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China launches HY-2B marine satellite

Source: Xinhua| 2018-10-25 09:36:44|Editor: Yang Yi


TAIYUAN, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- China sent a new marine satellite into orbit Thursday morning.

A Long March-4B rocket carrying the HY-2B satellite took off at 6:57 a.m. from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province.

The HY-2B is an ocean dynamic satellite, which will form a network with the subsequent HY-2C and HY-2D for maritime environmental monitoring.

Thursday's launch was the 288th by the Long March rocket series.

China, UNDP join hands to reduce disaster risks along the Belt and Road
By Jiang Jie (People's Daily Online) 14:22, October 25, 2018

In Beijing on Wednesday, China and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched an initiative to enhance disaster risk reduction and response capacity for countries along the Belt and Road.

The initiative, led by China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) with technical guidance from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), features a series of implementation projects under the Memorandum of Understanding and the Action Plan signed between UNDP and China to integrate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The first of the series, titled “Technology for Resilience,” aims to provide better tech-based solutions for disaster risk information as part of the early warning system, as well as enhanced accuracy of post-disaster damage assessments to enhance disaster preparedness and response capacities.

Through full use of China’s Beidou Navigation System, the project will share technological resources among countries along the Belt and Road to provide high-accuracy disaster reduction data service for the promotion of the initiative, observed Chen Linhao, deputy director general of the Department of International Cooperation of MOST.

China’s first Beidou ground station in ASEAN was launched in Laos in August 2016 to assist the country’s national survey statisticians, according to Chen, who noted that the new project could benefit public service in the host country while also laying a foundation for future BRI construction.


(Photo courtesy of Hi-Target Surveying Instrument Co Ltd)

Liao Dinghai, president of Hi-Target Surveying Instrument Co. Ltd, a leading remote sensing solution provider in China and a key implementation partner of the project, introduced that the new project will cover a string of countries, from Russia and Fiji to Malaysia and Mexico, to give a boost to these countries’ water conservancy projects and agricultural development in addition to disaster reduction and relief.

Cambodia will become the first pilot country to enjoy the services as the country will see construction launch this December.

“Such cooperation will bring tangible benefits to countries and regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and therefore is worthy of further scaling up and promotion,” said Zhang Qin, director of the division of international organizations of the Department of International Cooperation of NDRC.

According to the Guangzhou-based company, a total of 120 ground stations will be set up under the project to receive real-time observation data from the Beidou system and the received data will be instantly uploaded to three data service centers in China for collection and analyses.

Under the project, precise location-based services can be provided worldwide with 10-centimeter-level accuracy for countries outside the initiative and four-centimeter-level accuracy for Belt and Road countries by the end of 2019. The accuracy can be further enhanced to four centimeters for international users and two centimeters in Belt and Road countries by the end of 2020.

“This project, as one of UNDP’s pilot BRI projects, is expected to bring innovative development solutions to jointly tackle challenges in disaster reduction efforts,” said Agi Veres, country director of UNDP China. The project can potentially be “highlighted as an early successful demonstration for the 2019 Belt and Road Forum,” she added.


(Photo courtesy of UNDP)
China launches space router for first time
Source: Xinhua| 2018-10-30 00:20:03|Editor: Mu Xuequan

CHANGSHA, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) -- China's first space router has been successfully launched atop the Long March-4B carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province.

The space router, designed and manufactured by the National University of Defense Technology, has already entered orbit.

The router is one of the core requirements needed to build a "space-ground integrated information network," in a bid to provide Internet services for different users, as nearly half of people across the globe are yet to have Internet access, hindered by deserts, mountains, oceans or other natural environments.

While working on the space router, the National University of Defense Technology also cooperated with the governments of Foshan City in south China's Guangdong Province and Shunde District in Foshan. The two sides have jointly set up a research center that focuses on the research and application of space network technology, in line with China's plan to achieve greater military-civilian integration.
CASC's verification test of the VERTICAL RECOVERY and GUIDANCE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY of the launch vehicle!
It's carried out SUCCESSFULLY!!

GREAT JOB! Watch the AWESOME video clip at this Twitter's thread as retweeted by OedoSoldier.

Quoted the tweet by LaunchStuff:

“It's a verification test of the vertical recovery and guidance control technology of the launch vehicle!”

Translated from the tweet in Japanese:

“China finally got it...
It is clear that at least it is becoming possible to get hold on the Reusable Vehicle Testing (RVT) of the ISAS.

The fact that the aircraft technology mark is included may also have technological development to the concept of the long-awaited re-use of the first stage of Long March or Changzheng (CZ) rocket No. 6, which was introduced before. (2018-10-29)”

And the original link of the related brief notion:





And its translation:

The carrier rocket vertical re-use guidance control technology verification test flight was successful !!

Recently, the Aerospace Intelligent Technology Innovation Center and the National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Intelligent Control Technology carried out the verification test of the vertical recovery and guidance control technology of the launch vehicle, and the flight was successful !!

The article has been revised on 2018-10-29.

CASC Verification Test 20181029.jpeg
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China Focus: High-orbit BeiDou-3 satellite boosts China's global navigation system
Source: Xinhua| 2018-11-02 01:47:35|Editor: Liangyu

XICHANG, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- China's home-grown global satellite navigation system came a step closer to completion with the launch of another BeiDou-3 satellite at 11:57 p.m. Thursday from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, in the southwestern Sichuan Province.

Launched on a Long March-3B carrier rocket, it is the 41st of the BeiDou navigation system, and will work with 16 other Beidou-3 satellites already in orbit.

It is also the first BeiDou-3 satellite in high orbit, about 36,000 km above the Earth. In a geostationary orbit, following the Earth's rotation, it will view the same point on Earth continuously.

A basic system with BeiDou-3 satellites orbiting will be in place by the year-end to serve countries in the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, said Yang Changfeng, chief designer of the system.

The satellite and rocket for Thursday's launch were developed by the China Academy of Space Technology and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, respectively. The launch was the 290th mission of the Long March carrier rocket series.

Apart from radio navigation system, the satellite is equipped with an improved radio determination satellite service that can provide short message services to 10 million subscribers each hour.

With an advanced satellite-based augmentation system, the satellite can also provide low-cost and reliable navigation services to civil aviation clients at home and abroad.

"If a navigation signal went wrong, the satellite could inform users within 6 seconds to switch other signals," said Pan Yuqian, chief designer of the BeiDou-3 series.

The satellite is carrying hydrogen and rubidium atomic clocks, which will play a key role in positioning and timing accuracy.

Atomic clocks are the most accurate time and frequency standards. They use vibrations of atoms to measure time. An accurate and ultra-stable set of atomic clocks is essential for global navigation satellite systems.

The clocks are 10 times more stable than those used in previous BeiDou satellites, according to scientists.




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China Xichang Satellite Launch Base successfully launched China's Beidou navigation satellite No.41!
西昌之家 2018-11-02 10:41:19




China launches first geostationary BeiDou-3 satellite | GPS World (02 Nov)

China has launched its first geostationary satellite for the BeiDou constellation, according to press reports.

The successful launch of satellite G1Q took place at 15:57 UTC on Nov. 1 from the LC2 Launch Complex of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Sichuan province, using a Long March-3B/G2 (Chang Zheng-3B/G2) launch vehicle.

Beidou-3G satellites are the geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) component of the third phase of the Chinese Beidou satellite navigation system. The GEO satellites will be in high orbit, about 36,000 kilometers above the Earth, following the Earth’s rotation to view the same point on Earth continuously.

In addition to navigation services, the satellite will serve as a satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) and provide short message services (Research Data Shared Service, RDSS).

The G1Q satellite is the 17th BeiDou-3 satellite and the 41st overall BeiDou satellite. Another pair of BeiDou-3 medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites, M17 and M18, will be launched in mid-November.

The recent BeiDou launches will expand the system to global navigation coverage.

The G1Q satellite is based on the DFH-3B bus that features a phased array antenna for navigation signals and a laser retroreflector, and also is equipped with an apogee propulsion system for final orbit insertion. The satellite has a launch mass of about 4,600 kg.

今天 15:01 来自 HUAWEI P20 Pro
After the successful launch of the 41st Beidou navigation satellite on November 1st at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, yesterday Xi’an Satellite Control Center has successfully fixed the satellite into geostationary orbit.
This satellite is a geostationary orbit satellite and is the 17th satellite of the Beidou 3 system in China. It is also the first geostationary orbit satellite of the Beidou 3 system.
China expects to launch Dongfanghong-5 satellite in 2019
New China TV
Published on Nov 11, 2018

China expects to launch its new Dongfanghong-5 satellite in 2019. The new satellite is expected to provide better Internet access to a wider range of regions, as well as to planes and high-speed trains.
Basic constellation of the BeiDou-3 satellites completed
By Deng Xiaoci in Xichang Source:Global Times Published: 2018/11/19 6:44:06

BDS to provide navigation services to BRI countries from next month


Carring a pair of BeiDou-3 navigation satellites, a Long March-3B launch vehicle took off at 2:07 am from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Xichang, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Monday. photo: Courtesy of Xichang Satellite Launch Center/ Liang Keyan

China successfully launched twin BeiDou-3 navigation satellites early Monday morning, marking a major milestone for the array of positioning satellites known as the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS).

Launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Xichang, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, the satellites are 42nd and 43rd in a BDS. They are also the 18th and 19th satellite in the newer generation of the BDS known as BeiDou-3, and will join the 17 that are now in orbit. The BDS will provide navigation services for countries and regions along the routes of the China-proposed Belt and Road initiative by the end of the year.

The twin Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites entered their set orbit around 6 am on Monday morning, three hours after their launch.

"The basic BeiDou-3 constellation has been completed, marking a milestone for the Chinese BeiDou to go truly global," said Yang Changfeng, chief architect of the BDS, said at a press event on Sunday in Xichang.

"BDS will reach worldwide coverage after the Monday launch with an enhanced accuracy of between 2.5 meters and five meters, and it will provide service that is twice as good as the previous BeiDou-2, without even being noticed by the users," Yang said.

This year has witnessed that China has made intensive efforts in launching the array of satellites that make up the country's global navigation system.

Since November 5, 2017 there have been 19 launches of BeiDou-3 satellites, with the shortest intervals between launches being only 17 days, said Yang.

Such an intensive launch schedule is unprecedented in China's space history, Wang Ping, chief designer of BeiDou-3 family of satellites, told the Global Times.

To achieve the goal, Chinese engineers and scientists have been planning and working accordingly round the clock since 2015, and broken the old tradition of "producing one and examining one," as the BeiDou-3 satellites and their components are in fact produced through a mass manufacturing but in a more scientific mode, Wang noted.

The Monday BeiDou-3 mission was the Xichang Satellite Launch Center's 15th of the year, and the center is expected to perform two more by the end of the year, Wu Chengde, deputy director of the political department at the launch center, told the Global Times. The previous number of launches from the center was nine in one year, said Wu.

Some staff members at the center have worked up to 45 consecutive days in order the meet the demands of this year's launch schedule, Wu said.

BDS international cooperation

Yang also said that China is planning to launch eleven additional BeiDou-3 satellites including 6 MEO satellites, 3 Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGO) satellites and 2 geostationary satellites, over the next two years.

BDS targets first-class global services around 2020.

The Chinese homegrown navigation system, which is named after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper, began serving China in 2000 and the Asia-Pacific region in 2012.

More than 6.17 million commercial vehicles, 80,000 buses in 36 cities and 370 public service ships across the country have been using the BDS, according to the data provided by the Ministry of Transport issued on Sunday.

The system now covers more than 50 countries and regions with a total population of more than 3 billion, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

A document the China Satellite Navigation Office sent to the Global Times on Sunday states that China and the US signed a joint statement on the compatibility of the BDS and US' GPS signals in November 2017.

Seven rounds of meetings have been carried out between officials with the BDS and their counterparts with the European Galileo navigation system, and a bilateral working group has been established.

China and Russia will hold a satellite navigation collaboration forum in Shanghai in May 2019. And the second China-Arab States BDS cooperation forum will also be held in Tunis in 2019.



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China expands use of BeiDou navigation system in transportation
Source: Xinhua| 2018-11-23 18:53:20|Editor: Shi Yinglun

BEIJING, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- China will expand the application of its home-grown BeiDou navigation system to cover all transportation fields, according to an official from the Ministry of Transport (MOT).

Over the past few years, over 6.17 million domestic vehicles nationwide and 35,000 vehicles of postal services or courier companies have installed or become compatible with the BeiDou navigation system, according to MOT spokesperson Wu Chungeng.

The navigation system has also been installed in 80,000 buses, 370 ships and the country's domestically-manufactured commercial airplanes.

The country is also promoting the international use of the BeiDou system in sectors such as transportation and rescue, and ensuring it serves Belt and Road countries.

The BeiDou system began providing services in China in 2000 and surrounding regions in the Asia-Pacific in 2012. When the system is completed in 2020, it will be the fourth largest global satellite navigation system after the U.S. GPS system, Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo.

A basic system with 18 orbiting BeiDou-3 satellites is expected to be in place by the end of 2018.
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