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China should strengthen force on Indian border, researcher says

But Taiwan is still hostile. China is a communist country with strict censorship. The Uighur militants even have links with Al Qaeda.

not really,Taiwan is very stable now and it can serve as a counterweight against Japan in island disputes.
Uighur militants?do they exist?in China?every country has some terrorists,even in US and Europe,but militants?where did you hear that?China is not India.
not really,Taiwan is very stable now and it can serve as a counterweight against Japan in island disputes.
Uighur militants?do they exist?in China?every country has some terrorists,even in US and Europe,but militants?where did you hear that?China is not India.

Taiwan is stable but still hostile to China with extreme American influence. Didn't you blame Pakistan that Uighur militants are getting trained in Pakistan.
Taiwan is stable but still hostile to China with extreme American influence. Didn't you blame Pakistan that Uighur militants are getting trained in Pakistan.

some years back there were some terrorists did some killing and bombing in Xinjiang,just like what happened everywhere in this world,but they never had an army or something like that,are there militants in US?but in India,you rebels level belongs to a totally different category.and Taiwan ma is Mainlnad China's puppy dog.
some years back there were some terrorists did some killing and bombing in Xinjiang,just like what happened everywhere in this world,but they never had an army or something like that,are there militants in US?but in India,you rebels level belongs to a totally different category.and Taiwan ma is Mainlnad China's puppy dog.

I heard about terror attacks in Xinjiang last year with China openly blaming Pakistan. China not even invited Pakistan in regional economic summit in Urumqi because of the security issues with Pakistan.
North-East may well be lost due to the wrong type of tolerance

By Rajeev Dhavan

PUBLISHED: 23:11 GMT, 19 August 2012 | UPDATED: 23:11 GMT, 19 August 2012

India's much touted picture of tolerance includes its tolerance of prejudice, murder, rapes and killings. Its homage to 'we the people' has become a 'we, some of the people'.

If our conscience is shocked, it is for a few days until the next crisis or some hastily drafted Accord. We have never understood the North-East or even wanted to. We simply adopted the 'protectionism' of the Empire in the Government of India Act, 1935, and reproduced its paternalism.

The North-East was bound to India by the business of tea and timber. On 14 August, 1947, the Nagas declared their independence. Manipur came to India virtually by conquest. The Nagas claimed to be never conquered. Nehru thought these 'nations' (for that, indeed they were) could not survive independently. In the Constituent Assembly, there was a Special Committee on Assam including Gopinath Bardoloi, Revd Nicholls Roy, R.N. Brahma, Mayang Nokcha and A.V. Thakkar.

North East migrants - who fled Bengaluru after rumours of attacks - are seen on their arrival at Guwahati railway station

The Committee Report of 1947 spoke of Assam as 'highly malarial with other diseases… (without) civilising facilities… consisting of simple (exploitable) people... (with) prevalent superstitious and harmful practices, aboriginal life and customs and institutions... contain(ing) elements of value'.

The key words for the North-East were advancement and progress. They were expected to prosper in an India leaving their 'insularity' behind.

The Constitution's protective and paternalistic vision condemned them to temporariness until they joined modernity. India never wavered from this vision except in one important respect.

The North-East was militarised on a 'shoot to kill' Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, enacted to put down rebellions. The India 'loves you' slogan was drowned in 'insurrection' and expensive doses of counter-terrorism. We know from Kashmir that counter-terrorism easily expands into state terrorism.

The creation of the seven sisters out of Assam namely Nagaland (1962) and Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura and Arunachal (1971) was imperfect - with some vulnerable indigenous democratic structures for Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura which were to receive aid and militarisation from the Union.

Eroded by India's neglect, Indian business and globalisation, their cultural integrity was also eroded by demography, migrants, refugees and internal displacees. The BJP likes to emphasise the 'Muslim' part more forcefully as a Hindutva chant.

Successive Union Governments seemed to think that the answer lay in hasty accords. The Naga Accord of 1947 with Governor Hydari promised development "according to their free wishes.

For the moment, we are concerned with the Assam Accord of August 15, 1985, which used a cut-off for regularising foreigners: pre-1966 (regularised), 1966-71 (detectable as foreigners), post-1971 (to be expelled).

The BJP Bodo Award of 2003 comprised 3,082 villages in four contiguous districts to create the Bodo Territorial Council and provide aid, but safeguarding the interests of non-tribals in the matter of land (if entitled).

Frankly, the BJP got it wrong. 'Hindu' non-tribals were sought to be protected. Amongst the tribals, the Nyishis and Bodo Peace accords of 2002 and 2012 were more significant.

Whether the Bangladeshis are 'migrants' or 'refugees' needs determination. But the demographic integrity of the North-East needs to be protected. They cannot lose the tribal land special to them. International conventions protect the rights of indigenous peoples.

We cannot go America's way of allowing tribal land to be taken over and make native peoples retreat into reservations. America boasted 'How the West was won'. India may have to grieve 'How the East was lost'.

A moot question is whether all this is consistent with the constitutionally guaranteed freedom to move and settle in any part of India under Article 19 of the Constitution?

The answer is 'yes'. We overlook that Article 19(5) says that these movement and settlement rights of people can be curtailed 'for the protection of the interest of any Schedule Tribe'.

This should apply to the tribes in the North-East. But this requires a law. No government wants to make a law to protect the tribal integrity of tribals.

Decades of indifference, inaction and ineptitude foretold this violence. Over the years, state and local violence in India have displaced six lakh people in Kashmir and the North-East. In July- August 2012 the government delayed and abdicated its duty to protect.

The media watched; and distinguished journalists protested that coverage was hindered by the 'tyranny of distance'.

The violence spread to Mumbai, some Muslims violent, some protesting for peace. Bangalore, Hyderabad Pune and Chennai went into violence and panic. The exodus started, with 16,000 going from Karnataka alone.

A picture showed a Muslim at Bangalore Station pleading with the North- East folk to stay. But they were determined to leave jobs, education and relationships. The government blamed the panic on bulk SMSes and MMSes which were reduced to five at a go and of not more than 20kb data till September 2. India does not want to understand the North-East but simply to rule it by army contingents and accords.

It does not want to preserve tribal integrity. It has to understand that while the North-East people have the right to move and settle in every part of India, the reverse is not the case. This is the product of our wise elliptical federalism.

Nor does it understand the need for recompense. There is a Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill 2011. Enact it. Indians west of Siliguri should ask what they can do to deserve the North-East.

As for people from the North-East in mainland India, we must beg them to stay, and protect them.

The writer is a Supreme Court lawyer

Link: North-East may well be lost due to the wrong type of tolerance | Mail Online

BTW, how many hindu illegal immigrants have your nation managed to inject into your newly found ill gotten lands?

Disgusting Indians (aka. Bapus now)! A morally brankrupt nation full of unshameful and dispicable liars!!!


What about influx of Han chinese in tibet? to such an extent that tibetians dont get govt jobs, deserving positions. everything managed under Han chinese......
India is full of separatist movements. Muslims, Tamils, Sikhs and others wanting their own country. India will eventually break up. The Muslims and Hindus in India hate each other. The internal problems in India will only worsen as racial and religious tensions escalate. In China, 91% of the population is Han. India could possibly split into 10-20 different countries sometime in the 21st century.
South Tibet was deceitfully incorporated by British was not part of india. China has to apply right pressure and take it what is Chinese.
South Tibet was deceitfully incorporated by British was not part of india. China has to apply right pressure and take it what is Chinese.

Don't worry about South Tibet, once Indian separatist movements start escalating, we will have control of a large portion of India. All we have to do is encourage those separatists by funding, arming and providing political support. South Tibet will be the least of India's worries.
India has MASSIVE internal problems and all of India's neighbours hate India and all want Chinese involvement in South Asia to keep the indian bullies in their cage.
BTW, how many hindu illegal immigrants have your nation managed to inject into your newly found ill gotten lands?

Disgusting Indians (aka. Bapus now)! A morally brankrupt nation full of unshameful and dispicable liars!!!

The same number of "atheists" (communists) illegally your country injected in tibet :rofl:

and don't about bapu...he is respected worldwide (even by the US president) unlike mao
South Tibet was deceitfully incorporated by British was not part of india. China has to apply right pressure and take it what is Chinese.

Read history correctly. South Tibet never existed just like Sino-Indian border.

Most of Arunachal was British dominated. Heard anything about Anglo-Abor war or not? Or the English expeditions and burning of nyishi villages with the help of apatani tribe?

These people don't know anything about Arunachal before 1947 and yet assume they know everything.

You, sir, know **** about arunachal. Go read some history book about Arunachal. Even in the tawang region, the sherdukpen kings used to pay tribute to the Britsih...each year the seven kings would come down to the plains of Charduar to pay the tribute.

China has no claim whatsoever. If tawang district and p[arts of west kameng are culturally similar to Tibet, then China should use the same logic to Bhutan, Ladakh and the Mustang area of Nepal.

Propaganda bullshit. Too bad many Chinese believe that whole Arunachal was under the cultural influence of the Tibetans and their cheerleaders who leave no chance to bash India.

I will post pictures of Arunachal under the British.,

BTW, the town of Pasighat celebrated the 100th year of it's foundation. It was founded by the British. Go suck on that.

Don't worry about South Tibet, once Indian separatist movements start escalating, we will have control of a large portion of India. All we have to do is encourage those separatists by funding, arming and providing political support. South Tibet will be the least of India's worries.
India has MASSIVE internal problems and all of India's neighbours hate India and all want Chinese involvement in South Asia to keep the indian bullies in their cage.

They escalated in the last century! They are a dying breed now.
What about influx of Han chinese in tibet? to such an extent that tibetians dont get govt jobs, deserving positions. everything managed under Han chinese......

Same with Xinjiangs, now ethnic Uighurs are minority in Xinjiang and last year they spread their tentacles on Kashgar City to ethically cleanse Uighur by demolision and mass Han migration. They did same ethnic cleansing of Mongols in inner Mongolia very well planned.
Don't take the report from the face value, China's plan is to get back South Tibet.
And get a bloody nose in the process!

The PLA knows its limitations especially its logistics problems for fighting any protracted war in AP. They had to withdraw from AP in 1962 not because they had 'taught a lesson to India' as is commonly believed but because the Chinese were unable to supply their robotic army after day 21. The Chinese were down to eating grass and weeds and drinking dirty water from streams of melted snow. If they had stayed any longer, hundreds would have died due to starvation!

Getting your logistics going in mountainous areas where there are limited supply lines that are vulnerable to enemy action and weather, is a nightmare of horrendous proportions. An attacking force can perhaps be self contained for a week, after which they will need to continuously look over their shoulders for supplies. So getting even a division strength force up there on the mountains for any offensive action is easier said than done.

Remember, the IAF was NOT used for interdiction or CAS during the 1962 war. Today the scenario is radically different. Any offensive will be met with full force. And remember, an attacker requires a ratio of at least 9:1 in mountainous terrain including reserves. In other words, you'd need 9 divisions to attack a division in defence. Considering extremely restricted deployability in such mountainous terrain, it is difficult if not impossible. Apart from maintaining your supply lines, getting your supporting arms up like artillery etc to support offensive ops will be a non starter.

Therefore you guys who sing the Chinese tune of 'taking over' South Tibet (AP) are living in a fool's paradise. You guys need to get real and stop shooting from the hip.
HAHA,everyone knows in 1962 India suffered a total defeat and humiliation,but maybe in India,the textbooks say the otherwise,lol

Same with Xinjiangs, now ethnic Uighurs are minority in Xinjiang and last year they spread their tentacles on Kashgar City to ethically cleanse Uighur by demolision and mass Han migration. They did same ethnic cleansing of Mongols in inner Mongolia very well planned.

Xinjiang and Tibet are very peaceful comparing with India's NE or Kashmir,our Maoist brothers kill Indian soldiers almost on a daily basis,India's internal struggle is much much much worse than China's.China is almost a single nation state.
with GDP of a fraction of China,defence budget is minicule,no decent industrial base and infrastucture,foreign reserves tiny...there's really nothing India can do,no wonder their generals say they will be dooms should a war breaks out with China.
HAHA,everyone knows in 1962 India suffered a total defeat and humiliation,but maybe in India,the textbooks say the otherwise,lol

Xinjiang and Tibet are very peaceful comparing with India's NE or Kashmir,our Maoist brothers kill Indian soldiers almost on a daily basis,India's internal struggle is much much much worse than China's.China is almost a single nation state.

Yes, better for the newly arrived Hans who ethnically cleansed the natives, now in majority. :cheesy:

But China ran back from Arunachal Pradesh in 1962.

with GDP of a fraction of China,defence budget is minicule,no decent industrial base and infrastucture,foreign reserves tiny...there's really nothing India can do,no wonder their generals say they will be dooms should a war breaks out with China.

That's why your media was making lots of noises after Agni-5 test. :lol:

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