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yes and the dream was rudely shattered by your bengali brethren.
how are the dreams playing out these days mate
Not really..I still have deep love for my Bengali brothers. We also feel sorry for all injustice they faced..
we paid the price of some corrupt power hungry politicians but our heart still beat for them :)
Why do people talk seriously over some think tank?
Not really..I still have deep love for my Bengali brothers. We also feel sorry for all injustice they faced..
we paid the price of some corrupt power hungry politicians but our heart still beat for them :)

your good feelings for BDeshis are respected dear friend. sadly though, it is of little significance to the policy making elite class of pakistan.
best regards,
West begalis uniting with bangladesh...OMG... dear pakistani and chinese member... have you ever been to west bengal? do you even know the opinion they hold about the bangladesh...please remember , before you spit out your wet dreams about west bengal, IT IS THE LAND WHICH PRODUCED THE LARGEST NUMBER OF CHAMPION FREEDOM FIGHTERS, I keep hearing this non sense of tamil people, tamilnadu has no sentiments of liberation,

Its funny that this nonsensical thread is championed by member who belongs to historically military junta ruled state (which btw already disintegrated once and is often dubbed as a failed state) and is primarily written by some hack analyst from a communist country against India;a country that has been democratic since its inception, never had autocratic regime, nor has waged any wars against any of its neighbor.
Not really..I still have deep love for my Bengali brothers. We also feel sorry for all injustice they faced..
we paid the price of some corrupt power hungry politicians but our heart still beat for them :)

thats kinda funny ... power hungry politicians? if you are reffering to bhutto ... didin't you guys give him a second term... tab kya akal ghaas charne gayi thi?
^lets not act as the saint here, we've had our fair share of debacles although we have a better learning record compared to our beloved neighbor
Yeah real mature. This is where Art of War thinking stops.
^ Creation of pakistan was dream before it was actually created? right?

You got Pakistan created by unleashing violence and the Britishers were in hurry to leave the sub continent .If India would have got independence and then demand for partition would have been made.. Answer would have been Hell no by Sardar Patel and he would have bought a world of pain for Muslim League
Thats hypocricy. If they have proof against Dalai Lama, then they should go to UN and get him declared a terrorist.


Give it a rest already.

World News Briefs - Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - NYTimes.com

Published: October 02, 1998
The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960's from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000.

The money allocated for the resistance movement was spent on training volunteers and paying for guerrilla operations against the Chinese, the Tibetan government-in-exile said in a statement. It added that the subsidy earmarked for the Dalai Lama was spent on setting up offices in Geneva and New York and on international lobbying.

The Dalai Lama, 63, a revered spiritual leader both in his Himalayan homeland and in Western nations, fled Tibet in 1959 after a failed uprising against a Chinese military occupation, which began in 1950.

The decade-long covert program to support the Tibetan independence movement was part of the C.I.A.'s worldwide effort to undermine Communist governments, particularly in the Soviet Union and China.
No one here except people like you are fooled about what the real game is.
India has explicitely told that Dalai Lama can not mess with China from Indian soil and we have kept the commitment.

The Chinese government disagrees with that.

Hell, even the Dalai Lama himself disagrees with that.

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