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those separatists in northeast india had been harshly cracked down by indian army, while the west never report that. they are focusing on Libya, Syria and now Pakistan.

this is called double standard. that's why we no west should hate them because they are selfish and arrogant. now india's their ally to make the rest of the world their enemy.

Separatists in northeast India are armed with sophisticated weapons,whereas protesters in Syria are unarmed & Pakistani Army & ISI are accused of shielding OBL.
Even the Dalai Lama himself admitted he was taking money from the CIA, to train anti-China militants and guerilla fighters.

World News Briefs - Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - NYTimes.com

Also, it is a historical fact, that the Tibetan government in exile was hosted by India, after failing to violently overthrow the Chinese government in 1959. India does not dispute this.

so what do you do with people crossing borders and seek help?
you kill them just cause they wanted to be free?
might work in china but india has been land of refugees for centuries and we do not mistreat anyone who seeks help.
the refugees from tibet were poor people so they could not fly places so they chose the next best place possible for them to live that is india,wven if dalai lama took money from cia the indian army or the government never supported terrorist activity against china
so what do you do with people crossing borders and seek help?
you kill them just cause they wanted to be free?
might work in china but india has been land of refugees for centuries and we do not mistreat anyone who seeks help.

No, you could have done 2 things.

1) Let them pass through to another country, one that does not border Tibet. Any Western country will have a very high standard of living, and they accept refugees.

2) You could have disbanded them, and let them live out their lives in peace. Instead of using them as pawns and political chips against China.

But we all know why that never happened. Because India is scared of China, and wants a political chip against China.

Ironically, the hosting of the Tibetan government in exile in 1959, was one of the biggest factors that lead to the 1962 Sino-Indian war.
No, you could have done 2 things.

1) Let them pass through to another country, one that does not border Tibet. Any Western country will have a very high standard of living, and they accept refugees.

2) Disband them, and let them live out their lives in peace. Instead of the Indian government using them as a political chip against China.

have you heard about Parsis and bene Israelis??
we have our own principles ->"atithi devo bhav"..
A juvenile thread started to ignite flame wars..most of you are falling for it.
Well, bring it on. ^^ And yes, I think India should be broken up, at least with Jammu & Kashmir and South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh). Those were annexed illegally by the British in the first place when India was a colony.
this is my first entry in this thread. i purposefully avoided it.

hmmmm, so wat all have been discussed, let me see,:coffee:

tibbet, arunachal pradesh, kashmir, baluchistan, RAW/ISI/CIA/mossad, indian GDP vs chinese GDP, stupid indian media, human rights, pakistan housing of OBL, drone attacks, 122 independence/freedom movements in india, naxalism, china better than india, india better than pakistan, pakistani army better than india army, 1971 war, kargil war, oppression of minorities in india, standard of basic infrastructure and toilets in india. :coffee:

i guess all topics are well covered. there is nothing more to write about. :)

so thanx i will leave this thread now.:cheers:
Well, bring it on. ^^ And yes, I think India should be broken up, at least with Jammu & Kashmir and South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh). Those were annexed illegally by the British in the first place when India was a colony.

yes yes those pesky indians are a menace. too bad mighty china can do jack about it.
Dawood should move to China, he can become an overnight celebrity just like Dalai Lama. Oh wait.. he already is. :cheers:

Celebrity: The noun usually refer to : a personality from social renown ; the heroes of science; a theatrical luminary; a big name in sports; a notable of the concert stage; a personage in the field of philosophy.

i find it funny how you find a two bit criminal a "celebrity" what a shame
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