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China: The world's cleverest country?

The title of the article is far too boastful.

We need to remember this: "虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。"

That's correct. Never to forget our Sages' mottoes that have been forging us to what we are today and what we will be in the future!
i dont see the need for the petty mud-slinging from both sides.

china has done wonders to its education system and it must be lauded for it.
credit must be given where credit is due.

well done china.
The title of the article is far too boastful. What kind of nonsense is that, "cleverest country"?

We need to remember this: "虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。"

Come on mate the article was written by a westerner so just relax and enjoy
I for one never think Chinese are smarter than anyone else and in fact I believe all human race have the more or less the same intelligent level. What make Chinese different than the other cultures is the family oriented Confucianism where we take care of our seniors and want our younger generations to be better than us. In general that's why we work tirelessly and live in frugality so that we can provide food and shelters for our aged and the best possible educations for our young.

We can find many similarities of that Confucianism in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore and numerous Diaspora communities through the world.
Do you know why Westerners write these things about us?

Because they want us to be complacent and self-satisfied, so we will no longer be able to compete with them.

Don't fall for it.

I know what you mean mate , my intention of posting such article is not really to boast but to have some fun with indians here if you know what i mean
I for one never think Chinese are smarter than anyone else and in fact I believe all human race have the more or less the same intelligent level. What make Chinese different than the other cultures is the family oriented Confucianism where we take care of our seniors and want our younger generations to be better than us. In general that's why we work tirelessly and live in frugality so that we can provide food and shelters for our aged and the best possible educations for our young.

We can find many similarities of that Confucianism in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore and numerous Diaspora communities through the world.

Indeed. It's a pity many foreign countries have neglected or been scornful of this Gem of all cultures and some even try to suppress it!
The other guy was counting Kipling, Mother Teresa and such, which is silly.

Mother Theresa was an Indian citizen when she got the Nobel. Anyways my focus was on non-Peace Nobels which both India & China have none.
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