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China slams Turkey for offer to shelter Uighurs from Chinese state terror

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No, if I remember correctly they claimed the great Khan to be Chinese. :sick:
Yep they do.Apparently they think Genghis Khan was some sort of misguided Han,
or another Han king at war with another Han kingdom of China.
Chinese are not definitely pro muslim. As far as i understand, their relation with Pakistan has only one basis, which is the common hatred against india. Nothing more. So if they make peace with them, they will immediately turn their back on Pakistan.
Turkey should mind its own business. It can foment civil wars in the sectarian hell hole of middle east and act like a regional super hero, but China is a whole different ball game.

Those Uygurs are etnically Turkic. What do you were expecting mate? We damn are and will do what neccessary is to help them out though we are not sure how it's gonna happen since AKP is in power and Erdoğan is the president.
Forget geopolitical stance , the chinese don't even spare the animals who don't belong to their land.

search 'chinese-navy-goes-to-tanzania-murders-elephants' in google

Chinese becoming Hitler 2.0 of Asia
chinese slams everbody lately
No surprise.

China and Turks have been fighting a "civil war" for perhaps 3000 years. (Is Huns Turks or have Turkic elements or is Tang Dynasty Turkic? Tang is definitely non-Chinese on the maternal line and the Northern Wei is definitely nomads).

Turkish President + PM Suleyman Demirel claim "what is called the 'Turkic world' stretches from the Adriatic to the Great Wall of China". Be assured Turks will come and disturb China,

TURKEY - Demirel: The Turkic world is nobody's puppet

WTF? What do Chinese think they are? China is meddling in places all over the world through UN. They meddle in Syria and keep the bloodshed going there. They meddle in the business of Thailand and Japan but they want nobody say their opinion about the crimes they are commiting on Muslims? China has been occupying east-Turkistan for 60 years. Stealing their lands and rights and Uighur that are running away with their families are getting accepted in Turkey because if they go back they will get murdered. What is wrong with this? It is every country's responsbility to help these people. IMHO we should help Japan, Thailand, Indonesia to build up their army in case China they continue to show aggression and cross the line we need to be ready.

And when did any of those allegations (assuming that they are true, which no viable evidence suggest they are) warrant attacks and acts of violence against civilians? A terrorist is a terrorist if he or she acts accordingly to the definition thereof. Stop being conceited and realize the fact that Islamic fundamentalism against your government's "enemy" isn't any different as it would against your government itself
So called "terrorists".

FILE – A suspected Uighur from China’s troubled far-western region of Xinjiang, holds an infant as they rest inside a temporary shelter on March 14. They were detained at the immigration regional headquarters near Thailand-Malaysia border.

It's interesting how you are enforcing the association between Uyhurs and terrorism and yet later resort to blaming the Chinese authorities for failing to make a distinction between the two.
Now you see the double standards and hypocrisy of china, it will meddle in others affairs, but wont let anyone interfere in its affairs.

Perhaps you should be more familiar with the hypocrisy of terrorists; they will launch vicious attacks against innocent civilians and then cry out in anguish when authorities return the favor.
Apparently they think so that way, since they think they have upgraded their military hardware enough that others are no match to them.
China keeps on Including every Mongol,Asian looking people into its so called Han race, later they will claim their land since they were han so naturally their land was somehow part of China long time ago.
Thats how they lay claim to others territories and that is why they have border disputes with all its neighbours.

False. Mongols are not classified under the "Han" race, not to mention that this "land claims" that you speak of never happened.
Turkish create ISIS and create havoc in Syria, Iraq and now we got Turkish claim China is meddling in others people affair?

Don't forget you got Kurdish problem. If you want to play, we Chinese can offer rifle, HJ-8 ATGM or FN-6 manpad to Kurdish rebel.

Somebody still believe they are some Ottoman Empire? Perhaps they do not know how much smaller they have become?
Turkish create ISIS and create havoc in Syria, Iraq and now we got Turkish claim China is meddling in others people affair?

Don't forget you got Kurdish problem. If you want to play, we Chinese can offer rifle, HJ-8 ATGM or FN-6 manpad to Kurdish rebel.

Somebody still believe they are some Ottoman Empire? Perhaps they do not know how much smaller they have become?

Yeah? How is it different to your support for terrorist groups like JUD/LET who killed thousands of innocent Indians -- both in Kashmir and other parts of India?

Didn't you guys VETO resolutions against those scumbags in UN?

I guess, you guys should just learn to suck it up! You see, many others also who can play this game!
Turkey should mind its own business. It can foment civil wars in the sectarian hell hole of middle east and act like a regional super hero, but China is a whole different ball game.
We should applaud the Turks for showing some balls from Islamic world, unlike the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic world.

The Uyghurs are in very miserable situation.
This proves my friends friend might not be my friend. lol.

We Pakistanis have a perfect relationship with China, so I don't think China is anti muslim in any way. But it is an intricate world of politics. Turkey and Pakistan are friends but Turkey seems closer to Japan and has a dispute with Greece. We have nothing against Greece and have beef with India. It is interesting that we even signed a treaty though where no one came to the others aid during actual war (Cento)

Note: Relationships between nations are a mess.

and that's the only thing that is stopping a world war. Once countries start considering friend's enemy as enemy and enemy's enemy as friend, all hell will break loose.
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