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CZ-7 first launch - 25.6.16 - 1.png
Just read the launch was successful !!

Here a first image ... CONGRATS !!!
It shall be expected but I am not excited over LM-7 successful launch. LM-5 rocket will be the one to make China space technology proud. It will lift China as real space power in the world and surpass Japanese rocket.
It shall be expected but I am not excited over LM-7 successful launch. LM-5 rocket will be the one to make China space technology proud. It will lift China as real space power in the world and surpass Japanese rocket.

LM-7 is to pave the path for LM-5, since they use the same type of cryogenic engine.

Any details about Payloads, and the cube sats present on board?


- scaled-down version of next generation manned capsule with ability to communicate during re-entry and has double thermal protection layers for reusable
- a pair of data relay satellites
- prototype of space debris cleaner robot satellite
- in-orbit refueling robot satellite prototype
- micro satellite for measuring gravity and skylight polarization

Any details about Payloads, and the cube sats present on board?



Yuanzheng 1A *Expedition 1a): itself is also a kind of spacecraft, can fly independently, mult ignition , long time in orbit , launched by a rocket Long March VII, ferry other payload into the other tracks or spatial location. Expedition 1a main task this time is to verify the re-ignition startup , long time on orbit flying, and as other load carrying platform, to ferry " Aolong No.1", "soaring star", "Tiange aircraft" to different orbits, to carry out experiments on the orbit.


Model of Multi purpose spacecraft return capsule (hereinafter referred to as the return): the return with the transition section is " two cabin configuration" which has the shape of a inverted cone. The main task of the test is to obtain its aerodynamic and thermal data, validate its disassembly design of the thermal structure, and lays the foundation for next new manned spacecraft design and key technology research.


Aolong 1 "space debris initiative cleaner", based on the pre technology research and test on the ground, to simulate to clear the space debris as the goal, the validate the key technology for debris removal.
(here, i don't understand the 钝化处理, maybe this craft can hibernate and be roused when needed, does it big enough to clearn a satellite)


"Tiange aircraft": This launching two such aircrafts were sent to orbit, will carry out on orbit information relay technology test, can also be as information transfer station, heaven and earth information transmission.


orbit refilling experiment device: its role is similar to the "air tanker or refuelling plane", for the satellite, space station and other spacecraft in space orbit for gas, liquid supply, to extend the working life of the spacecraft. This experimental device does not separate from expedition 1A , after the end of the test mission it will re enter the atmosphere and burned.


"Aoxiang cube star" applied standard cubic star design concept by graduate students and young teachers to participate and its quality of 33 kg, on orbit working life 1 year, will carry out earth's gravity field measurement, space anti radiation experiments and natural polarization navigation technology, verify a series of a new experimental.

- scaled-down version of next generation manned capsule with ability to communicate during re-entry and has double thermal protection layers for reusable
- a pair of data relay satellites
- prototype of space debris cleaner robot satellite
- in-orbit refueling robot satellite prototype
- micro satellite for measuring gravity and skylight polarization

All released into different orbits by the YZ-1A upper stage. :enjoy:

YZ-2 is also ready for space ferrings.


Any details about Payloads, and the cube sats present on board?

See qwerrty's answers above.

Also home-grown Qilin OS has replaced Windows OS:


Command, control and information system 100% indigenous.
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China Focus: Long March-7 rocket launches China's five-year space plan
Source: Xinhua | 2016-06-26 23:29:41 | Editor: huaxia


BEIJING, June 26, 2016 (Xinhua) -- A Long March-7 carrier rocket lifts off from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center, south China's Hainan Province, June 25, 2016. (Xinhua/Li Gang)

BEIJING, June 26 (Xinhua) -- China launched its Long March-7 carrier rocket successfully late on Saturday, hailed as a prelude for the country's five-year plan (2016-2020) for the space sector.

China is expected to have more than 200 spacecraft in orbit by 2020 and perform about 30 launches per year on average, said Yang Baohua, deputy manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASTC), on Sunday.

China plans to launch the Long March-5 in the second half of the year, according to the Carrier Rocket Technology Research Institute.

The Long March-5 will be the country's largest carrier rocket, designed to carry 25 tonnes into low-Earth orbit (LEO). It is expected to carry lunar probe Chang'e-5, the core module for China's space station and the Mars probe.

The CASTC carries out about 20 space launches annually, and it faces further research and development challenges, Yang said.

Saturday's launch marks a key step toward China's plan to eventually operate a permanent space station in the final step of the country's three-phase manned space program.

The country launched its first manned spaceflight in 2003, and its first space lab, Tiangong-1, blasted off in 2011.

The third and final step will be to assemble and operate a 60-tonne space station around 2022.

To do that, Chinese engineers have planned four space launches in the next ten months. The Long March-7 mission is the first of these missions.

A second mission in late September will put the Tiangong-2 space lab into orbit, and the third will see the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft, which will carry two Taikonauts, dock with Tiangong-2 in October.

In April 2017, China's first cargo ship Tianzhou-1, which literally means "heavenly vessel," will be sent to dock with Tiangong-2 in the final mission.

China's mission to Mars will begin around 2020.

"The probe is expected to orbit the red planet, land and deploy a rover all in one mission, which is quite difficult to achieve," said Xu Dazhe, director of China's National Space Administration, on April 22, ahead of celebrations on April 24 marking the launch of the country's first satellite 46 years ago.

The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, which is being developed as an alternative to GPS, will be completed around 2020, according to the CASTC.

The Long March-7 carrier rocket is expected to become the main carrier for space launches. It is a medium-sized, two-stage rocket that can carry up to 13.5 tonnes into LEO.

Developers will continue to improve the Long March series to make them safer, better designed for transportation and more flexible in various tasks to catch up with advanced international levels, Yang said.

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