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China takes cue from Gujarat Inc

Hence there is no point in bickering between these two ancient civilizations. We have to learn to co-exist.

We will co-exist because that is the only reasonable option. Unless you have the power to completely obliterate the other side (without destroying yourself in the process), then the only REAL solution is co-existence.

Asian Civilizations are smart enough to realize that. That's why we have lasted so long.
Well that is certainly up for debate. But its just my personal opinion.
Well that is certainly up for debate. But its just my personal opinion.

It is true, there are a lot of civilizational similarities between China and India, mostly Vedic-derived beliefs that have been absorbed into Chinese culture through vessels such as Buddhism.

But having similar cultures doesn't necessarily help, most rivalries in the world occur between countries with similar cultures.
It is true, there are a lot of civilizational similarities between China and India, mostly Vedic-derived beliefs that have been absorbed into Chinese culture through vessels such as Buddhism.

But having similar cultures doesn't necessarily help, most rivalries in the world occur between countries with similar cultures.

When a time comes when we have to take a stand, these civilizational similarities mean a lot.

I'll give you an example. Even if tomorrow the Kashmir issue is solves I dont think everything will become hunkey-dory between Indian and Pakistani...The emotions would hardly change. But if tomorrow the small border dispute between India and China is solved none of the Indians would have any ill-feeling about China. Anyway I'm going offtopic.
You have made an excellent point.

Just like the Chinese are learning from Gujarat, Modi should go and learn from experts how to kill women and children.

Really ?


so, now we will see the mass killing of minorities in China too??

not good idea.....

No, you will see mass prosperity of minorities and No ethnic cleansing/Roits in xinjiang for a Decade for sure.
so, now we will see the mass killing of minorities in China too??

not good idea.....

no mate, don't say that, remember China is ur greatest ally, an "All Weather Friend", a country that u say will one day be the only superpower, Asian Powerhouse, military superpower, etc. :D :D

It looks like Gujarat gives recipe of mass killing of minorities free along with the recipe for development :lol:
Even after supreme court giving him clean chit why do some people still hold him responsible for gujarat riots

Even after supreme court giving him clean chit why do some people still hold him responsible for gujarat riots

The Supreme Court has given him no clean chit. Stop spreading disinformation.

But they are in jail convicted for killing 59 Hindu pilgrims - most of whom were women and children.

BTW its always good to learn from the Chinese certain things.

Ofcourse..its their survival instincts.

Babu Bajrangi was involved with Godhra as well? Wow, I never knew that!
God bless Modi and Gujarat :tup:


Work on the first 2 buildings in GIFT city is well underway
Maybe it has nothing to do with Modi?

Maybe they are simply trying to discredit Gujarat's Economic Model.

It has everything to do with Modi, as a person who betrayed his oath of office. He swore to uphold the constitution, and he did not take office as Chief Minister for Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists; he took office as Chief Minister responsible for all citizens of India. By taking office under the constitution, he was sworn to go by the rule of law, not to sit in judgement on the Godhra deaths, judge who was innocent and who was guilty and then unleash mobs on people who belonged to the same religion as those he held guilty, BUT HAD NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH THEM THAN THAT!

He has not himself killed a single person, from all accounts; but he is responsible, criminally responsible for the deaths of over 700 people.

We despise Suhrawardy for holding back the police force during the Great Calcutta Killing. In what way is Modi different from Suhrawardy? Have you any reason to support him other than the fact that he organized the killings of Muslims, and you think, for your own political reasons and religious reasons, that killing Muslims is a GOOD thing?
It has everything to do with Modi, as a person who betrayed his oath of office. He swore to uphold the constitution, and he did not take office as Chief Minister for Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists; he took office as Chief Minister responsible for all citizens of India. By taking office under the constitution, he was sworn to go by the rule of law, not to sit in judgement on the Godhra deaths, judge who was innocent and who was guilty and then unleash mobs on people who belonged to the same religion as those he held guilty, BUT HAD NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH THEM THAN THAT!

He has not himself killed a single person, from all accounts; but he is responsible, criminally responsible for the deaths of over 700 people.We despise Suhrawardy for holding back the police force during the Great Calcutta Killing. In what way is Modi different from Suhrawardy? Have you any reason to support him other than the fact that he organized the killings of Muslims, and you think, for your own political reasons and religious reasons, that killing Muslims is a GOOD thing?

Please do not bring up Gujarat riots in this thread there is one already on it! that is your view but not shared by many
What is a internet Hindu my friend? this thread is not to do with Gujarat riots there is one already on it and btw im born a Hindu you do not become one on the internet :cheesy:

Find out for yourself. There is nothing as sickening as a pretended naif.
Well Sir if somebody does not share your view, you condemn them as a internet Hindu? that I find sickening or better still the actions of a boy trapped in a man's body.

No, that argument is the straw man argument, where you take somebody's views, assign a different, similar sounding view point to him, one that can be defeated easily, and defeat it, and pretend that you have defeated the original view. Very old,very stale.

I call people Internet Hindus when they represent a violent bigoted version of Hinduism, which does not represent the views of Hindus, as being that. Not people who differ with me or my views.
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