weapons,by what %?I think if they had got weapon all from Chinese,Indian army will lost many more soldier lives.don't you think Indian army and govt are too stupid to take action to prevent it happen?

if you want to know the % of Chinese people who think dalai lama is the risk of Tibet.just come to a Chinese website and release inquiry.of course,if you inquiry people from a nation which has nothing to do with Tibet,the % may be lower.just like I don't think Kashmir splittists are risk to India.

it's not CPC decide what to complain about,it's people like me.CPC is not democracy,but that not mean CPC never hear voice from people.if there are loud voice complain about something.CPC will consider,and may take action.just like brain and nervous system.if the nervous report hurt,brain will notice and consider and take action.that's why now China develop even better than your nation.don't consider that CPC is sleeping.you never know how CPC run a nation.

although the CPC govt system really need further development,but basically it is not a futureless system.in fact,it show great efficiency among developing nations.compare to democracy system.

Why just majority chinese, even i agree that Dalai Lama is a threat to chinese imperialism.
free tibet

yes,I can't reach it.

Q E D.

There, ur govt does not trust u to read that and make ur ur own mind. there's no point debating with u because u r making statements directly from the CPC manifesto - Dalai Lama is a liar, wolf etc etc. i've read dalai lama's books, and i think mao was a liar and the CPC too. after all CPC is not accountable, uses force, does not even trust its own people with information, whats the point? how will they do justice to tibetans?

whereas if the naxals in india are so popular as u claim, they can just become rulers of india by contesting elections. but they don't because they do not believe in democracy, but belive in a violent revolution - communism style, hence the arms.

here, read this if it opens.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Tibetan monks 'held after riot'
Thanks mao, but try ur brainwashing someplace else.

go write 500 times - 'Tibet just belong to China, In history and now.'

None business of Mao, In Yuan Dynasty, Qin Dynasty and Republic of China,
Tibet is alo part of china.

I want to declare , India is part of china
Why just majority chinese, even i agree that Dalai Lama is a threat to chinese imperialism.

India is real imperialism. You intrude Sikkim, South Tibet and Kashmir.

It is just the time to get your own punish

don't be complacent, If the day come,

you coulde be colonized again
None business of Mao, In Yuan Dynasty, Qin Dynasty and Republic of China,
Tibet is alo part of china.

I want to declare , India is part of china

Well you are not talking your thoughts.. but just CPC's agenda..!!! And it is sad that you dont have any access to the alternative thought or information. Freedom of thought is something precious, you gotta experience it to know it.

Indians do have trouble cracking chinese really, because you never know what would be the weird logic you are gonna bring up for an invasion of another country..!!!! Your logic and those of those barbarians who destroyed barbari masjid in ayodhya.. I dont find any difference..!!!
None business of Mao, In Yuan Dynasty, Qin Dynasty and Republic of China,
Tibet is alo part of china.

I want to declare , India is part of china

Ok Mao, u win.

now go write 500 times - 'India is part of china. India's reactionary govt is bourgeois.'

and then sell chinese nationalism to taiwan, not here.
Well you are not talking your thoughts.. but just CPC's agenda..!!! And it is sad that you dont have any access to the alternative thought or information. Freedom of thought is something precious, you gotta experience it to know it.

Indians do have trouble cracking chinese really, because you never know what would be the weird logic you are gonna bring up for an invasion of another country..!!!! Your logic and those of those barbarians who destroyed barbari masjid in ayodhya.. I dont find any difference..!!!

India just totally robber, you intrude Sikkim , south Tibet and Kashmir.

The punish will come eventually
I didnt exactly get what is that you want me to do.. and why you want me to do that!!!! You want me to post your below mentioned para in that site????
have a test,see what is the result,it would be interesting for you.

In response to your points above i had got this 10 facts about tibet as they call it from the freetibet website.

1. The invasion of Tibet began in 1949. Chinese occupation has resulted in the death of over one million Tibetans, the destruction of over 6,000 monasteries, nunneries and temples, and the imprisonment and torture of thousands of Tibetans.
I had no intent to read others.one million death of Tibetans.what a joke?do you know how many people are there in Tibet now?2810 thousand,do you know how many people in Tibet at time of 1949,1140 thousand.1964,1250 thousand.how could you find one million people in tibet to kill?

one million death of tibetans,do you believe stupid lies like these kind?

even CPC want to put down rebellion,they need not kill one million people.sometimes,you can scare away thousand of people by just one shot.

frankly speaking,if CPC had killed one million tibetans,why not kill another million,kill all,then there are no more problem from tibetans ever since.what the different of Political impact between killing one million and killing two million?either way CPC would be scold by people all over the world.why not kill all,at least CPC can achieve the aim of resovle Tibet issue forever.

I had heard that there are 86000 people were killed by Indian army in Kashmir,I think this number sound much more reasonable than one million.
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