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China should abandon the communist flag.

"All black with country name spelled in native language in gold color."
The above beautiful design is yet to be patented.
On-topic, that ain't a communist flag per say. Red is the "holy" color in Chinese to fend off "evil" for thousands of years. For those who don't understand the 5 -stars meaning: the big is one represents ethnic "han" chinese, the smaller ones sourrounding it represents various minority groups. Thus it's a symbol of unity of ethnic groups (now you can deduce the "harmoneous scoeity concept is not alien but rather Chinese thinking), the design of stars also represents the Chinese culture of politics, from central court to the fast fast edge of the universe (this the "central" state).

The layout might be inclued by American flag, or british commons, maybe, that's a big maybe, nobody knows for sure. But I am also quite certain without external influence, it will look similar to the EU's flag (a star ring with possibility a bigger star at center).

So, Any questions?

-- Chinese
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The Chinese flag looks great! It is simple, iconic and unique. I believe red is the color of prosperity for Chinese and is synonyms with anything Chinese.

But I felt the Chinese anthem doesn't have much relevance to today's China though it has a great tune.
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I used to think that the chinese dont like qing dynasty much.....! @below freezing: india lost only one war im the past 60 years.
Thts why 57% Kashmir is either in Pakistan or gifted to china(aksai chin)...... 65 and 99---->4 highest stategic peaks are now in Pakistan.

P.S= The chinese star looks awesome....... stars are always cool.
The Chinese flag looks great! It is simple, iconic and unique I believe red is the color of prosperity for Chinese and is synonyms with anything Chinese.

But I felt the Chinese anthem doesn't have much relevance to today's China though it has a great tune.

Dis-info. It's never associated with "prosperity", green maybe. The most essential meaning of color of red is Chinese believe evil is afraid of red. Nothing more, nothing less. If Chinese wore red on purpose, sub-consciously it's for protection.

So the big question is:
"Is evil red? Or is evil afraid of red?"
Hilarious, hum...
Thts why 57% Kashmir is either in Pakistan or gifted to china(aksai chin)...... 65 and 99---->4 highest stategic peaks are now in Pakistan.

P.S= The chinese star looks awesome....... stars are always cool.

so in all finally you are excepting that kashmir originally belongs to India but lost some of its parts to pakistan and china
K guys how about a compromise. A dragon curled amongst the five stars? :D :D :D :D :D.

Good idea :cheers:

I'm not saying change the political system, but just the flag! It's time to make it look more Chinese.

The flag can but with a simple dragon design. The big star can be on the dragons head and the dragons 4 claws each can be wrapped around a small star. the background color will remain red, the stars remain yellow, the dragon, hmmm not sure what color yet..

but man if that's not perfect then I dont know what is!:smokin:
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I want to remind you that in just 30 years, China, under Chinese Communist Party's leadership, has become #2 powerful country in the world. If you put your political bias aside, if this happens in the west, would you vote for such a party for its great contribution to the nation? You may not, but I will! Go China! Go CCP!
I want to remind you that in just 30 years, China, under Chinese Communist Party's leadership, has become #2 powerful country in the world. If you put your political bias aside, if this happens in the west, would you vote for such a party for its great contribution to the nation? You may not, but I will! Go China! Go CCP!

I agree. The CCP has done an amazing job. But I just think it's time for a flag change.

It's like repainting your house- nothing will change on the inside.
There is one possibility that China may change its flag when mainland China and Taiwan is in the final stage of reunification. But personally, I will prefer to keep the current national anthem and the PLA's marching song because they represent a spirit, a spirit to march forward, overcome any difficulty and defeat any enemy.
Would you please honestly tell me your purpose of posting the this? Trying to say China needs to change the national flag, and purposely or unpurposely mentioned the Qing Dynasty?

I will never agree with you. I will explain as follows:

First, Qing Dynasty, in my opinion, IS definitely the WORST dynasty of Chinese history. 1. The emperor forced all Han people to make the hairstyle and dress like Manchu, which means that Chinese traditional national costume was completely lost during that time; 2. The tragic Chinese modern history had direct connection with the policy of secluding the country from the whole world of the Qing Dynasty.

Second, I like the 5-star flag very much. It makes my blood burn. It reminds me of all the heroes sacrificed in the war, of how we overcame all the difficulties to form the republic. (The red means that the flag is dyed by the blood of heroes):china:

Third, whatever you say here, the communist party will never change the national flag. so this discussion is actually meaningless.

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