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China 'should sprint to become the world's most powerful country'

what do ordinary people know about the cutting edge of science? nothing. they can think whatever they want, but in terms of research publications which is what real scientists read, india and china are not in the same game.

yes sir i agree, going by what i had heard abt the description of ur technology in the west,i never want atleat indian tech to b in ur league:hitwall:
That is the problem sir.For you cutting edge of science not for ordinary people,you use all of it only for destructive weapons whereas Indian use it for overall purpose of development of mankind.This makes it easier to understand why your Govt. not chooses to be a democratic nation so that it can easily fool its countrymen.:tongue:

well, i think Mr Yuan Longping, the creator of hybrid rice in the 70's, helped alot of people. This is 60% of the rice grown in china, and is now grown in dozens of other countries and is the equivalent of the agricultural increase of 60 million more people fed. Worldwide, 20% of all rice grown is hybrid rice created using his methods. :china:

from wikipedia: "The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world's rice output came from 10 percent of the world's rice fields that grow hybrid rice."

"The "Super Rice" Yuan is now working on yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. A record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan Province in 1999."

this is biological scientific achievement during the cultural revolution when most science was stopped. imagine what we are doing right now.

Our nation has not only saved ourselves from starvation, but saved many in africa and asia. Previously, hybrid rice could only work for one generation, as by the 2nd generation the plants would self pollinate and reduce the number of heterozygous plants. The crucial gene for male sterility from wild rice was transfered into crop rice without the use of modern genetic engineering techniques.
well, i think Mr Yuan Longping, the creator of hybrid rice in the 70's, helped alot of people. This is 60% of the rice grown in china, and is now grown in dozens of other countries and is the equivalent of the agricultural increase of 60 million more people fed. Worldwide, 20% of all rice grown is hybrid rice created using his methods. :china:

from wikipedia: "The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 1991 statistics show that 20 percent of the world's rice output came from 10 percent of the world's rice fields that grow hybrid rice."

"The "Super Rice" Yuan is now working on yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. A record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan Province in 1999."

this is biological scientific achievement during the cultural revolution when most science was stopped. imagine what we are doing right now.

Our nation has not only saved ourselves from starvation, but saved many in africa and asia. Previously, hybrid rice could only work for one generation, as by the 2nd generation the plants would self pollinate and reduce the number of heterozygous plants. The crucial gene for male sterility from wild rice was transfered into crop rice without the use of modern genetic engineering techniques.

and what abt mattel which canceled all contracts with the chinese local toy market and thrown all the supply from their storeroom to the dust bin

shows a lot abt chinese tech even cant make a good toy

actually they forgot to copy paste or sorry i mean reverse engineer:rofl: the toy technology
and what abt mattel which canceled all contracts with the chinese local toy market and thrown all the supply from their storeroom to the dust bin

shows a lot abt chinese tech even cant make a good toy

actually they forgot to copy paste or sorry i mean reverse engineer:rofl: the toy technology

well, if indians ate the hybrid rice maybe they could avoid 2 million starving to death every year.

120 million deaths by new delhi regime

india was better off under the british empire. the british have experience in effective managment of indian assets.
well, if indians ate the hybrid rice maybe they could avoid 2 million starving to death every year.

120 million deaths by new delhi regime

india was better off under the british empire. the british have experience in effective managment of indian assets.

hey u still have not answered me ,what was the problem with ur reverse engineered toy technology:rofl:
hey u still have not answered me ,what was the problem with ur reverse engineered toy technology:rofl:

there's no problem. if mattel doesn't want to do business it can go home.

india however can't even produce toys at the low end, nor hybrid rice at the high end.
there's no problem. if mattel doesn't want to do business it can go home.

india however can't even produce toys at the low end, nor hybrid rice at the high end.

i said to u 1 time i am telling u again,if u equate our tech with urs(low end) then its better we r not same

mattel walked out-no problem,so why did mattel actually walked out,because u were unable to copy paste russian toy tech:rofl:
i said to u 1 time i am telling u again,if u equate our tech with urs(low end) then its better we r not same

mattel walked out-no problem,so why did mattel actually walked out,because u were unable to copy paste russian toy tech:rofl:

we don't focus on toy tech. we focus on real products that save lives. unfortunately 2 million indians do not have access to our achievements and died this year.
we don't focus on toy tech. we focus on real products that save lives. unfortunately 2 million indians do not have access to our achievements and died this year.

those who cant even make toys r talking abt big deals
first of all ask ur communist govt daddy to have a free media movement in the country

i really want to know what r the actual no of chinese people who dies with starvation
those who cant even make toys r talking abt big deals
first of all ask ur communist govt daddy to have a free media movement in the country

i really want to know what r the actual no of chinese people who dies with starvation

don't be silly, we had Mr. Yuan Longping who gave us hybrid rice so no one starves anymore and we even produce food for export.

i'm not sure what's an indian scientist though.
don't be silly, we had Mr. Yuan Longping who gave us hybrid rice so no one starves anymore and we even produce food for export.

i'm not sure what's an indian scientist though.

nah everyone knows with a communist govt like urs with complete restriction of media,its easy to hide this ugly facts like starvation
nah everyone knows with a communist govt like urs with complete restriction of media,its easy to hide this ugly facts like starvation

yes, china's food exports are fake, the WTO takes bribes from china, in reality china produces 1 grain of rice per year and people eat grass like cows in india.:rofl:

yes, china's food exports are fake, the WTO takes bribes from china, in reality china produces 1 grain of rice per year and people eat grass like cows in india.:rofl:

i hope hu jinto accepts the same,and make baidu and google filter free so that everyone get to know the reality:rofl:
yeah, 2 million starve to death in india because they don't want to compete for food with their cows.
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