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China successfully launches first Mars mission

China released photo of Mars surface taken by Zhurong rover.
The picture above was taken by the front obstacle avoidance camera in the forward direction of the rover. In the picture, it can be seen that the ramp mechanism is deployed in place; the two extension rods on the upper part of the image are subsurface radars that have been fully deployed; the terrain in the forward direction is shown clearly. In order to get a larger range of terrain information in the direction of the rover, the obstacle avoidance camera uses a large wide-angle lens. The distant horizon forms an arc because of the influence of the wide-angle lens distortion.
The picture above was taken by a navigation camera pointing to the rear of the rover. The picture shows that the rover’s solar panels and antenna are deployed in place; the surface texture of Mars is clear and the landform information is rich.
Surprised the ramp for mars rover has already deployed....
If you Chinese were like Indians, you would have come up with some corny if not distasteful headlines like "While China reaches Mars India gasps for air".
Indian can wait a hundred years later before they land a working rover on Mars.
Just my opinion, but I think The slight delay was because the rover spotted something it wasn’t supposed to.

Something artificial..
Just my opinion, but I think The slight delay was because the rover spotted something it wasn’t supposed to.

Something artificial..
Despite the hostility between US and China but when comes to alien, the human alliance are there. US and China are to keep the secret of alien on Mars tight lip so as not to alarm the globe.
Despite the hostility between US and China but when comes to alien, the human alliance are there. US and China are to keep the secret of alien on Mars tight lip so as not to alarm the globe.

I agree with you 100%

Despite the hostility, I do think the US and China have an agreement to keep hush-hush as to not cause a panic.
China's Tianwen-1 probe sends back Mars landing visuals
Source: Xinhua | 2021-05-19 20:39:51 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Two photos and two videos captured by China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 during and after the country's first landing on the red planet were released by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on Wednesday.

The lander carrying a rover of the Tianwen-1 mission touched down in the southern part of Utopia Planitia, a vast plain on the northern hemisphere of Mars, on May 15, becoming the country's first probe to land on a planet other than Earth.

The first photograph, a black and white image, was taken by an obstacle avoidance camera installed in front of the Mars rover. The image shows that a ramp on the lander has been extended to the surface of Mars. The terrain of the rover's forward direction is clearly visible in the image, and the horizon of Mars appears curved due to the wide-angle lens.

The second image, a color photo, was taken by the navigation camera towards the rear of the rover. The rover's solar panels and antenna are seen unfolded, and the red soil and rocks on the Martian surface are clearly visible in the image.

The probe also sent back two videos taken by a camera on the orbiter, showing how the lander and the rover separated from the orbiter during landing.

Tianwen-1, consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched on July 23, 2020. It was the first step in China's planetary exploration of the solar system, with the aim of completing orbiting, landing and roving on the red planet in one mission.

After landing last Saturday, the lander and rover established communication with the Earth.

On May 17, the orbiter entered orbit to relay communication between the rover and the Earth, and sent back images and data from the rover.

The rover is now making preparations for moving down from the lander onto the Martian surface, CNSA said.
Whatever doubts the skeptics may had, these images have put a final end to it. Zhurong has landed safely on the Red Planet and ready for Mars exploration. The Indian trolls can no longer talk trash and the bragging of reaching the Mars Orbit first is totally meaningless now.

Do people realize how special the success of this mission is? This is all in one package comprising orbiter,lander and rover module. China's first Mars mission is very ambitious, packed with loads of instruments on the orbiter and the rover and having no orbiter no maps prior to the mission needless to say it was extremely risky. Yet China pulled it off, kudos to the Chinese engineers. The successes of Chang'e 4 and 5 and now Tianwen-1 have put China into the elite club. These achievements have made Chinese very proud as China decided to go big for its first Mars mission and big it is.
Whatever doubts the skeptics may had, these images have put a final end to it. Zhurong has landed safely on the Red Planet and ready for Mars exploration. The Indian trolls can no longer talk trash and the bragging of reaching the Mars Orbit first is totally meaningless now.

Do people realize how special the success of this mission is? This is all in one package comprising orbiter,lander and rover module. China's first Mars mission is very ambitious, packed with loads of instruments on the orbiter and the rover and having no orbiter no maps prior to the mission needless to say it was extremely risky. Yet China pulled it off, kudos to the Chinese engineers. The successes of Chang'e 4 and 5 and now Tianwen-1 have put China into the elite club. These achievements have made Chinese very proud as China decided to go big for its first Mars mission and big it is.
There is absolutely no doubt China is first tier space power.
The news is incorrect. Russia never landed a rover on Mars. They only rover they put was on the moon.
Thanks for correction. I was wondering who the other country was, but had never heard about any country other than the old US.
Whatever doubts the skeptics may had, these images have put a final end to it. Zhurong has landed safely on the Red Planet and ready for Mars exploration. The Indian trolls can no longer talk trash and the bragging of reaching the Mars Orbit first is totally meaningless now.

Do people realize how special the success of this mission is? This is all in one package comprising orbiter,lander and rover module. China's first Mars mission is very ambitious, packed with loads of instruments on the orbiter and the rover and having no orbiter no maps prior to the mission needless to say it was extremely risky. Yet China pulled it off, kudos to the Chinese engineers. The successes of Chang'e 4 and 5 and now Tianwen-1 have put China into the elite club. These achievements have made Chinese very proud as China decided to go big for its first Mars mission and big it is.
Off topic: but what's the flag of the country you have there? Is it Algeria? Don't think i've seen that flag on here before.
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