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China sent missile vehicles to N. Korea

WS51200 isn't missile vehicles, it's giant heavy truck, so they not subject to UN sanctions. For example, North Korea buys and ordinary 6x6 trucks from China, Russia or Belarus, although on their basis can make MLRS, APCs etc., the delivery of which is prohibited by the UN.
Hey dumbass Indian, WS52100 truck is a heavy lift truck for civilian use, designed to move overlength heavy cargo. North Korean bought these trucks and allegedly converted them into mobile missile platforms, which is beyond the reach of China. It is no different than Japan selling Toyota pick up trucks to Afghanistan and Somalia, eventhough these Toyota were used by armed terrorists. If you want to ban everything that might contribute to North Korean military, you might as well not sell any food or toilet paper, since it is for certain these supplies will end up in the hands of KPA first due to military first doctrine.

One more thing retard, we published the open deal in the news in 2010, worth 30 million dollars. It's not like we were hiding anything. It took you two years to notice we sold some truck back in 2010?


Now let's examine your own logic. China sells a civilian heavy lift truck and North Korea converts it into a missile vehicle, and yet China is at fault? Looks like you went full retard on yourself.

Take your medication on time please.

Wow, excellent response. Well crafted and backed up with facts.

If this was a debate, That griffin guy would've gotten destroyed.
He is trying to act smart. Everyone can tell the difference between a truck for civilian purpose and one for carrying a missile.
Maybe a photo comparison might convince him there's something wrong with his logic.
post reported for being abusive..hope mod will take care of you..

and if China want,they can easily take back those trucks.North Korea isn't a lawless country.and it is an ally of China.hope you have atleast that much brain to understand.and if they don't,China can put diplomatic pressure on NK to not use those trucks for weapons carrier.but they didn't.
I call you for who you are, a dumbass. It's a fact, not an insult.

You kept saying China can easily take it back, yet you can't even differentiate the Phalcon deal which never materialized and this one. You talked like you read every fine print on the end user agreement, but in reality all you've ever came up with is pure bullshit. You don't know the conditions of the contract, and certainly is not in any position to tell China how to take back items sold.

i chose to ignore your pathetic logic as it is your only earning...just like others troll chinese members,you have neither understand a single logic,or you have intension to do that.only intension you have is trolling.but you already failed to do that.

"Resolution 1718 inter alia prohibits states to directly or indirectly supply, or help to supply, North Korea with major conventional weapons as defined by the UN Register of Conventional Weapons - battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large calibre artillery, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, and missiles and missile launchers - as well as ballistic missiles. More information on the UN Register and its coverage can be found here.

The resolution also prohibits the supply of related spare parts along with 'technical training, advice, services or assistance related to the provision, manufacture, maintenance or use of' the listed items. In addition, the resolution prohibits states to procure major conventional weapons and ballistic missiles or materiels and technology related to such weapons from North Korea."

UN arms embargo on North Korea — www.sipri.org

hope even a retard like you can understand why i posted the news..key components like a truck can be considered as breach of
UN resolution.intensionally or not,China provided a key technology to NK which is the main reason why other countries are trying to say..

mow..you are going to be my ignore list...adios..
WOW, an Indian retard is going to ignore me. I am so going to lose sleep tonight. Let me finish laughing for a second....

First of all, this truck is a heavy lift platform, not a missile "launcher". It does not launch missiles and was no designed to launch missiles. It was allegedly North Korea that refitted the truck for other purpose, not China you dumbass. China has its dedicated missile carrier platforms, which isn't even this brand. Did Japan provide technology to Somalia and Afghanistan terrorist by selling Toyota pick-up trucks to be converted into technicals? No, the militants modified it on their own accord.

Now retard, China sold North Korea civilian version of a heavy lift truck, and after that point it is beyond China's responsibility. We did not sell them anything that violated the sanction. In fact, we openly announced the sale in 2010, but your cow urine infested half-wit brain needed to graspe at straws.

Go ahead, provide me with more cheap laughs with your retarded comments.

yup..you are right..because nobody takes end user agreement seriously.but still,if anyone wants,they can sue them..

and why should USA take those f-14 back??USA sold weapons before any sanction and they sold weapons to a country whose govt toppled and relations with USA soured..so they have to take back weapons worth billions now???but what they did is they stopped supplying all the equipments and other f-14s that they didn't deliver.and they subbotaged most of the remaining F-14s.
What is the terms of the end user agreement? Or are you just spilling your retardation as usual? So far you've failed to provide anything substantial that showed North Korea violated the sales contract. Well kindly provide us the contract terms then retard.

Oh and dumbass, US sold weapons to Iran AFTER the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Iran-Contra Affairs ring a bell? I understand you couldn't attend school for being stupid, but do read a history book once in a while. Yet Americans haven't been able to get any of those weapons sold back.
History is written by the country with the biggest stick.


Having the smallest *cough* ick, “Indians” and their history have always been written by someone else.

Can’t blame ’em dumb really. Say, it’s all very natural. :lol:

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