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China slams Philippine leader for Hitler comparison

I notice you post this picture sometimes. What is wrong with this meeting sir?

Can't you tell? The Vietcong wants to proof that China's leader bowed his head shaking US president and begging for his help.
While the truth is Deng was about to stand up while both leaders were shaking hands. He has some mental problems for creating illusions.
I wonder will he be invited to the APEC forum in Beijing come October?
The question is why do we even bother having any diplomatic relationship with this banana republic.
Can't you tell? The Vietcong wants to proof that China's leader bowed his head shaking US president and begging for his help.
While the truth is Deng was about to stand up while both leaders were shaking hands. He has some mental problems for creating illusions.

Doesn't look like begging to me. Just two leaders exchanging greetings.
Doesn't look like begging to me. Just two leaders exchanging greetings.

You should know by now that moron loves using the phrase "China begged USA for protection, China begged US help for attacking VN" As long he can find a photo of Mao or Deng shaking the hands of Nixon or Carter even when their heads are slightly bowed he will automatically claim here's the proof of how Chinese leaders kowtow to US. The Vietcong has some delusions.

You should know by now that moron loves using the phrase "China begged USA for protection, China begged US help for attacking VN" As long he can find a photo of Mao or Deng shaking the hands of Nixon or Carter even when their heads are slightly bowed he will automatically claim here's the proof of how Chinese leaders kowtow to US. The Vietcong has some delusions.

The thing is kowtow is not a sign of begging, it means showing respect to the Emperor or one's elders or superiors such as high officials back in those days. The Vietcong loves to translate the heads slightly bowed as begging apparently.
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wrong comparision. nobody comes close to Hitler. all wannabe other leaders are just a copy.


Can't you tell? The Vietcong wants to proof that China's leader bowed his head shaking US president and begging for his help.
While the truth is Deng was about to stand up while both leaders were shaking hands. He has some mental problems for creating illusions.
I post this pic coz it told the Truth that China bow down and begged for US's protection before attack VN. China history can lie, but US history dont lie. Mr. Deng come and begged, then it was recorded in US's history.
February, 1979: twenty nine days indirectly shook the world -

Amid doubt that China would invade, Deng Xiaoping travelled to Washington to brief
President Carter on China's attack plans. Carter approved the Chinese invasion,
"protected" China from Soviet counterattack and pushed China for restraint.
The "worst possible case" of a nuclear war between China
and the Soviet Union
was averted.

9/11 intelligence; China invades Vietnam
wrong comparision. nobody comes close to Hitler. all wannabe other leaders are just a copy.



I say a little hitter did try to create what he called breathing space ( or is it living space) same thing with both the Nationalist and the commie chinese imperials they trying to create trouble and claim all the lands, islands and even arrogantly a whole sea to satisfy their egos and their economic and military requirements putting it simply they trying to catch up with big guys of the world using a condemn method that was proven to be any nation's undoing but let them experience it first hand i mean they already created a lot of conditions for this they have disputes with almost all of their neigbours so making a few wars like it was nothing will surely end their system for good.
We need someone to face the greedy India

1948 - Indian aggression and annexation of Hyderabad

Princely state and attacked only after their Razakar thugs pillaged around 70 villages of India..

1949 - Indian aggression and annexation of Kashmir

we still has paper of "Instrument of Accession"..whole world knows the truth..


I don't want to waste time on that.tell your best buddy to show something similar.

1949 - Indian aggression and annexation of Manipur

1961 - Indian aggression and annexation of Goa

we beat Portugal fair and square..you've a problem with that???cause they wont.

1962 - India aggresion in south Tibet in its "Forward policy"

Arunachal is integral part of India,still now..you f@@rt,you j3rk -truth aint going to change.

moron you are right in bringing the war monger abe along with your indians' pathetic loser class!
go for some more weeds, it will be a long night for you chillam-chasers!

reported for abusing me..hope you'd learn how to post a reply from next time.
I say a little hitter did try to create what he called breathing space ( or is it living space) same thing with both the Nationalist and the commie chinese imperials they trying to create trouble and claim all the lands, islands and even arrogantly a whole sea to satisfy their egos and their economic and military requirements putting it simply they trying to catch up with big guys of the world using a condemn method that was proven to be any nation's undoing but let them experience it first hand i mean they already created a lot of conditions for this they have disputes with almost all of their neigbours so making a few wars like it was nothing will surely end their system for good.

Bad Comparison. China ain't Nazi Germany & Xi Jinping is not Adolf Hitler. There maybe similarity, but History does not repeat itself.

What's happening on the SCS is a simple territorial dispute.
What's happening on the SCS is a simple territorial dispute.
Wrong, SCS(east sea) also have International water , and if China want to take all SCS(east sea), it means China try to rob the water of the World too.

So, China become enemy of the whole World when trying to rob the International water.
Bad Comparison. China ain't Nazi Germany & Xi Jinping is not Adolf Hitler. There maybe similarity, but History does not repeat itself.

What's happening on the SCS is a simple territorial dispute.

Who said anything about Hitler were talking about how back in the day of nazi Germany was making trouble by eating up lands that was not originally part of Germany

We have been robbed by vietcongs pinoys indians japanese and the criminials are now ganged up to called us the sole victim of this grand larceny the instigator of crime when many of the looted territories have already been occupied?

like your claim good luck selling that idea imperial
like your claim good luck selling that idea imperial

we are not peddling anything here on PDF
My posts were done to correct the age-old misnormers, stereotypes, the brainwashed, the ignorant, slanderers, mud slingers et al
we are not peddling anything here on PDF
My posts were done to correct the age-old misnormers, stereotypes, the brainwashed, the ignorant, slanderers, mud slingers et al

You forgot lairs smugglers and modern pirates too comrade
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