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Six homes developed heavy-duty carrying liquid oxygen kerosene engine first turbo pump test a success
2016-08-01 中国航天科技集团六院 中国航天科技集团六院 2016-08-01 China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes
中国航天科技集团六院 China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes

微信号 htlywx Micro Signal htlywx

功能介绍 中国航天科技集团公司第六研究院官方微信 Features China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Company Institute Sixth official micro letter

8月1日,由我院负责研制的重型运载火箭500吨级液氧煤油发动机首次燃气发生器-涡轮泵联动试验取得成功,标志着该型发动机研制工作取得首个里程碑式胜利,为后续圆满完成关深阶段研制任务奠定了基础。 August 1, by the hospital responsible for the development of heavy launch vehicle for the first time 500 tons of liquid oxygen kerosene engine gas generator - turbopump test success, marking the first engine development work has made a landmark victory for the subsequent successful off the deep stages of development tasks to complete the foundation.

我院院长谭永华、科技委主任张贵田、副院长栾希亭、总工程师胡旭东等陪同上级领导专家现场指导试车。 I Dean Tan Yonghua, director Zhang Guitian CST, vice president of the Greek pavilion Luan, Chief Engineer Hu Xudong accompanied superiors expert on-site guidance test.

试车前,我院11所、7103厂、165所及院有关部门通过对试车方案、联试产品状态质量、试车台改造调试、联试风险分析和充分的紧急预案确认复查,做了大量工作,付出大量心血,确保试车取得预期目标。 Before commissioning, our hospital 11, 7103 plants, 165 clinics and hospital departments through the test program, the state product quality testing and commissioning, testing station reconstruction debugging, testing and commissioning of risk analysis and adequate emergency plan confirmation review, a lot of work, pay a lot of effort to ensure the test to achieve the desired objectives.

此型发动机为我国正在研制的最大推力火箭发动机,对支撑后续空间站建设、载人登月及深空探测具有重要意义。 This type of engine is being developed maximum thrust rocket engines, space station construction to support the follow-up, manned landing on the moon and deep space exploration is important. (张平) (Ping)

Six homes developed heavy-duty carrying liquid oxygen kerosene engine first turbo pump test a success
2016-08-01 中国航天科技集团六院 中国航天科技集团六院 2016-08-01 China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes
中国航天科技集团六院 China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes

微信号 htlywx Micro Signal htlywx

功能介绍 中国航天科技集团公司第六研究院官方微信 Features China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Company Institute Sixth official micro letter

8月1日,由我院负责研制的重型运载火箭500吨级液氧煤油发动机首次燃气发生器-涡轮泵联动试验取得成功,标志着该型发动机研制工作取得首个里程碑式胜利,为后续圆满完成关深阶段研制任务奠定了基础。 August 1, by the hospital responsible for the development of heavy launch vehicle for the first time 500 tons of liquid oxygen kerosene engine gas generator - turbopump test success, marking the first engine development work has made a landmark victory for the subsequent successful off the deep stages of development tasks to complete the foundation.

我院院长谭永华、科技委主任张贵田、副院长栾希亭、总工程师胡旭东等陪同上级领导专家现场指导试车。 I Dean Tan Yonghua, director Zhang Guitian CST, vice president of the Greek pavilion Luan, Chief Engineer Hu Xudong accompanied superiors expert on-site guidance test.

试车前,我院11所、7103厂、165所及院有关部门通过对试车方案、联试产品状态质量、试车台改造调试、联试风险分析和充分的紧急预案确认复查,做了大量工作,付出大量心血,确保试车取得预期目标。 Before commissioning, our hospital 11, 7103 plants, 165 clinics and hospital departments through the test program, the state product quality testing and commissioning, testing station reconstruction debugging, testing and commissioning of risk analysis and adequate emergency plan confirmation review, a lot of work, pay a lot of effort to ensure the test to achieve the desired objectives.

此型发动机为我国正在研制的最大推力火箭发动机,对支撑后续空间站建设、载人登月及深空探测具有重要意义。 This type of engine is being developed maximum thrust rocket engines, space station construction to support the follow-up, manned landing on the moon and deep space exploration is important. (张平) (Ping)


Wonderful news, wonderful news. test underway :enjoy::tup:

Six homes developed heavy-duty carrying liquid oxygen kerosene engine first turbo pump test a success
2016-08-01 中国航天科技集团六院 中国航天科技集团六院 2016-08-01 China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes
中国航天科技集团六院 China Aerospace Science and Technology Group of six homes

微信号 htlywx Micro Signal htlywx

功能介绍 中国航天科技集团公司第六研究院官方微信 Features China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Company Institute Sixth official micro letter

8月1日,由我院负责研制的重型运载火箭500吨级液氧煤油发动机首次燃气发生器-涡轮泵联动试验取得成功,标志着该型发动机研制工作取得首个里程碑式胜利,为后续圆满完成关深阶段研制任务奠定了基础。 August 1, by the hospital responsible for the development of heavy launch vehicle for the first time 500 tons of liquid oxygen kerosene engine gas generator - turbopump test success, marking the first engine development work has made a landmark victory for the subsequent successful off the deep stages of development tasks to complete the foundation.

我院院长谭永华、科技委主任张贵田、副院长栾希亭、总工程师胡旭东等陪同上级领导专家现场指导试车。 I Dean Tan Yonghua, director Zhang Guitian CST, vice president of the Greek pavilion Luan, Chief Engineer Hu Xudong accompanied superiors expert on-site guidance test.

试车前,我院11所、7103厂、165所及院有关部门通过对试车方案、联试产品状态质量、试车台改造调试、联试风险分析和充分的紧急预案确认复查,做了大量工作,付出大量心血,确保试车取得预期目标。 Before commissioning, our hospital 11, 7103 plants, 165 clinics and hospital departments through the test program, the state product quality testing and commissioning, testing station reconstruction debugging, testing and commissioning of risk analysis and adequate emergency plan confirmation review, a lot of work, pay a lot of effort to ensure the test to achieve the desired objectives.

此型发动机为我国正在研制的最大推力火箭发动机,对支撑后续空间站建设、载人登月及深空探测具有重要意义。 This type of engine is being developed maximum thrust rocket engines, space station construction to support the follow-up, manned landing on the moon and deep space exploration is important. (张平) (Ping)


This sounds to be the turbopump for the YF-400/500 engines that are slated for the first stage of the CZ-9.
This sounds to be the turbopump for the YF-400/500 engines that are slated for the first stage of the CZ-9.
Omg, if this is true, the speed of the R&D is amazing. Well, this shouldn't come as a surprise. China follows the 三步棋 strategy.
转发祝贺!我国最大直径航天固体发动机点... 来自央视新闻 - 微博
转发祝贺!我国最大直径航天固体发动机点火实验成功 [鼓掌] 】今天,我国自主研制的首台3米直径航天固体发动机,在西安完成首次点火实验,这是我国迄今为止最大的航天固体发动机,未来核心技术将应用于我国大型火箭和重型运载火箭,标志着我国航天运载能力的发展进入新阶段。


From state media CCTV weibo:
Forwarding congratulations! China's largest aerospace diameter solid rocket motor ignition experiments successfully [Applause]] Today, China independently developed the first 3 meters diameter solid aerospace engine in Xi'an, completed the first ignition experiments, and this is by far the largest aerospace solid rocket motor, the core technology would in the future apply to China's large and heavy rocket launchers, marked the development of the space carrying capacity of our country has entered a new milestone.



转发祝贺!我国最大直径航天固体发动机点... 来自央视新闻 - 微博
转发祝贺!我国最大直径航天固体发动机点火实验成功 [鼓掌] 】今天,我国自主研制的首台3米直径航天固体发动机,在西安完成首次点火实验,这是我国迄今为止最大的航天固体发动机,未来核心技术将应用于我国大型火箭和重型运载火箭,标志着我国航天运载能力的发展进入新阶段。


From state media CCTV weibo:
Forwarding congratulations! China's largest aerospace diameter solid rocket motor ignition experiments successfully [Applause]] Today, China independently developed the first 3 meters diameter solid aerospace engine in Xi'an, completed the first ignition experiments, and this is by far the largest aerospace solid rocket motor, the core technology would in the future apply to China's large and heavy rocket launchers, marked the development of the space carrying capacity of our country has entered a new milestone.




It would be interesting to know which booster/missile this is slated for. A larger booster in the same class as the P238 or SRB would provide the CNSA with a cheap-yet-decent solution for increasing payloads of existing LVs.
It would be interesting to know which booster/missile this is slated for. A larger booster in the same class as the P238 or SRB would provide the CNSA with a cheap-yet-decent solution for increasing payloads of existing LVs.
The wording printed on the side said "technology validator" and the news said "core technology would in the future apply to China's large and heavy rocket launchers", therefore it could be for CZ-5 and/or CZ-9 booster.

It is explained in the news video below(in mandarin) that the current test is on two segments, but could be extended in accordance with needs by adding segment.



Tiantong-1 (01) mobile communications satellite to be launched from Xichang in early August.

5 August
The wording printed on the side said "technology validator" and the news said "core technology would in the future apply to China's large and heavy rocket launchers", therefore it could be for CZ-5 and/or CZ-9 booster.

It is explained in the news video below(in mandarin) that the current test is on two segments, but could be extended in accordance with needs by adding segment.




By any chance they mentioned the thrust achieved?
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. . .
Quite low for a booster of that diameter.

5-6m for 150 tons is quite low?

No. The thrust is directly proportional to the length of a booster. If more segments are added, a booster of, say, 25m in length, will have a thrust of 600-700 tons in this case.

Mind you, India's S200 with a diameter of 3.2m and 25m in length, has a thrust of 400 tons.
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By any chance they mentioned the thrust achieved?
From various interview report of personnel from fourth academy.
Thrust of current test is at least 150 ton.
Future goal is to add segments to realize 500-1000 ton thrust.
Such that the technology could be available for used by heavy-lift rocket (CZ-9) that could lift more than 100 ton payload into LEO.
. .
it's the specific impulse that count. haven't you noticed india has very long and big *** icbms and launch vichicles than china's, but only half the range and lesser payload lolz
This sinosoldier always spread pessimism about China technology advancement. He could not get his facts right and then start jumping as inferior. Even when China achieve major advancement, he will try to play down. I think he has an agenda here.

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