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China should not save Europe

living in europe .thinking bad about europe.

Whatever anyone wishes will not change reality.

Fact is the balance of power is shifting towards Asia(in particular China) so what good does it do anyone for me to wish well for Europe?
I agree China should not waste its hard earned money into debt bonds.

Instead it should invest in developing economies where it will get more returns.
I agree China should not waste its hard earned money into debt bonds.

Instead it should invest in developing economies where it will get more returns.

I would love to see a massive Chinese investments(100s of billions of dollars over the next decade) in countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar etc to upgrade infrastructure in these countries. This will help to quicken the already fast economic growth in these countries.
Hmmm if Europe pleas for China's help and it refuses I wonder what Europe's response would be.
i think china should help china if they can, besides the euro market is big for china no one can predict the future what if china in future has to face any crisis. same goes for all economic giants.
I think the problem here is a two fold.

first although Greek, I agree that China should not help Europe. European central governments and especially Germany do not see what the real problem is.

Some of you in here have identified overborrowing and overspending.. correct by 50%. Overborrowing is true, but it didn't happen because of overspending, it happened because over borrowing was needed to cover the ever increasing prices of services and goods in the Eurozone. EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE IS EUROZONE! especially the cost of living, accommodation, transportation etc etc. People don't really believe this, but flying from London to Athens (2:40 minutes flight) is more expensive than traveling from London to NY.
Overborrowing was inherent in the way capitalism in the Eurozone was structured.

Germany still believes in error that countries should control their budgets.

Take Greece for example, if you believe the media hype, Greece is in debt because Greeks don't pay taxes.. nothing could be further from the truth... Greece has been in austerity policies for 25 years, and a look into newspaper records can show this.

Greece has becoming slowly entangled in debt because the Eurozone policies forced to be from an agricultural and shipping exporter to a service and tourism provider, with no real producing and manufacturing basis. The result was that Greece had to import more than it could export, hence ..borrow money. And We are not talking luxuries here, we are talking medicine, technology and food products. Add the ever increasing energy prices and here you go.

Germany is the real tyrant of the eurozone , with their unrealistic grasp on eu politics.
What else can they do? place another embargo on us? Thanks to their embargo that we are now the second largest economy in the world :lol:

So how much percentage of exports of goods goes to Europe from China?
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