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China Sentences 4 Mekong Smugglers to Death

Very good move by China, done a good thing by bringing justice to the poor fishermen targeted and taking out a drug lord too!! polluting this world.

Way to go :tup:
If Indian gov has any cajones, it would demand the 26/11 killers. But we all know the shortcomings of the Indian gov.

I think the PLA should send in troops and rain hell on the drug lords. Only china has the ability and the will to absorb the kind of casualty for these kind of operation.

The significant thing is that the government of the PRC had the great good sense to do anything but what has been suggested. That is the difference between an individual impulse and a responsible government of a great power.
Lethal injection is too soft. Firing squad is much nicer for those killers and drug lords.
I'm not praising the execution, but it should deliver when it needs. Otherwise these kinda people will do the crime again and mock the judiciary. I support similar actions on rapists and terrorists.
they are in Taiwan lecturing us while those drug lords were being executed.......

Human rights groups sure like to pick on soft target................

They didn't go to India while the Indian executed those rapers, shame on them shame on them.
Victims of the drug cartels can rest in peace. Only if they can start major clean up operations down south in Mexico. Their crimes are arguably even more horrific than the ones committed in South East Asia.
He gave up his life the moment he murdered the sailors. Actually, he gave up his life the moment he started dealing drugs.
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