What's new

China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.


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Maybe, since PLA is also using DF-21 to launch the military satellites, the launch rate is simply much faster than the liquid fuel rocket.

KT-1 !?

Also heard about KZ-1 !

Any successful launch ?


LPEO 15.09.2002 failed PS-1 (Microsat)

LPEO 16.09.2003 failed PS-2 (Microsat)

KZ-1 :

LPEO 25.09.2013 2013-52 Kuaizhou-1
KT-1 !?

Also heard about KZ-1 !

Any successful launch ?


LPEO 15.09.2002 failed PS-1 (Microsat)

LPEO 16.09.2003 failed PS-2 (Microsat)

KZ-1 :

LPEO 25.09.2013 2013-52 Kuaizhou-1

It is our anti-satellite missile, and the early launches could be somewhat failures.
CZ-11 (Changzheng-11) :
The most unknown model of all China’s new space rockets is the Changzheng 11 (CZ-11), which was described to be a small solid-propellant launch vehicle, possibly to replace the unsuccessful Kaituozhe-1 (KT-1).

It is our anti-satellite missile, and the early launches could be somewhat failures.

So it's not a satellite launcher !?

CZ-11 in news :

2013, March 04 -- China's first solid-fuel rocket CZ-11 will be ready to make its first launch before 2016, a senior official in the country's space industry says.
The rocket will be easy to operate and cost-efficient to launch, Liang Xiaohong, deputy head of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, told China's state-run Xinhua new agency.
It can remain in storage for long periods and reliably launch on short notice, he said.
"The development of the CZ-11 will greatly improve China's capabilities to rapidly enter the space and meet the emergency launching demand in case of disasters and emergencies."
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发布时间: 2014-09-28 14:40:29 | 来源: 中国网 | 作者: | 责任编辑: 董宁
2014年9月28日13时13分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号丙运载火箭,成功将实践十一号07星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道。汪江波 摄影

2014-9-28 13:13 p.m.
China successfully launched Shijian-11-07 satellite into orbit with a Long March-2C rocket.

‘Shijian’ means ‘Practice’ and this series of satellites have been used in a variety of configurations and missions for scientific research and technological experiments or demonstration.
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The following 12months would be a really busy launching season.
Waiting for the maiden launch of CZ-5 CZ-7
The following 12months would be a really busy launching season.
Waiting for the maiden launch of CZ-5 CZ-7
Hope they will hasten the launch date to original end of year 2014 for CZ-5 and not the revise early 2015 date. 2014 is a very stagnant year for China military and space, we need some good advancement news.
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