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China should abandon the communist flag.

Would you please honestly tell me your purpose of posting the this? Trying to say China needs to change the national flag, and purposely or unpurposely mentioned the Qing Dynasty?

I will never agree with you. I will explain as follows:

First, Qing Dynasty, in my opinion, IS definitely the WORST dynasty of Chinese history. 1. The emperor forced all Han people to make the hairstyle and dress like Manchu, which means that Chinese traditional national costume was completely lost during that time; 2. The tragic Chinese modern history had direct connection with the policy of secluding the country from the whole world of the Qing Dynasty.

Second, I like the 5-star flag very much. It makes my blood burn. It reminds me of all the heroes sacrificed in the war, of how we overcame all the difficulties to form the republic. (The red means that the flag is dyed by the blood of heroes):china:

Third, whatever you say here, the communist party will never change the national flag. so this discussion is actually meaningless.

I agree with what you say. However the way I see it is, if you someone uses your phone but then breaks it, should you be angry at the phone or the person who broke it?

The dragon is a symbol of Chinese people and so I believe it is very appropriate to use it again to represent China today.

The dragon could be integrated into Chinas the current national flag, with the big star on the dragons head or in its mouth and the 4 stars each being wrapped around by the dragons claws. The position of the 5 stars could remain as is. An artist could simply incorporate the dragon in the flag as I pictured. The flag would still be the same color (red background, yellow stars), but I'm not sure what color scheme the dragon would be.

And who knows, maybe when Taiwan & China reunites there might actually be a new flag. :cheers:
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The current PRC flag is the best. :tup:

Red, the colour of luck and prosperity.
Red, the colour of blood.
Red, the colour of revolution.

Like below freezing said, the Chinese flag needs to be red. :cheers:
The dragon is a symbol of Chinese people and so I believe it is very appropriate to use it again to represent China today.

The dragon could be integrated into Chinas the current national flag, with the big star on the dragons head or in its mouth and the 4 stars each being wrapped around by the dragons claws. The position of the 5 stars could remain as is. An artist could simply incorporate the dragon in the flag as I pictured. The flag would still be the same color (red background, yellow stars), but I'm not sure what color scheme the dragon would be.

I appreciate your sentiment, and yes, the Dragon is one of the most recognizable symbols of the Chinese civilization.

The thing is... the design of a national flag should be very simple, and easy to remember. Look at all the flags around the world, many are just three colour bars, like Germany etc. All the major countries use simple designs.

Putting an animal on a flag makes it complex and difficult to recognize.

And there is already one country with a Dragon on their flag, Wales. Not a great example to follow.
lol:smitten: Really though, whats wrong with it? the PRC flag looks exactly like the Soviet flag except it has stars instead of tools, which is why it doesn't look right representing China.

You shouldn't hate the dragon flag because the Qing Dynasty put it to shame. it's like when someone uses your phone but breaks it, should you hate your phone? or the person who broke it?

Cheers my chinese brother :cheers:

Also Qing Dynasty was not Chinese, if you remember.
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