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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

June 25th at 5h07 local time, the 3 astronauts of Shenzhou-10 left the spacelab TG-1.

After the undocking, Shenzhou-10 had performed a 180° around TG-1 (+V bar to -R bar, then -V bar)

Some captures...









Henri K.
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A Chinese space capsule carrying three astronauts returned safely to Earth Tuesday (June 25), wrapping up the longest manned space mission in the nation's history.

The Shenzhou 10 spacecraft touched down at 8:08 p.m. EDT Tuesday (0008 GMT), capping a 15-day mission to China's orbiting Tiangong 1 lab module. The spacecraft landed in northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where the local time was 8:08 a.m. on Wednesday.

During their time aboard Tiangong 1, Nie Haisheng, Wang Yaping (the second Chinese woman to fly in space) and Zhang Xiaoguang performed a variety of experiments, beamed a microgravity science lesson down to 330 schoolkids and chatted with President Xi Jinping.

Xi lauded the three taikonauts (as Chinese astronauts are called) during the phone call on Monday (June 24) and stressed that their mission is part of a broader plan to advance China's presence and capabilities in the final frontier.

"The space dream is part of the dream to make China stronger. With the development of space programs, the Chinese people will take bigger strides to explore further into space," Xi said, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Shenzhou 10 launched June 11 and docked automatically with Tiangong 1 two days later. The spaceships separated briefly on Saturday (June 22) before joining up again, this time in a manual docking with Nie piloting the Shenzhou 10. The vessels detached for good on Monday evening (June 24), with Shenzhou 10 then flying around the lab module in a rendezvous test.

Such spaceflight maneuvers are viewed as key steps toward the construction and long-term occupancy of an orbiting space station, which China hopes to have up and running by 2020.

The Shenzhou 10 mission was China's fifth human spaceflight. The nation first launched a taikonaut in October 2003, sending Yang Liwei into orbit for 21 hours. A two-person crew spent five days in space two years later, and three taikonauts blasted off on a three-day trip in September 2008.

The next manned mission was Shenzhou 9, which sent three taikonauts — including Liu Yang, China's first woman in space — on the first flight to Tiangong 1 in June 2012. The 13-day mission featured automatic and manual dockings with the lab module, as Shenzhou 10 did.

Tiangong 1 launched to Earth orbit in September 2011 and was first visited by the unmanned Shenzhou 8 spacecraft two months later. China plans to launch a larger module, called Tiangong 2, later this year. ("Tiangong" means "Heavenly Palace" in Chinese, while "Shenzhou" is typically translated as "Divine Vessel.")
Congratulations for China. Looks like they are catching up. I wonder how NASA is doing?

Launching unmanned stuff to mars. Private U.S. companies are doing the future manned space flights. U.S. Air Force is launching recon spacecraft. The usual.
Launching unmanned stuff to mars. Private U.S. companies are doing the future manned space flights. U.S. Air Force is launching recon spacecraft. The usual.

What happens to NASA then?

Wouldn't they go bankrupt?
What happens to NASA then?

Wouldn't they go bankrupt?

You wish.

We simply get tired of all the moon and mars exploration. Why we need to shoulder the cost when we have commercial space agency that did the things?? :lol: ? After 40 years in our universe, we are now looking at Outer Universe (Deep Space) Exploration.

It's no fun as the road to the moon is starting to get congested. Why don't we just go further out and enjoy the sole view??

Deep space exploration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Voyager 1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Voyager 1 is launched in 1977 and it just reach the gravitational limit of our own universe (Earth's Sun pulling effect) in 2004, the voyager 1 is currently unbound by the gravity of the Earth's sun. Last year, scientist believe the Voyager 1 has pass the boundary of our existing universe at 125 AU, however, dispute in comment suggested it could have been an uncharted part of our deep space.

Voyager 1 is set to become Space junk in 2030.

This is what NASA is focusing on right now


Other Space Probe mission included

Pioneer 10 (Terminated)
Pioneer 11 (Terminated)
Voyager 2 (Ongoing)
New Horizon (Ongoing)

July 15th, China had succesfully launched it's 4th ballistic early-warning satellite, SJ-11-05.




How SJ-11-03 looks like


How SJ-11-05 looks like


The position of the 4 ballistic early-warning satellites in the space.


Video of this launching

Henri K.
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China successfully launched SJ-11-05 Early warning satellite. It is the 4th satellite of SJ-11 to be placed into orbit. An another satellite of the same familly, SJ-11-06, should be launched before the end of this year as well.

The SJ-11 constellation will provide for the first time to Chine the capability to detect any ballistic launch from it's neighbors. This capability is completed by some ground based geant AESA surveillance radars.

Chang'E-II lunar probe is expected to meet again with the Earth after 17 years.

Henri K.
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Friend, you need to reassess your definitions of "our universe" and "deep space"..... :blink:

Voyager 1 is launched in 1977 and it just reach the gravitational limit of our own universe (Earth's Sun pulling effect) in 2004, the voyager 1 is currently unbound by the gravity of the Earth's sun. +++++++ part of our deep space.

Xinhua Taiyuan, July 20 (Reporter Li Qing Hua Yanyan) at 7:37 on the 20th, China's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in the 4th C carrier rocket Long March, 'the stone Samsung' approach, success will innovation on the 3rd, the test VII and practice fifteenth three technical scientific experiment satellite launch, satellite successfully into orbit.
3 is mainly used in space satellites and space debris observation space manipulator maintenance operations and other technical scientific experimentation.

This is the Long March series of carrier rockets 179 launches.
SBSS-like system + 1 space robot satellite + 1 target satellite.

The military usage of these 3 satellites is more than obvious.

Henri K.
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