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China should abandon the communist flag.

Do you want to be reported for personal attacks? What is the point of your post other than attacking other forum members?

虽然清朝有一个满族特权制度,但是以整个国家的体制来看,他不是一个奴隶制国家,而是以前所有封建王朝一样 的体系。我希望一些国人不要有狭隘的民族观念。
Exactly! That cross1993 is a total fool. Probably a Southern Chinese who doesn't like Northern Chinese? North Chinese don't have any problems with Manchu ethnicity. Heck, there are Korean ethnicity too who are much less Sinicized than Manchu ethnicity and everybody gets along.

Who is this Southern Chinese stirring up hate against Manchu and Northerners? Demonizing all of Qing dynasty, including Kangxi and Qianlong? Has this cross1993 fool ever been to Beijing? All those historical buildings of the Kangqian Era. They are not "Chinese"? That is news to the central government ministry of culture that's for sure.

Dumb and dumber.

And that aimarraul is even dumber. I think he must be Japanese.
A Japanese speak Chinese-like Chinese? I would like to see somebody speak Chinese-like Chinese.
So you disfavor com? You think what happened there was com?

Not surprised for most Chinese.






Ideology is just a tool? a tool of what? Nation's development?:rofl: How about wealth distribution method's development? How about workers of the world, unit? Internationalism and nationalism, which do you prefer?

You must have learnt a lot of politics. Do you think what you learned is right? For example the definition of a country?

Ya, advance with times, not bad, but on whose behalf? Watches', nation's? I'm just curious is there any Marxism thing around there?

Anyway, it still didn't surprise me you would say that, you are a good member, in contrast.

This is my last post at this forum. I'm just fed up with nationalists.

By the way, I decline transnational arrest.:partay:
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Where is that cross1993 fool? This is a famous painting 万国来朝图. Is this China or some alien nation that enslaved Han Chinese? All those cultural artifacts in Beijing, are they Chinese or some alien nation that enslaved the Han Chinese?


Is cross1993 Indian?



Did you answer my question? Is the above a painting of an alien nation that enslaved Han Chinese? Or is that a painting of China, showing Chinese culture, traditions, history and identity?

Sorry but I have serious doubts you can trace your family's lineage back to Eastern Han. Over thousands of years and hundreds of generations, you would be tracing back to tens of thousands of ancestors (on both father and mother's side). And there is no way with all the wars, disasters and displacements during that time period you can possibly keep track of the whole family tree.

No, I don't know that much about the Yang family. And why should you care so much either? Your mother is not a Yang. Your father's mother is not a Yang either. And your paternal grandfather's mother is not a Yang. Etc.


See that shows me two things:

- It contradicts your claim Han Chinese are "slaves" during Qing Dynasty if your ancestor was a military officer. Probably he was one of the Eight Banners -- the Han banner to be specific.

- It also shows that you have an extreme bias against Qing. So we can't take seriously the kind of silly claims you make about Qing "enslaving" Han Chinese. This claim is totally wacko and not supported by official PRC accounts (nor KMT for that matter).

BigTree said it well. There is some element of ethnic prejudice in Qing dynasty in favor of Manchurian noble families but it was by no means a large-scale systematic enslavement of Han Chinese like you are suggesting.
Most country's national flags ain't original, including the Chinese flag. The most original I could think of among a few is Japanese flag. Not sure about Pakistan/Turkey since the only difference is color. Strange. Otherwise, Pak's flag is highly original.

European flags? yeah right, trinity in three colors, looks not bad, but boring it's "influenced." Sweden has "cross" on it, Saudi's has two crossed swords (is that a symbol of Islam?).

Japanese flag is unique. I am not quite familiar with others.
Did you answer my question? Is the above a painting of an alien nation that enslaved Han Chinese? Or is that a painting of China, showing Chinese culture, traditions, history and identity?

Sorry but I have serious doubts you can trace your family's lineage back to Eastern Han. Over thousands of years and hundreds of generations, you would be tracing back to tens of thousands of ancestors (on both father and mother's side). And there is no way with all the wars, disasters and displacements during that time period you can possibly keep track of the whole family tree.

No, I don't know that much about the Yang family. And why should you care so much either? Your mother is not a Yang. Your father's mother is not a Yang either. And your paternal grandfather's mother is not a Yang. Etc.


See that shows me two things:

- It contradicts your claim Han Chinese are "slaves" during Qing Dynasty if your ancestor was a military officer. Probably he was one of the Eight Banners -- the Han banner to be specific.

- It also shows that you have an extreme bias against Qing. So we can't take seriously the kind of silly claims you make about Qing "enslaving" Han Chinese. This claim is totally wacko and not supported by official PRC accounts (nor KMT for that matter).

BigTree said it well. There is some element of ethnic prejudice in Qing dynasty in favor of Manchurian noble families but it was by no means a large-scale systematic enslavement of Han Chinese like you are suggesting.

Dear foreign friends, You do not know the feeling of Chinese people on the Qing Dynasty.

Maybe you should know more about the Qing Dynasty:
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Can't drop the stars. A star in your flag is directly correlated with winning wars. In the past 60 years, countries that have won the most wars are:

1.) US
2.) PRC
3.) USSR
4.) Israel
5.) North Vietnam

What do they have in common? Stars in their flag.

Note the losers:

1.) Germany
2.) Japan
3.) South Vietnam
4.) India
5.) Egypt

What do they have in common? No stars in their flags.

Stupid and low IQ reply, look at the flags of Iraq and pakistan with stars and count their defeats.


Stupid and low IQ reply, look at the flags of Iraq and pakistan with stars and count their defeats.



I"ll admit the logic is funny,
But usually flags and their symbolic meaning are sensitive to its people.So let only the Chinese have their talk here.
I completely disagree. Dropping a national flag/changing a national flag is a sign of a weak, conquered and subservient nation. Besides, regardless of the Soviets, the flag has deep meaning (which is why it didn't use the hammer and sickle design).

The Qing flag is far less representative of China than the PRC flag. The PRC flag is red: red, the color of luck for Chinese, but also the color of the blood that revolutionaries shed for the flag. Changing the flag is spitting on their graves. The Qing flag is yellow, however, the yellow that represents the gold the barbarians stole from Hans and the gold that was missing because the Qing dynasty cut short the Ming Dynasty's start of the industrial revolution. It has stars, the same stars that made other countries with the star such as US, Soviet Union and Vietnam win their wars. Notice how all nations that lost wars were ones that did not have 5 pointed flags! Japan, Germany, India, Qing Dynasty, South Vietnam, all lost the war, while PRC, USSR, USA, all have stars in their flag. Once Russia dropped the 5 pointer star in its flag, it started going down, a coincidence?! What does the dragon represent? Nothing? I don't believe in dragons. I'd think it's a dirty shame for my flag to represent an imaginary animal. No modern flag has an animal on it. The only acceptable designs are stripes, stars and circles.

Ummm, Comrade, the Angolan flag has a rooster on it (which reminds me of your cackless crowing). Perhaps if most of your nation supports your logic then it maybe more appropriate for China to adopt a donkey as the animal on its flag instead of the dragon? :coffee:
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