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China takes cue from Gujarat Inc

No, that argument is the straw man argument, where you take somebody's views, assign a different, similar sounding view point to him, one that can be defeated easily, and defeat it, and pretend that you have defeated the original view. Very old,very stale.

I call people Internet Hindus when they represent a violent bigoted version of Hinduism, which does not represent the views of Hindus, as being that. Not people who differ with me or my views.

How do I represent that? I just do not share your view on Modi, now if this makes me a violent bigoted Hindu by your 'definition' so be it. I will join the countless millions of Modi supporter's and claim my place in hell.

What is an INTERNET HINDU , you ask ?

India: Meet the 'Internet Hindus' | GlobalPost

Capisch ?

Yes Sir thanks for that I am now a internet hindu, please do you wish I label it to my forehead? so you could recognise me

I really don't understand what this thread got to do with Decade old riots of 2002 ?

Damn! Sounding rational is one thing but trying too hard every-time makes one look so stupid!
How do I represent that? I just do not share your view on Modi, now if this makes me a violent bigoted Hindu by your 'definition' so be it. I will join the countless millions of Modi supporter's and claim my place in hell.

I am okay with Modi's economic posturing. But, I dont feel comfortable with the BJP. Its a religion based party, with ties to Shiv Sena and the likes, and I am for secularism. India is not a Hindu nation. And that is what they propose which I am against completely. Then where will Muslims, Christians and the rest go :) Not that they will do anything about removing secularism, am just saying. They are right wing and with India's social inequality issues, am not sure how much right wing politics will help.

But then the secular parties are **** anyway. So looks like we are spoilt for choices :lol:
Babu Bajrangi was involved with Godhra as well? Wow, I never knew that!

I know that you dont know many things about Gujarat. I have seen your prejudice and bigotry regarding Modi far too often.

What is an INTERNET HINDU , you ask ?

India: Meet the 'Internet Hindus' | GlobalPost

Capisch ?

Not capiche.

Trying to browbeat or trying to take people on guilty trips dont work no more.

You call me a Inter Hindu ?..the Hell I am. You call me a Saffronist ? Most obligingly. Deal with it. And also deal with the exponentially increasing "Internet Hindu" population.

The kind of de-racinated, dhimmi minded people who will rather take the abuse than fight back, for the fetish of looking "liberal and secular" is fast becoming extinct.

Live and let live is our motto. Not - let live even if we dont live. We have every right to defend our way of life, our civilization from being abused. Right to self-preservation precedes every thing. If some hard measures have to be taken to ensure that, it WILL be taken.
I am okay with Modi's economic posturing. But, I dont feel comfortable with the BJP. Its a religion based party, with ties to Shiv Sena and the likes, and I am for secularism.

I hate repeating this - but what according to you is 'secularism' ?

The Indian constitution does not define it for me . Atleast you can help.

He has not himself killed a single person, from all accounts; but he is responsible, criminally responsible for the deaths of over 700 people.

No. Not even "all accounts"..but hardly few accounts. Take your disinformation elsewhere.
I call people Internet Hindus when they represent a violent bigoted version of Hinduism, which does not represent the views of Hindus, as being that. Not people who differ with me or my views.

Please dont define what is Hinduism to us. This is what the westerners did and this is what their lackeys do today. We people can decide for ourself. Moreover given the choice of being a dhimmi and violent Hindu, I rather choose the latter.
I hate repeating this - but what according to you is 'secularism' ?

The Indian constitution does not define it for me . Atleast you can help.

No. Not even "all accounts"..but hardly few accounts. Take your disinformation elsewhere.

Secularism = The elimination of religion from public life.

Secularism is the principle of separation between government institutions and the persons mandated to represent the State from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. (See also separation of church and state and Laïcité.) In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence.[1] (See also public reason.) Some scholars are now arguing that the very idea of secularism will change.[2]

It means, in simple terms, the right of any citizen in the country to lead a life not affected by his or her choice of religion. It means, in the context of Gujarat, the right of a Muslim man, woman or child to live, and not to be killed because a sworn functionary of the state has decided that some other Muslims, in some other place, has killed Hindus, and so Muslims as a whole should be taught a lesson.
I hate repeating this - but what according to you is 'secularism' ?

The Indian constitution does not define it for me . Atleast you can help.

No. Not even "all accounts"..but hardly few accounts. Take your disinformation elsewhere.

Are you not being a hypocrite? Whom are you fooling, with your assertion that you do not know what secularism means? Is it clever behaviour, to quibble with words when human lives are involved?

As for the accounts that you scoff at, they are increasingly prevailing, in case you haven't noticed. It was a different tune that you Sangh Parivar members were singing before Bajrangi and Kodnani got convicted. Now that the judge haw noted that there was criminal conspiracy, do you still fail to see the writing on the wall?

One immediate result is good, anyway. Your monstrosity now has little or no chance for political distinction outside Gujarat.

Please dont define what is Hinduism to us. This is what the westerners did and this is what their lackeys do today. We people can decide for ourself. Moreover given the choice of being a dhimmi and violent Hindu, I rather choose the latter.

I am not defining Hinduism. Not at all. I am defining the cheap, plastic imitations that try to take its place.
Learn from anyone as long it helps you. Gujrat learns from China, if other way round happens, its good for us too.

Gujrati businessmen are learning Mandarin, don't know about Chinese learning Gujrati.

Gujrat model if applied in India then we could have more trade with China along with less tensions due to economic associations.
Please dont define what is Hinduism to us. This is what the westerners did and this is what their lackeys do today. We people can decide for ourself. Moreover given the choice of being a dhimmi and violent Hindu, I rather choose the latter.

The westerners did? Only those really ignorant of Hinduism and dependent on the dictates of a village priest in Kanchi dan say that. The definition that you reject was the definition of Rammohun Roy, of Vidyasagar, of Ramakrishna Paramahansa, of Vivekananda, of Aurobindo. Not of sniveling little cowards like Savarkar, begging for mercy to the same Westerners that you act so brave about because you have to do nothing but posture on the Internet.
I know that you dont know many things about Gujarat. I have seen your prejudice and bigotry regarding Modi far too often.

Not capiche.

Trying to browbeat or trying to take people on guilty trips dont work no more.

You call me a Inter Hindu ?..the Hell I am. You call me a Saffronist ? Most obligingly. Deal with it. And also deal with the exponentially increasing "Internet Hindu" population.

The kind of de-racinated, dhimmi minded people who will rather take the abuse than fight back, for the fetish of looking "liberal and secular" is fast becoming extinct.

Live and let live is our motto. Not - let live even if we dont live. We have every right to defend our way of life, our civilization from being abused. Right to self-preservation precedes every thing. If some hard measures have to be taken to ensure that, it WILL be taken.

It is your own concocted fable that all who oppose you are pseudo-secularists who belong to the Congress and who toad-eat Muslims for the sakes of their votes. I have news for you. You and the Congress are equally dead. The heady days of the Ramjanmabhoomi campaign was the worst that you could do, and the figures show the reality - inexorable decline since then.

And don't hold your breath counting the increasing number of semi-literates from capitation fee education swelling your numbers. Ask Kejriwal; India is not governed by those with access to keyboards, the way it was governed earlier by those with exclusive rights to Sanskrit and to the Vedas. That's over; it isn't coming back,not even in Tamil Nadu.
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