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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

KZ-11 under 10000USD/kg. 9000USD/kg? 8000USD/kg?? :D








Picture released from Jilin Linye-1 (JLVS-3, Jilin video satellite 3) satellite taken on 10th Jan, showing Lijiang, Yunnan province. Dimension is 11kmX4.5km.
Last edited:
Superview (Gaojing-1A/1B) satellites launched late December last year has reached final orbit and today release first picture to public.

Click on the picture for link to higher resolution.




--> http://www.siweidg.com/news/company/2017/0111/236.html



2017-01-13 蓝箭空间科技



Private enterprises in the field of commercial space development made new breakthroughs.

January 13, 2017, Beijing LandSpace Technology Co., Ltd. and Denmark's Gomspace company sign rocket launch service agreement in Hangzhou. It is understood that this is first orders for China's domestic private aerospace enterprises to provide commercial rocket launch services in international markets.

--> 北京蓝箭签订国内民营航天第一单

China's first cargo spacecraft to leave factory
Source: Xinhua 2017-01-17 16:43:22

BEIJING, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- China's first cargo spacecraft will leave the factory, according to the website of China's manned space mission.

A review meeting was convened last Thursday, during which officials and experts unanimously concluded that the Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft had met all the requirements to leave the factory.

The take-off weight of Tianzhou-1 is 13 tonnes and it can ship material of up to six tonnes.

The spacecraft, which is scheduled to be launched in April from the southern province of Hainan, will dock with the Tiangong-2 space lab and refuel it.

It will be a crucial step for China in building a space station by 2020, as cargo spacecraft are required to ship necessities for astronauts aboard the space station.
China to launch electromagnetic monitoring satellite for earthquake study
Source: Xinhua 2017-01-17 18:54:05

BEIJING, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- China will launch a satellite this year to gather electromagnetic data that may be used in monitoring and forecasting earthquakes.

According to China's earthquake administrative agencies on Tuesday, the satellite will be launched in the latter half of this year.

Movements of the Earth's crust generate electromagnetic radiation which can be observed from space.

By collecting data on the Earth's electromagnetic field, ionosphere plasma and high-energy particles, the satellite will be used in real-time monitoring of earthquakes and possible seismic precursors in China and neighboring regions.

The satellite will be China's first space-based platform for earthquake monitoring, providing a new approach for research.

According to Shen Xuhui, deputy chief of the mission, it is designed to remain in orbit for five years and record the electromagnetic situation of earthquakes above 6 magnitude in China and quakes above 7 magnitude all over the world.

Scientists are expecting to find common factors that may be used to develop earthquake forecasting technology, Shen said.

The satellite may also serve aerospace and navigation communication purposes.
First quantum satellite surpasses expectations
(China Daily) 08:43, January 19, 2017


  Diagram of Micius, the world's first quantum satellite CHINA DAILY

Five space exploration projects to begin during 13th Five-Year Plan

Micius, the world's first quantum satellite, has successfully completed four months of in-orbit tests since China launched it on Aug 16, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has announced.

"The overall performance has been much better than we expected, which will allow us to conduct all our planned experiments using the satellite ahead of schedule and even add some extra ones," Pan Jianwei, chief scientist for the satellite project, said at a ceremony on Wednesday.

The major goal is to test the possibilities of relaying quantum "keys" carried by photons, or light particles, over 500 to 1,200 kilometers from a satellite to ground stations to create a new kind of information transmission network that cannot be hacked without detection.

A similar, but smaller-scale, network has been tested and put into commercial use in recent years on metropolitan and intercity networks in China, but satellite-ground quantum communication is believed to be key to expanding a quantum network's coverage worldwide.

Other missions include quantum teleportation and quantum entanglement, both for the first time in space.

"Initial tests on the satellite have reached a transmission rate that will allow us to finish these experiments within several weeks, so we will have time to add new experiments," Pan said.

He said the plans include more complex quantum tests between Micius and five ground stations across China this year, and then cross-continental quantum communication experiments to establish links with ground stations in Austria, Italy and Canada in 2018.

"Many key technologies we developed for the Micius satellite have never been used or tested, so in our original plan, it would have been a full success if we were able to build the satellite-ground connection. We did not expect the signal would be so strong, and the transmission rate so high," Pan said.

Micius is part of the academy's Strategic Priority Program, which has sent three satellites into space since December 2015.

Late last year, the academy published a proposal for five new space exploration projects to be started during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20).

"The academy's Strategic Priority Program gives scientists a new stage to build a stronger international reputation," said Xiang Libin, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "I just received an email from a famous French scientist who wished to cooperate with us on the new space exploration projects. Without the reputation we have built gradually through the Strategic Priority Program, we would not have attracted such attention."
China schedules launch of Chang'e-5, its first sample return lunar exploration mission
2017-01-23 00:39:28 Xinhua Web Editor: Ding


Chang'e-5 lunar probe is under development in a mimic lunar environment. [Photo: China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation]

China plans to launch the Chang'e-5 lunar probe at the end of November this year, from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in southern China's Hainan Province, aboard the heavy-lift carrier rocket Long March-5.

The mission will be China's first automated moon surface sampling, first moon take-off, first unmanned docking in a lunar orbit about 380,000 km from earth, and first return flight in a speed close to second cosmic velocity, according to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

"With a weight of 8.2 tons, the lunar probe is comprised of four parts: an orbiter, a returner, an ascender and a lander," said Ye Peijian, one of China's leading aerospace experts and a consultant to the program.

The lander will put moon samples in a vessel in the ascender after the moon landing. Then the ascender will take off from the moon to dock with the orbiter and the returner orbiting the moon, and transfer the samples to the returner.

The orbiter and returner then head back to the earth, separating from each other when they are several thousand kilometers from earth. Finally, the returner will re-enter the earth.

The development of Chang'e-5 has entered the end of its flight model phase, and relevant work is proceeding smoothly, according to CASC.

China plans to fulfill three strategic steps with the launch of Chang'e-5, "orbiting, landing and returning."

The country also plans to launch the Chang'e-4 lunar probe around 2018 to achieve mankind's first soft landing on the far side of the moon, and to conduct an in situ and roving detection and relay communications at earth-moon L2 point, according to the China National Space Administration.

"The country plans to send robots to explore both lunar poles," said the administration's vice director Wu Yanhua in late 2016. Wu added that plans of sending astronauts to the moon were also being discussed.
China's hi-res SAR imaging satellite put into use
Source: Xinhua 2017-01-23 17:14:01

BEIJING, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- China's first high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite has passed all its in-orbit tests and is now operational, according to the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense on Monday.

The Gaofen-3 satellite, which is accurate to one meter in distance, was launched in August 2016.

Tong Xudong, a senior engineer with the administration, said the satellite covers the globe with an all-weather, 24-hour observation service and will be used for disaster prevention and reduction, ocean monitoring, and the protection of maritime rights.

Gaofen-3 is China's first low orbit remote sensing satellite to have a long lifespan.

With 12 imaging modes, Gaofen-3 has the most imaging modes in the SAR imaging satellite family. The high-definition observation satellite is capable of switching freely between various imaging modes, taking wide pictures of both earth and bodies of water, and detailed photographs of specific areas.

Gaofen-3's spatial resolution ranges from one meter to 500 meters and its largest viewing swath is 650 kilometers.

According to the administration, Gaofen-5 hyerspectrual satellite is planned to be launched in September 2017.












■本报记者 甘晓

近百年来,航空航天器的研发已成为人类最大规模的科技创新活动。不过,在我们头顶上尚有一段鲜有持久飞行和应用的空域——传统航空器上不去、航天器下不来的“近空间”(Near Space)。如今,近空间成为全球战略竞争的焦点,带来前所未有的科技挑战。































《中国科学报》 (2017-01-23 第6版 基金)




■本报记者 陈欢欢










《中国科学报》 (2017-01-23 第6版 基金)











《中国科学报》 (2017-01-23 第6版 基金)










《中国科学报》 (2017-01-23 第6版 基金)












《中国科学报》 (2017-01-23 第6版 基金)


@Bussard Ramjet :coffee::D:enjoy:
what are these new stuff? curious!!
China Puts New High-resolution Satellite into Imagery Services

Published by CCTV+ on 2017-01-23

China on Monday formally transferred its first Gaofen-3 high-resolution satellite from trial runs to imagery services. It now commands the highest resolution among microwave remote sensing satellites now in orbit.

Launched into orbit in August last year, Gaofen-3 has been testing its C-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar imaging system which is capable of one-meter resolution. Imaging through microwaves has made it an all-weather satellite. The trial runs have checked and verified its various systems and functions, including Earth observation in scanning widths of between 10 kilometers and 650 kilometers with resolutions of between one meter and 500 meters.

"During trial run in orbit, Gaofen-3 has provided various users with close to 40,000 images taken from 150 million square kilometers of ocean and land," said Tong Xudong, chief engineer for Gaofen Project.

Apart from microwave, Gaofen-3 also has 11 other imaging modes which facilitate imagery services as required.

"What's unique about Gaofen-3 is its combination of generalized monitoring and specific inspection into one satellite. Such a combination avails data services for monitoring oceanic objects, oceanic environment, surface water resources and emergency disaster evaluation," said the chief engineer.

More on:http://www.cctvplus.com/news/20170123/8041523.shtml
some additional information about this project

日期 2016-12-12  来源:数理科学部  作者:詹世革 张攀峰  【大 中 小】  【打印】  【关闭】







Beidou: China’s alternative to GPS reviewed in report for US Congressional commission

A Congressional commission has released a report on China’s development of its own satellite navigation system, Beidou, noting a range of implications for the United States.

The report produced by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission finds that Beidou has security, economic and diplomatic implications for the United States, though poses no inherent risks to US smartphone users.

Using a network of 35 satellites in geosynchronous and medium Earth orbits, Beidou is expected to achieve global coverage by 2020, providing position accuracies of better than ten metres worldwide, meaning China joins the US (GPS), Russia (GLONASS) and the European Space Agency (Galileo) as having a developing or near fully operational global navigation satellite system (GNSS).

The main motives noted for China’s development of Beidou include national security reasons, developing a commercial downstream satellite navigation industry, and building domestic and international prestige.

“The system’s primary purpose is to end China’s military reliance on GPS, although China’s associated industrial policies will likely affect US firms operating in China’s market. Industry professionals assess there are no inherent risks to products such as smartphones receiving data from BeiDou,” the report summarises.


Above: Civil applications of Beidou GNSS (CNSO).

The United States developed the first global navigation satellite system, GPS, in the 1980s, initially for military use such as positioning and tracking personnel and vehicles and improving precision of weapons delivery.

However civilian applications of GPS, which is provided freely, soon spread, with cars, planes, vessels and individuals using an electronic receiver to obtain location, navigation and timing data, and also being used for surveying and mapping.

It is expected that China has been equipping its ballistic and cruise missiles to operate with both GPS and Beidou and would thus, once Beidou is mature, be able to “guide a missile to its target if GPS were denied” and also “be able to attack an adversary’s access to GPS without disrupting its own capabilities.”

Economically, the maturing of Beidou will likely mean US firms in the downstream satellite navigation industry will see a narrowing of opportunities in the Chinese market.

However, the report states that, “US consumers should know there are no inherent risks to receiving Beidou signals” on their smartphones, with malware seen as unfeasible to transmit.


Above: Beidou satellites represented in MEO, GEO and IGSO orbits linking to devices on Earth (CNSO).

The report suggests a number of responses the US can take to the development of Beidou, which in Chinese refers to the ‘Big Dipper’ or ‘Plough’ asterism, including continuing to invest in maintaining its leadership in space.

China currently has 23 Beidou satellites operational in orbit. As a national key technical project within China’s space program, the Beidou constellation is cited numerous times in the recently released white paper on China’s space activities.

A white paper (pdf) on the Beidou system was released in 2016. While noting it is being constructed with an eye on the “needs of the country’s national security and economic and social development,”, potential military applications are not mentioned.

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the main contractor for China’s space programs, says it expects to put 6-8 more Beidou satellites into orbit in 2017, launching two at a time, suggesting the system is proceeding ahead of the 2020 schedule.

CASC could launch as many as 28 missions during 2017, which will be added to by orbital launches conducted by CASIC, another state-run space player, and its subsidiaries.

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission which produced the report was created by the United States Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor and investigate the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the US and the People’s Republic of China.

The USCC report can be found here.

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