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China takes rights activists into custody

I remembered the story of a young boy in ancient China who was severely burned all over his body and he was near death. His life was eventually saved with external application of very old urine. So I grabbed my bottle of 7 year old urine (yes, seven years old) that I had stored awasy and soaked a washcloth with it, which I wrapped over Sterling's hand. I placed a plastic sandwich bag over the hand, covered it with another wash cloth, and pulled his sweatshirt over the hand. I checked the hand 10 minutes later and the redness and swelling was gone. Sterling went to sleep for a few hours. When he woke up, my husband and I looked at his hand in total amazement. We could not tell that it had ever been burned. All signs of swelling, redness, or burn were gone!

Urine Therapy: testimonials of cures

According my research on the subject, this regime is highly recommended for blemishes. Urine Therapy (also urotherapy, urinotherapy or uropathy) apparently has been around for centuries and used by many cultures including China, France, Mexico and during the Renaissance period.


it is also prevalent in Arabia and written in the scriptures!!

so, that much for your ignorance.

Chinese Association of Urine Therapy
72, Wu Kon Lio Road, Wuku Industrial Park, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: G886-2-2988446
Fax: G886-2-2996990

Urine therapy refers to use of one's urine to maintain health, to prevent or cure sickness, to enhance beauty, or to promote meditation and spiritual enlightenment. Urine has been ingested, injected, or applied topically.

Urine therapy can be traced back as far as 5,000 years to early civilizations such as the Aztecs, ancient Egyptians, ancient Chinese, and Native Americans. It is believed that the origin of this practice comes from certain religious rites among Hindus, where it is called amaroli in tantric religious traditions. Medically, urine is referred to as "plasma ultrafiltrate." Advocates of urotherapy claim that this treatment is effective for dry skin, cancer, and numerous other diseases and disorders.
He doesn't have to be a somebody then and it is not important whether he is important or not either. The important thing was he recieved support and training from the US and later became one of America's biggest nightmare. So US do have a history of getting involved with these insurgencies and getting themselves shot in the foot for it.
Then why did bin Laden deny it to Robert Fisk, a journalist who is no friend of the US and the UK?

When the Soviets invaded and occupied Afghanistan, the country that had the most to lose was Pakistan. At that time, the Soviets and India were allies and a Soviet controlled Afghanistan would have the Pakistanis with only the ocean at their backs. That is an unacceptable situation for any country. The ME provided the manpower and the funds, Pakistan provided the corporate training of the rebels, and the US provided the weapons, most famously the Stinger missiles. Without one leg the entire scheme would collapse. These are not secret information.

Sorry, buddy, but your heavily blacked out 'Osman = bin Laden' image does not even constitute evidence, let alone irrefutable proof. What is the origin of that heavily blacked out document? How did it came to the public domain -- FoIA? Who brought it out?

So this lead us back to the first question of why did bin Laden denied to Fisk that he was a CIA agent? If you accept as factual that the hijackers were genuine jihadists, then it would make sense for bin Laden to admit to Fisk that he was a CIA agent or at least one of the CIA's creation. The hijackers lived in the West, they socialized with non-muslims, they used Western resources to plan their attacks, they even imbibed alcohol. So why would bin Laden deny anything related to the CIA regarding himself? He would have been trumpeting that relationship from the beginning.

So save everyone the suspense and come out and admit that you are a loony 'Troofer'.
Then why did bin Laden deny it to Robert Fisk, a journalist who is no friend of the US and the UK?

When the Soviets invaded and occupied Afghanistan, the country that had the most to lose was Pakistan. At that time, the Soviets and India were allies and a Soviet controlled Afghanistan would have the Pakistanis with only the ocean at their backs. That is an unacceptable situation for any country. The ME provided the manpower and the funds, Pakistan provided the corporate training of the rebels, and the US provided the weapons, most famously the Stinger missiles. Without one leg the entire scheme would collapse. These are not secret information.

Sorry, buddy, but your heavily blacked out 'Osman = bin Laden' image does not even constitute evidence, let alone irrefutable proof. What is the origin of that heavily blacked out document? How did it came to the public domain -- FoIA? Who brought it out?

So this lead us back to the first question of why did bin Laden denied to Fisk that he was a CIA agent? If you accept as factual that the hijackers were genuine jihadists, then it would make sense for bin Laden to admit to Fisk that he was a CIA agent or at least one of the CIA's creation. The hijackers lived in the West, they socialized with non-muslims, they used Western resources to plan their attacks, they even imbibed alcohol. So why would bin Laden deny anything related to the CIA regarding himself? He would have been trumpeting that relationship from the beginning.

So save everyone the suspense and come out and admit that you are a loony 'Troofer'.

What you deem as prove or not matters not to anyone but yourself. Other people can have their own ways of interpreting it. Unless they choose to blindly ignore everything. My emphasis were also on the fact that America likes to shoot themselves in its own foot by training rebels directly or indirectly only to cross swords with them. So it will not come to anyone as a surprise when these Libyan rebels turn against the very people who trains them at some point in the future. Rebel groups like these lack logistics and battle training. Without support and training, there is no way they can force the Soviets into retreat back in 1989. Libyan rebels is the perfect example (they are having it easy due to direct NATO air support).

Besides, you are still tap dancing around questions?

Kinda like how the Chinese Communist Party keep a firm grip on Chinese media to keep the 'dumb masses' in China under control?

You didn't ask the right question. Of course I approve of state control media, Singapore is known to have high control in the media. Does anyone in Singapore give a damn noooo.. So now that you got my answer please let me know your thoughts on how does having a free media benefit China especially in its current state today? The masses please and not specific groups as we are Chinese and the "dumb" masses are our concern of course.

Now can you give us your take on Anonymous User's question as I am a little curious what your answer would be?
What you deem as prove or not matters not to anyone but yourself. Other people can have their own ways of interpreting it. Unless they choose to blindly ignore everything.
Is that how the Chinese legal system works, that unverifiable 'stuff' can be taken seriously as evidences?

My emphasis were also on the fact that America likes to shoot themselves in its own foot by training rebels directly or indirectly only to cross swords with them. So it will not come to anyone as a surprise when these Libyan rebels turn against the very people who trains them at some point in the future. Rebel groups like these lack logistics and battle training. Without support and training, there is no way they can force the Soviets into retreat back in 1989. Libyan rebels is the perfect example (they are having it easy due to direct NATO air support).
Fine...So this can be an indictment of US incompetence. No different than how many other countries screwed up with their foreign policies. How does this prove that Osama bin Laden is a CIA agent? Let me guess, China never made a mistake with foreign policy?

Besides, you are still tap dancing around questions?
Not worth my time.
Not worth my time.

How 'dumb' is the masses is not the issue. Who is in control of the media -- is the issue?

Figures you talk about how China controls its media but cannot justify how a free media can help China's masses. :blah: :blah:
Howe does a free media help china?

1. lets see they would been able to warn the world and other Chinese quicker about the spread of SARS- avoiding innocent deaths of those who had no idea that an epidemic was brewing and what symptoms to look for
2. they would be able to unearth the reason the Chinese military goes rogue and does tests that the political leadership said it was not aware of
3. they would avoid having their sons and daughters being mysteriously kidnapped over what the govt thought was " bad words or speech"
4. They would be able to catch more corruption that is swindling billions from its citizens but being swept under a rug. I mean who in their right mind thinks - that a country that is having such great growth, cash flow has no major corruption taking place? Ever wonder how they never report on any major scandals with all these billions and billions flowing through hands?
5. They would know that thousands who die in mines every year is because they have bribed officials
6. They would know that millions die of starvation because of huge income inequality
7. They would know that prison like labor camps are being run in china where poor villagers who come into industrialized zones to work are housed in rat infested and just horrible shanty's
8. They would know that china has the highest suicide rate among workers in the industrialized world

and I can go on and on and on... the idea that a free press is bad in total- is asinine and only a brainwashed mind , much like a drug addicts would think so.
Do you deny that?

If you want to control, you must first justify why you need said control. Or are you saying that the freedom of expression is naturally in need of control?

Running around naked is a freedom of expression, so is slandering and running in an airport and shouting the word bomb. Every country has its own control to suit its cultures and society. Just because US made freedom of speech a number one priority does not show how other countries will benefit by allowing for the same law. Which Asian country do you know of that has benefited from freedom of expression?
Running around naked is a freedom of expression, so is slandering and running in an airport and shouting the word bomb. Every country has its own control to suit its cultures and society. Just because US made freedom of speech a number one priority does not show how other countries will benefit by allowing for the same law. Which Asian country do you know of that has benefited from freedom of expression?
See post 548. The man beat me to it...:lol:
Howe does a free media help china?

1. lets see they would been able to warn the world and other Chinese quicker about the spread of SARS- avoiding innocent deaths of those who had no idea that an epidemic was brewing and what symptoms to look for
2. they would be able to unearth the reason the Chinese military goes rogue and does tests that the political leadership said it was not aware of
3. they would avoid having their sons and daughters being mysteriously kidnapped over what the govt thought was " bad words or speech"
4. They would be able to catch more corruption that is swindling billions from its citizens but being swept under a rug. I mean who in their right mind thinks - that a country that is having such great growth, cash flow has no major corruption taking place? Ever wonder how they never report on any major scandals with all these billions and billions flowing through hands?
5. They would know that thousands who die in mines every year is because they have bribed officials
6. They would know that millions die of starvation because of huge income inequality
7. They would know that prison like labor camps are being run in china where poor villagers who come into industrialized zones to work are housed in rat infested and just horrible shanty's
8. They would know that china has the highest suicide rate among workers in the industrialized world

and I can go on and on and on... the idea that a free press is bad in total- is asinine and only a brainwashed mind , much like a drug addicts would think so.
Although half of what said is true but free media no help for these just came from free media.
Howe does a free media help china?

1. lets see they would been able to warn the world and other Chinese quicker about the spread of SARS- avoiding innocent deaths of those who had no idea that an epidemic was brewing and what symptoms to look for.

This just causes panic, look at the radiation from Japan and how salt price (which has no health benefits) went thru the roof. The government handled this in the end and the epidemic died down. Otherwise Sars will still be around.

2. they would be able to unearth the reason the Chinese military goes rogue and does tests that the political leadership said it was not aware of
Example? J20?

3. they would avoid having their sons and daughters being mysteriously kidnapped over what the govt thought was " bad words or speech"

Small group of people who choose to get politically involved, how does this benefit the masses

4. They would be able to catch more corruption that is swindling billions from its citizens but being swept under a rug. I mean who in their right mind thinks - that a country that is having such great growth, cash flow has no major corruption taking place? Ever wonder how they never report on any major scandals with all these billions and billions flowing through hands?

No justification, who has a worse corruption record with freedom of speech.

5. They would know that thousands who die in mines every year is because they have bribed officials
Corruption aside as per point no 4 that freedom of speech if not going to help the situation, the destitute poor will always take up mining jobs because they need the money, are you really telling me they don't know the risk of going into a deep hole?

6. They would know that millions die of starvation because of huge income inequality

Again no justification, lets not make this into a country vs country issue.

7. They would know that prison like labor camps are being run in china where poor villagers who come into industrialized zones to work are housed in rat infested and just horrible shanty's
Are we talking about China here? you got a link for this?

8. They would know that china has the highest suicide rate among workers in the industrialized world

Strikes are now allowed to take by the workers, they're not stupid just poor
Howe does a free media help china?

1. lets see they would been able to warn the world and other Chinese quicker about the spread of SARS- avoiding innocent deaths of those who had no idea that an epidemic was brewing and what symptoms to look for.

This just causes panic, look at the radiation from Japan and how salt price (which has no health benefits) went thru the roof. The government handled this in the end and the epidemic died down. Otherwise Sars will still be around.

2. they would be able to unearth the reason the Chinese military goes rogue and does tests that the political leadership said it was not aware of
Example? J20?

3. they would avoid having their sons and daughters being mysteriously kidnapped over what the govt thought was " bad words or speech"

Small group of people who choose to get politically involved, how does this benefit the masses

4. They would be able to catch more corruption that is swindling billions from its citizens but being swept under a rug. I mean who in their right mind thinks - that a country that is having such great growth, cash flow has no major corruption taking place? Ever wonder how they never report on any major scandals with all these billions and billions flowing through hands?

No justification, who has a worse corruption record with freedom of speech.

5. They would know that thousands who die in mines every year is because they have bribed officials
Corruption aside as per point no 4 that freedom of speech if not going to help the situation, the destitute poor will always take up mining jobs because they need the money, are you really telling me they don't know the risk of going into a deep hole?

6. They would know that millions die of starvation because of huge income inequality

Again no justification, lets not make this into a country vs country issue.

7. They would know that prison like labor camps are being run in china where poor villagers who come into industrialized zones to work are housed in rat infested and just horrible shanty's
Are we talking about China here? you got a link for this?

8. They would know that china has the highest suicide rate among workers in the industrialized world

Strikes are now allowed to take by the workers, they're not stupid just poor

it's almost scary reading your replies--- govt for you guys is god and your puppet master. I could debate each of your replies but is astonishingly obvious that individual rights is meaningless in your culture and country... example ' who cares if few people get kidnapped by the govt' LOL
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