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China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison


Benigno Aquino warns West must not attempt to appease China as it did Hitler but presidential palace later says comments were not intended to 'offend' Beijing

The West’s failure to confront China over its increasingly vocal territorial ambitions is similar to the disastrous appeasement of Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s, the Philippine president has claimed.

In comments that are likely to receive a furious reception in Beijing, Benigno Aquino, the Philippine leader, told The New York Times he believed it was time for the West to tell China “enough is enough.”

The Philippines is one of several Asian countries - including Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and Malaysia - that is locked into acrimonious territorial disputes with Beijing.

Manila disputes the sovereignty of a series of shoals, islands and waters in an area it calls the West Philippine Sea and Beijing calls the South China Sea.

Meanwhile, the long-running dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea exploded again last November after China declared a controversial "air defence identification zone" that included the skies over that area.

Philippine president compares China's expansion to Nazi Germany - Telegraph
Stupid Comparison by Aquino. Now the Philippines will have an even harder time negotiating in the SCS.

To any dumbfucks agreeing with this. When has it ever been acceptable when another head of state to call another head of state "Hitler" or making comparison with the country with Nazi Germany? The answer is no.

This is straight up insulting the country as a whole & when they start to become more aggressive with their claim. Do not blame them for doing so.
So, what should we call the Chinese Premier Xi? A stupid buffon, blood sucking and baby fetus eating politician? China can't accept the fact that they are acting like the German NAZIs in their quest to bully its way to invade the whole SCSea, Senkaku and parts of India? Chinese ought to be ashamed of themselves for acting like Hitler.
Bad Comparison. China ain't Nazi Germany & Xi Jinping is not Adolf Hitler. There maybe similarity, but History does not repeat itself.

What's happening on the SCS is a simple territorial dispute.
This naive and the gullible idiot wants to believe that China will be convinced by begging and sweet talk through bilateral engagement. Do you know that Scarborough is only 124 miles away from Philippines and it is over 500 miles from China's nearest coast?

Just because other leaders in the region do not speak bravely against China means Aquino made the wrong move? Compare our country with the rest. They are not affected as us.
Who said anything about Hitler were talking about how back in the day of nazi Germany was making trouble by eating up lands that was not originally part of Germany

Don't you learn history Hitler want all of the land that were originally part of the German Empire.
The same news in which the pinoy administrator has clarified about his ridiculous statement made earlier


why indian cheerleaders keep repeating their points? You need to make another hundred postings of the same contents to improve the slander by 1% credible to even the ignorant and illiterate people
So, what should we call the Chinese Premier Xi? A stupid buffon, blood sucking and baby fetus eating politician? China can't accept the fact that they are acting like the German NAZIs in their quest to bully its way to invade the whole SCSea, Senkaku and parts of India? Chinese ought to be ashamed of themselves for acting like Hitler.

This why we should leave Dumbfucks out from politics. Not only your opinion is BAD, you should feel BAD. Let me ask you again since when does calling a head of state "Hitler" is acceptable in the political arena? This thing smells of desperation & stupidity. Instead of keeping the moral high ground & steadfastness in an international dispute he acted like the Monkey he is and started to flinging proverbial shit at China instead of discussing it on a table.


This is the kind of attitude that I expect from that whackjob Abe, but not from Aquino.
Comparing to our multi billionaires I am a lot less well off
Here give you the lowest demonination of your vietcong money back for a meal!
keep your money. pls continue acting like a clown. I enjoy the show.

China's doing something right.
how much do you get to act as cheerleader?

This why we should leave Dumbfucks out from politics. Not only your opinion is BAD, you should feel BAD. Let me ask you again since when does calling a head of state "Hitler" is acceptable in the political arena? This thing smells of desperation & stupidity. Instead of keeping the moral high ground & steadfastness in an international dispute he acted like the Monkey he is and started to flinging proverbial shit at China instead of discussing it on a table.

This is the kind of attitude that I expect from that whackjob Abe, but not from Aquino.
you as Chinese buttlicker are so native. wait until some Chinese idiots stage military excercises before your doors. we will see how you react.
Althought VN-Phil also have dispute in SCS(east sea), but Phil should shake hand with VN against China now.

I think VN-Phil relationship still at low level.
you as Chinese buttlicker are so native. wait until some Chinese idiots stage military excercises before your doors. we will see how you react.

No you fuckwit I'm a rational man. As in how is it rational to call another leader as "Hitler" even though there's barely a similarity other than want to low blow a country just because they're having a dispute!

I glad you asked. The Chinese's Navy are invited to join the Komodo Multinational exercise inside our territory this year. So you can guess how we react to it.
keep your money. pls continue acting like a clown. I enjoy the show.

how much do you get to act as cheerleader?

you as Chinese buttlicker are so native. wait until some Chinese idiots stage military excercises before your doors. we will see how you react.

Cheerleader, please. Their achievement is for all to witness.
No you fuckwit I'm a rational man. As in how is it rational to call another leader as "Hitler" even though there's barely a similarity other than want to low blow a country just because they're having a dispute!

I glad you asked. The Chinese's Navy are invited to join the Komodo Multinational exercise inside our territory this year. So you can guess how we react to it.
China leaders r 'Hitler' coz they try to rob International water which belong to the World in SC(east sea)
keep your money. pls continue acting like a clown. I enjoy the show.
It is not my style getting back thrown-outs big or small
Cheerleader, you are acting more like indian
So, what should we call the Chinese Premier Xi? A stupid buffon, blood sucking and baby fetus eating politician? China can't accept the fact that they are acting like the German NAZIs in their quest to bully its way to invade the whole SCSea, Senkaku and parts of India? Chinese ought to be ashamed of themselves for acting like Hitler.

Sure beats brain eating Filipino Christian-settler Militiamen trying to steal Moro land.

Ilaga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As part of their ritual, they eat parts of their victims ears, nose and internal organs sure as heart and liver.[7] Most of them have amulets of some sort, even strange smelling oils to make them, as they believe, impervious to bullets and Moro sword strikes.[8] They are also reported to cut limbs, foot and breast of women that they captured.

In The Know: The Manero case - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

The group were targeting Italian priest Fr. Peter Geremia, but ended up killing another, Fr. Tullio Favali....

Norberto's brother, Edilberto, shot Favali 22 times. The men kicked and stomped on the priest's fallen body, and Norberto scattered the brain. Witnesses said the killers ate bits of Favali's brain....

The Maneros were members of the dreaded Ilaga group, which fought Moro insurgents in Mindanao in the early 1970s

Manero pardon makes mockery of justice - Roses And Thorns | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

Manero, not only fired 22 bullets into Fr. Tullio Favali, his group even feasted on his victim's brains. In short, he is a cannibal. Now a cannibal who belongs to a primitive tribe is not insane. But any person in our society that practices cannibalism is definitely insane. We sincerely doubt whether Muntinglupa penitentiary has qualified psychiatrists who can treat patients who enjoyed feasting on the scattered brain of a person he had just murdered.

And apparently the brain eaters have returned.

Anti-Moro group resurfaces in NCotabato | Nation, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com

Conflict in Mindanao/Philippines | Page 2

Filipino Christian settler-militias and violence in Mindanao

Disgusting Street Food in the Philippines -- What Foreigners Consider Disgusting and the Locals Love to Eat

This naive and the gullible idiot wants to believe that China will be convinced by begging and sweet talk through bilateral engagement. Do you know that Scarborough is only 124 miles away from Philippines and it is over 500 miles from China's nearest coast?

Just because other leaders in the region do not speak bravely against China means Aquino made the wrong move? Compare our country with the rest. They are not affected as us.

Do you know where Miangas island is? Where Saint Pierre and Miquelon are? Guess what happened when America tried to claim Miangas for the Philippines because it was closer to the Philippines than Indonesia? They got REJECTED.

Miangas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Island of Palmas Case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Pierre and Miquelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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