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China- Tibet a long way conflict


Jun 28, 2013
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Since the enter of Chinese military over Tibet territories in 1950, the conflict between the communist authorities and Tibetan government was occurred.

I open this thread so that we can have place to discuss more and deeply about the situation between China and Tibet.

Tibet – a part of China or an independent state

On one hand, China insisted that China has continuously applied domination over Tibet for over 700 years until now. Furthermore, Tibet was never successful in fighting for their independence over that long period. Thus, no country or government even recognized Tibet as an independent state or nation, said the People’s Daily from China.

However, on the other hand, The Dalai Lama's director of information, Thubten Samphel dismissed the remark as offensive and unreliable. He explained that at various period of time, Tibet is under sovereignty of foreign countries, for examples, the Mongols, the Gurkhas of Nepal, the Manchus of China and the British.

Above all, this is the same to a vast number countries and nations around the world. Even so, at a point in its history, Tibet was the country placing the domination and influence on China. Tibet was an independent state in 1912, and Tibetans want this back.

The conflict has been going on a long way

According to Chinese government, Tibet belongs to China from the mid-13th century. Hence, Tibet should continue to be ruled by Beijing and Chinese government.

Again, Tibetans are increasingly against this statement, added that Tibet was an independent republic for many centuries. The fact that China ruled over Tibet was not constant, for instance in 1912.

The independence of Tibet was unfortunately not widely recognized and authorized. After that, in 1949, the People’s Republic of China was established, emphasizing on liberating all of Chinese territories and regions.

One more time, Tibet officially declared its independence from China. Also, Tibet confirmed that they will defend for their right and demanded all their territories back, which were taken from them by the previous Chinese government.

Later, Tibet asked for negotiations from the USA, Britain, China and India, but, there was no positive signal. Being afraid of the threat of military revenge, the other countries would not interfere and Tibet should maintain the negations with Chinese government.

In 1950, China sent armed forces to Tibet, and forced Tibetan government to sign a contract, which gave the Chinese government the right to escape military over Tibet. The contract referred to the 17 points ‘Agreement on measures for the peaceful liberation of Tibet’ document. This is said by historians to be the first case of 1 country 2 systems policy, which later was taken into implementation in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The year 1950 started the periods of unrest and sporadic uprisings as resentment to Beijing’s rule have pursued.

FNOTW: China-Tibet: long way conflict (I)
It is the time to liberate Tibet. We should start building strategy to liberate Tibat one and for all. India has full potential to do that.

You don't even have potential to stop us from posting guys with AK47s on your side of the border.

Don't bring that we retreated crap, that part is not easily accessible and hard to bring supplies and if it's so easy, why don't you do at least what you guys do to our friend Pakistan. And try to fire a few shots our way.

You got the potential to lay down and take it.
You don't even have potential to stop us from posting guys with AK47s on your side of the border.

Don't bring that we retreated crap, that part is not easily accessible and hard to bring supplies and if it's so easy, why don't you do at least what you guys do to our friend Pakistan. And try to fire a few shots our way.

You got the potential to lay down and take it.

First point you are claiming your guys crossed into Indian side ,so you agree we are not the trouble makers but your side is...thanks for accepting that...

Regarding the second part have you heard of treaties from 93 which where signed ,that will tell you why no bullet was fired.

Is tibet 40% of land of total china.
First point you are claiming your guys crossed into Indian side ,so you agree we are not the trouble makers but your side is...thanks for accepting that...

Regarding the second part have you heard of treaties from 93 which where signed ,that will tell you why no bullet was fired.

Is tibet 40% of land of total china.

When missiles and bombs are raining down on would you guys not die because it is not "just?"

When China protested to the league of nations of Japanese aggression, was our guys less dead because of it?

If treaties meant anything why is Pakistan treated differently then us. You don't fear Pakistan, but you sure as hell not going to start anything on our side of the border. If you want proof, well the present is the proof.

Having been weak once, and bullied by Japan we know exactly what weakness looks like, you don't need to tell me all your "reasons" why it's so glorious that you didn't fire.
When missiles and bombs are raining down on would you guys not die because it is not "just?"

When China protested to the league of nations of Japanese aggression, was our guys less dead because of it?

If treaties meant anything why is Pakistan treated differently then us. You don't fear Pakistan, but you sure as hell not going to start anything on our side of the border. If you want proof, well the present is the proof.

Having been weak once, and bullied by Japan we know exactly what weakness looks like, you don't need to tell me all your "reasons" why it's so glorious that you didn't fire.

Duh ,you dont even know the basic,,,plz reserch why the treaties where signed ,to be precise which incidents lead to the signing on treaty.
Duh ,you dont even know the basic,,,plz reserch why the treaties where signed ,to be precise which incidents lead to the signing on treaty.

During the Sino Japanese war, we signed 100 treaties, way more sincere than any signed between us, which one stopped the Japanese?

Only the blade on our guns, the blood in our veins put the Japanese in their place.
The OP is a false flagger.....most likely he is an Indian.

Don't waste time feeding the trolls.

How dumb can these indians get? Their own govt recognized Tibet is China.
And they complained Chinese like to mock their IQ.
How dumb can these indians get? Their own govt recognized Tibet is China.
And they always complain Chinese like to mock their IQ.

Indian Trolls have so much spare time and nothing else to do so they come here of PDF to harass and bully Chinese and Pakistanis. I feel sad for these Indian Trolls because they dent their own country's "shining" image !
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